Oklahoma's Latest Farm
And Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update.
- USDA Announces Dates for Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands Signups
- NCBA’s Ethan Lane On "The Big Issue" of Supply Chain Concerns
- OKFB Reviews Sen. Inhofe Legislation Protecting GPS on Farms and Ranches
- American Farmland Trust Shares Updated Soil Health Economic Calculator
- North American Farm Tractor Sales Dip In June As Inventory Dwindles
- OSU's Paul Beck on Supplemental Feeding of Stockers Grazing Summer Grass
- Public Notice by the Oklahoma Pork Council and the National Pork Board
- No Till on the Plains Hosting Soil Health Field Day
- Maybe- Another La Nina is on the Horizon?
USDA Announces Dates for Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands Signups
Agricultural producers and landowners in Oklahoma can apply for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands signup from today until August 20. This year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated signup options to provide greater incentives for producers and increased the program’s conservation and climate benefits, including setting a minimum rental rate and identifying two national priority zones.
The CRP Grassland signup is competitive, and USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will provide for annual rental payments for land devoted to conservation purposes.
“USDA is excited to roll out our new and improved CRP Grasslands signup,” said Janlyn Hannah, Acting State Executive Director for FSA in Oklahoma. “USDA is providing a bigger return on investment in terms of protecting natural resource benefits. The Grasslands signup is just one of the many tools available through CRP to help protect our nation’s working lands.”
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company’s long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
NCBA’s Ethan Lane On "The Big Issue" of Supply Chain Concerns
According to Ethan Lane, vice president of government affairs for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, there is one central issue that he works daily on, and that is beef supply chain concerns.
“Consumer excitement for our product is off the charts,” Lane said, “and yet we’re really hobbled by this constricted processing capacity that’s preventing this tremendous supply of ready cattle from moving their way through processing capacity and into store shelves.”
Lane said this issue is job number one within the beef industry, so as to solve some challenges and get the leverage pendulum swung back in the producer direction.
We have seen this persistent challenge of figuring out how to get producers what they are owed for the high-quality cattle they are producing, Lane said.
Lane added he believes the short-term issue is all about the lack of labor to process cattle.
OKFB Reviews Sen. Inhofe Legislation Protecting GPS on Farms and Ranches
Oklahoma Farm Bureau discussed Sen. Jim Inhofe’s bill protecting farmers and ranchers’ ability to use critical GPS and precision agriculture technologies with the senator’s chief of staff Luke Holland during a recent video.
The Recognizing and Ensuring Taxpayer Access to Infrastructure Necessary for GPS and Satellite Communications Act would protect producers from paying for interference of and damage to GPS devices because of Ligado Networks’ satellite usage.
“Farm Bureau members know the importance of GPS to precision agriculture,” Holland said. “It improves your ability to enhance yields for crops. The huge machines operated are navigated by GPS to ensure precision agriculture can happen.”
The Federal Communications Commission in 2020 allowed the private satellite communications company Ligado Network to use a broadband spectrum closely related to GPS bands to provide 5G services to its customers.
Holland said Ligado’s satellite technology could potentially render the entire GPS system useless.
For our farmers who have either- always have had cotton on their farms- or those who have more recently have added the fiber crop to their operations- we have a new daily report starting to be heard on several of our Radio Stations- It's Called Cotton Talk- and we appreciate the Oklahoma Cotton Council for their support in making this a reality.
Click on the Button below to listen to our most recent report
American Farmland Trust Shares Updated Soil Health Economic Calculator
Today, American Farmland Trust, the organization that for 40 years has been saving the land that sustains us and advancing the principles of regenerative agriculture shares an updated AFT’s Retrospective Soil Health Economic Calculator (R-SHEC) Tool, providing farmers and the conservation community a means of evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of soil health conservation practices with 2020 price and crop data. The previous version of the tool used 2019 information. This updated pricing allows farmers to obtain a more accurate picture of the costs and benefits of their investments in soil health.
Impacts of climate change on agriculture and the need for farms to become more resilient to extreme weather are more obvious than ever before. In addition, society is asking farmers to improve environmental outcomes of agriculture, including impacts to water quality and wildlife habitat and to sequester carbon in their soils to mitigate climate change. Soil health practices like cover crops, no-till, nutrient management and conservation crop rotation can help address these challenges. However, despite farmers’ belief in the science underpinning the practices, they are often reluctant to change management techniques without knowing how much the practices will cost and what the financial benefits will be.
We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network weekdays-
if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click below for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays and KC Sheperd on RON.
Sponsor Spotlight
Oklahoma Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization working to improve the lives of all Oklahomans by supporting our state’s agriculture community. As Oklahoma’s largest general farm organization, OKFB advocates for farmers and ranchers at the state Capitol and in Washington, D.C., to ensure our way of life continues for generations to come. With leadership events, supporting our state’s agricultural youth and connecting consumers with agriculture, Farm Bureau promotes and sustains Oklahoma agriculture in numerous ways. Join with OKFB today by becoming a member at okfarmbureau.org/join. Together, we are rural Oklahoma.
North American Farm Tractor Sales Dip In June As Inventory Dwindles
Smaller tractors led declines in U.S. and Canada farm tractor unit sales while overall tractor inventories are down more than 40 percent year-over-year according to the latest data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM).
U.S. total farm tractor sales fell 12.7 percent in June compared to 2020, the second overall negative result in a year, while U.S. self-propelled combine sales rose 4.1 percent. The sub-40hp segment led the decline, falling 18.4 percent, with a small decline in the mid-size 41-100 hp segment, down 3.1 percent. All other segments were positive, with articulated 4WD segment leading the way for the second straight month by more than doubling, up 141.8 percent to 266 units sold. The 100+hp 2WD segment also grew 24.8 percent. Year to date farm tractor sales remain up 16.7 percent and combines up 11 percent.
For Canada, June monthly tractor and combine sales were a mixed bag, declining in the sub-40hp and self-propelled combine segments, while growing everywhere else, with the biggest growth in 100+hp 2WD units, up 69.8 percent to 343 units sold, while total farm tractor sales were down slightly 3 percent to 3,217 units sold.
OSU's Paul Beck on Supplemental Feeding of Stockers Grazing Summer Grass
Gains of growing cattle grazing summer pasture in Oklahoma often do not meet expectations. Reduced performance or ‘Summer Slump’ is associated with decreasing forage quality during the late summer. Oklahoma State University developed the Oklahoma Gold and Oklahoma SuperGold supplementation programs to offset the reductions in protein and digestibility of the late summer forages.
The Oklahoma Gold program is based on feeding 1 pound per day (or 2.3 pounds/calf three times a week) of a high protein (38 to 40% protein) supplement containing an ionophore and required minerals and vitamins from mid July to the end of summer grazing. This supplement has been proven to increase daily gains by 0.4 to 0.5 pounds per day with supplement conversions of 2 to 2.5 pounds of feed per pound of added gain. This program is designed to meet the protein deficiency that occurs during the late summer, which increases forage digestibility and forage intake.
The Oklahoma SuperGold program is based on feeding 2.5 pounds per day (5.8 pounds/calf three times per week) of a 25% protein supplement containing an ionophore and vitamins and minerals. This supplement provides needed protein and additional energy in situations where calves have higher energy requirements, more gains are needed, and feed is relatively cheap compared to the value of added gain. The SuperGold program will increase gain by about 0.7 pounds per day with supplement conversions of 3.5 pounds of supplement per pound of added gain.
Public Notice by the Oklahoma Pork Council and the National Pork Board
The election of pork producer delegate candidates for the 2022 National Pork Producers (Pork Act) Delegate Body will take place at 3:00 p.m., Friday, August 06, 2021, in conjunction with the Oklahoma Pork Congress and Annual Meeting at the Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown, 1 N Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. All Oklahoma pork producers are invited to attend.
Any producer, age 18 or older, who is a resident of Oklahoma and has paid all assessments due may be considered as a delegate candidate and/or participate in the election. All eligible producers are encouraged to bring with them a sales receipt proving that hogs were sold in their name and the checkoff deducted. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
For more information, contact the Oklahoma Pork Council, 901 N Lincoln Blvd Suite 380, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, telephone 888-729-7675 or 405-232-3781.
No Till on the Plains Hosting Soil Health Field Day
On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, No-till on the Plains and Kansas Soil Health Alliance will co-host a soil health field day at Soil Pro Seeds and Custer Farms near WaKeeney, Kansas. Attendees of the event will see cover crops, test plots, and soil heath demonstrations at the farm of Brice Custer.
Attendees will meet at the Trego County Fairgrounds 4-H Building on 13th Street and Russell Ave, WaKeeney, Kansas 67672. USDA NRCS Regional Soil Health Specialist Candy Thomas will be on-hand to share her knowledge and experience with farmers.
Maybe- Another La Nina is on the Horizon?
Our friend Clay Pope has written a blog post from his Southernn Plains Perspective platform on the prospect of another La Nina headed our way- here are his comments:
"The Climate Prediction center at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) this week has issued a La Nina watch, which means they see more than a 50% chance of a La Niña emerging during the September-November period and lasting through winter.
"If this sounds familiar, it should. This will be the second year in a row that we have seen a La Nina pattern emerging over the winter months and that’s not all that unusual. According to the NOAA ENESCO Blog it’s actually quite common for La Niña to occur in consecutive winters.
"What does that mean for the Southern Plains?
"Well, traditionally, a La Nina pattern has meant warmer and drier winter conditions during the winter months for most of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. It also generally is a harbinger of a more active spring storm season…of course all of this went out the window last year with the record cold snap we experienced, especially in Oklahoma and Texas and our below normal thunderstorm activity throughout the region. Still, the likelihood of a La Nina and its traditional impact on the regions weather is something you should consider as we move forward through what’s left of the summer and into the fall.
"Do you have a plan if we would see dry conditions develop later on in the fall and winter? Are you looking at things like hay supplies, wildfire preparedness and water availability?
"It’s always best to prepare for a drought when you have water, so with this forecast it might be worth our while to at least take some stock of how we might handle a dryer than normal winter."
Thanks Clay- one more thing for us to be chewing on.
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
Ron on RON Markets as heard on K101
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Wholesale Boxed Beef Prices continue to go lower- Choice Beef dropped $1.66 and Select Beef was $2.03 lower on Tuesday, July 13th.
Click on the Button below for the latest report from USDA Market News
Oklahoma National Stockyards had a final number of 8,859 head of cattle on Monday of this week for their weekly feeder cattle and calf sale..
Compared to two weeks ago (06/28/2021): Feeder steers and Heifers 3.00-500 higher. Steer calves 1.00-2.00 higher. Heifer calves 3.00-5.00 higher. Demand good for all classes.
Click below for the complete closing report.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures - click below for the latest update on the Livestock and Grain Futures Trade..
Okla Cash Grain:
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture- The report available after the close of the Futures Trade for that day.
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
KC Sheperd, Associate Farm Director and Editor
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Emile Mittelstaedt, Farm News Intern and Email Editor
Rural Oklahoma is full of some of the greatest success stories throughout the entire state and is the main reason Oklahoma is on track to become a top 10 state.
The Road to Rural Prosperity will dive into these stories each week, bringing you insight into the great things happening in and to rural Oklahoma. We will bring you stories covering rural life, agriculture, energy, healthcare, tourism, and politics affecting rural America.
The Road to Rural Prosperity is here to tell stories about rural America, for rural America.
Host Ron Hays sits down with Sam Knipp, who has been communicating to farmers and ranchers in Kansas and Oklahoma as a farm broadcaster and ag journalist since the 1970s- Most recently, he has been a part of the broadcast and journalism team for the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network- but before that, Sam worked for farmers and ranchers in Public Relations and Communications for the Kansas Farm Bureau, Oklahoma Farm Bureau and the American Farmers and Ranchers. He's a farm boy from western Kansas, who after over 40 years in service to agriculture, is retiring July 2, 2021. Our conversation with Sam Knipp is powered by Banc First.
To find out more about our full series of Podcasts on The Road to Rural Prosperity- click or tap here.
To hear this podcast, you can click here or tap below:
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Oklahoma Ag Mediation Program, Great Plains Kubota, Stillwater Milling Company, Oklahoma Cotton Council, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Union Mutual Insurance, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update.
For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless!
Reach Out To Us:
Tim West
President/General Manager
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network
2401 Exchange Avenue,
Suite F
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Ron Hays
Director of Farm Programming
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network