We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON. Today's report features comments from President Donald Trump talking agriculture!
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has a total of 711 cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
January 10th sale of finished cattle- details will be available after noon today by clicking here.
OKC West sold cows 2.00-4.00 higher and bulls 8.00 higher compared to the last sale they held for cows and bulls in 2017- click or tap here for details.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor
Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update.
Featured Story:
President Donald Trump to Farmers and Ranchers- Farm Country is God's Country
Telling the cheering crowd at the 2018 American Farm Bureau Convention in Nashville that "Farm Country is God's Country- President Donald Trump today unveiled a major initiative designed to strengthen a rural economy that has lagged urban areas in recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-2008. Trump signed two executive orders that fund and streamline the expansion of rural broadband access after an address to 7,400 farmers and ranchers gathered at American Farm Bureau Federation's 2018 Annual Convention. In addition to economic development, Trump touched on issues of particular importance to agriculturists such as regulations, labor and trade. He praised farmers for their enduring values. "We are witnessing a new era of patriotism, prosperity and pride-and at the forefront of this exciting new chapter is the great American farmer." Farmers, Trump said, "embody the values of hard work, grit, self-reliance and sheer determination."
"We are also putting an end to the regulatory assault on your way of life. And it was an assault," he said. Trump singled out the Waters of the United States rule, now being withdrawn following an executive order he signed in the first weeks of his administration. "It sounds so nice, it sounds so innocent, and it was a disaster. People came to me about it and they were crying - men who were tough and strong, women who were tough and strong - because I gave them back their property and I gave them back their farms. We ditched the rule."
You can read more- and also listen to the President's remarks made at the 99th annual meeting of the AFBF by clicking or tapping here.
You can also click here to jump over to our coverage of USDA Secretary Sonny Purdue's earlier address to the AFBF- normally- that would have been big news- but it got pushed back a notch or two because his boss showed up.
One thing that Secretary Purdue did that the President did not have the chance to do was visit the AFBF Trade Show- and that included a stop at the Oklahoma Wheat Commission booth- he told the OWC folks that he had been smelling those cinnamon rolls since he had stepped into the trade show- and he only wanted one with lots of gluten! He also walked away with a couple of fresh baked loaves of bread- made with high quality Oklahoma wheat(gluten included!!!)
Sponsor Spotlight
Oklahoma AgCredit supports rural Oklahomans with reliable, consistent credit. Part of the 100 year old Farm Credit System, Oklahoma AgCredit offers variable and fixed interest rates to help you manage your budget.
Talk to a local team who understands agriculture. Talk to Oklahoma AgCredit. Financing rural Oklahoma. Equal housing lender.
Okla Farm Bureau's Monte Tucker and Rodd Moesel Delighted With President Trump Talking Positive About US Ag
Members of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau that were successful in making their way through security and sitting for several hours ahead of the arrival of the President of the United States were not disappointed with what Donald Trump had to say. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Board Member Monte Tucker me that both President Trump and his Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue impressed him for their appreciation of farmers and ranchers. Tucker says "the first thing they talked about is how they are proud of the United States- they are proud of agriculture- they're proud of what Monte Tucker from Sunny Point, Oklahoma produces to try to create wealth and feed the world- and I have a lot of respect for that."
Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Rodd Moesel also came away impressed with both Perdue and Trump. "The President had the audience eating out of his hand today as he reaffirmed his commitment to a new farm bill and for his support for crop insurance in that farm bill. He talked about how important the values of rural America were- and that those were the values that have made America great and that we need to affirm and support those values and expand those all across this country- and he was just very committed to the importance of agriculture and announced these efforts that he's doing to give more attention to the agricultural community."
Click or tap here to read more- and to hear the reaction and comments from both of these Farm Bureau leaders as they reflected about a historic afternoon at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Farm Bureau.
LMIC's Jim Robb Highlights the Dynamics that Supported Better-Than-Expected Cattle Markets in 2017
Here in Nashville, I sat down this week with Jim Robb of the Livestock Marketing Information Center recently to review the rather unexpected strength in markets this past year. Robb agreed that 2017 turned out to be a much better year than most in the agriculture industry would have anticipated. "It turned out to be a year where, especially in the Fourth Quarter of 2017, the market was stronger than anticipated on the cattle side, supported by a stronger than anticipated beef market," Robb said. "The wholesale beef market was really the driver behind that. Everything went right that we could have imagined in 2017 compared to 2016." According to Robb, demand for beef significantly outpaced predictions both domestically and internationally, particularly in the Asian markets like South Korea where he says the beef industry made deep inroads with this past year, taking away some of its market share from Australia. The fact that export levels stayed consistently stable throughout year, certainly impressed Robb, compared to other protein products that struggled during the summer months. Even in spite of new tariffs on some beef exports to Japan, that market showed remarkable resilience in 2017 - and enjoyed a strong economy for the first year in many, as mirrored in the US where he says domestic grocers played the beef market to their mutual advantage, featuring beef products up until the week before Thanksgiving. "Looks like a record year," he said. "We anticipated a good year but the price we've been able to sell the product for has certainly added more than we thought to the total value of beef exports. Plus, demand coming from the retail sector was very competitive and was a key component to the demand for wholesale beef to be strong - which then fed through to packers' demand for cattle, fed cattle being strong - and came right back to calf and yearling prices." Listen to Robb and I reflect on the dynamics that factored into the better than anticipated cattle market of this past year, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here.
Beef exports had a strong performance this past November, reaching 111,915 mt, down 3 percent from the large volume of November 2016 but still the second-highest monthly total of the year, according to a report released this week by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation. Export value was also the second-largest of 2017 at $666.4 million, up 8 percent year-over-year. January-November export volume totaled 1.15 million mt, up 7 percent, while export value climbed to $6.6 billion - up 15 percent from a year ago and slightly above the record pace established in 2014. Japan continued to be the pacesetter for U.S. beef exports in November, with volume increasing 5 percent year-over-year to 24,819 mt and value up 6 percent to $159.2 million. Additionally, beef exports to Hong Kong climbed again in November after gaining momentum in October with volume up 20 percent from a year ago to 16,106 mt (the largest since December 2014) and value soaring 43 percent to $119 million. Meanwhile, November exports to China were 655 mt, the largest since the mid-June market opening, valued at $5.7 million. Through November, exports reached 2,225 mt valued at $22.8 million. "U.S. beef has only really scratched the surface in China, so exports are still relatively small but the value per pound is among the highest in the world," said USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom. "This makes China an exciting addition to our strong portfolio of Asian markets, where beef exports continue to expand at an impressive rate. 2017 was a tremendous year for U.S. beef in Asia, and the coming year looks very promising as well."
The report also indicated that pork exports had another good month as well, revealing that November pork exports totaled 223,962 metric tons (mt), down slightly from a year ago. But through the first 11 months of 2017, export volume remained on pace for a new record at 2.23 million mt - up 7 percent year-over-year. November export value was a record-high $615.6 million, up 5 percent year-over-year and just the fourth-time monthly export value has topped $600 million. Through November, pork export value increased 10 percent to $5.9 billion.
Although pork variety meat exports slowed in November, the 11-month total of 498,661 mt was still 6 percent higher year-over-year. Export value climbed 19 percent to $1.06 billion, setting a full-year record and exceeding $1 billion for the first time.
For more highlights on the performance of beef and pork export markets from the November report by USMEF, click or tap here.
Sponsor Spotlight
If you have got questions about your beef checkoff- the Oklahoma Beef Council has lots of resources on their website that can provide answers!
AND- click here for the home page of the Oklahoma Beef Council website- there's tons of resources you can discover- including great recipes to try out with your family.
Oklahoma's Beef Producers want to remind you- above all else- BEEF, It's Whats for Dinner!
Opioid addiction, a growing epidemic across rural America, took center stage at the American Farm Bureau Convention yesterday in Nashville. AFBF has partnered with the USDA and the National Farmers Union to bring awareness to this problem that is now affecting every three out of four farmers and ranchers, through their 'Farm Town Strong' campaign. AFBF President Zippy Duvall joined his NFU counterpart, Roger Johnson, Monday for a panel discussion to address this problem. I had the chance to speak with Johnson about how his organization is cooperating with AFBF and USDA to shine the spotlight on this issue.
"This is a really big issue in farm country and farmers don't understand it's as big an issue as it is," Johnson prefaced. "If you look at the statistics coming out, one thing we know is that the crisis is greater in rural America than urban America. About half of rural Americans know somebody in their family, or a direct acquaintance or themselves that is directly impacted by an opioid addiction."
Johnson cited government studies that indicate life expectancy in rural America is actually decreasing - the primary contributing factor being opioid addiction. Directly related to that, he cites yet another study showing that in a three-year span between 2013-1016, opioid addiction in rural America had an annual increase of 88 percent.
The two general ag groups, along with the USDA, have agreed to continue working together to help spread the word about rural America's opioid addiction crisis. Johnson says the first step to resolving it is making sure people understand it. He says there is an information gap that exists currently, and believes that holding more discussions like this one will lift the stigma on drug addiction and bring our rural communities together in fixing it.
You can learn more about the 'Farm Town Strong' campaign, here, or read our original webstory and hear Johnson's full remarks, by clicking here.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
In this week's edition of the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter, OSU Extension Livestock Market Economist Derrell Peel explains the technical and economic measures needed to properly manage a cow/calf operation for maximum economic return. According to Peel, many of these "efficiencies" capture physical measures of output and input use and range from very specific measures to more broad-based values that incorporate a range of production components. While technical efficiencies are good for measuring certain aspects of your operation, economic efficiencies make up for those areas where technical efficiencies aren't appropriate. Peel says a producer must strike the right balance of both technical and economic efficiencies to get the most out of their operation. "Typically, a combination of technical and economic efficiency measures are needed to manage an operation for maximum economic returns. Technical efficiency measures are critical to understand physical productivity and identify weaknesses or failures in production systems. However, excessive focus on technical efficiency can be detrimental. Economic efficiency measures focus on optimal use of inputs relative to the value of outputs. However, changes in output values or input costs can lead, for example, to improved returns due solely to changing market conditions while masking stagnant or even declining physical productivity. It takes both to ensure that the operation is moving in the right direction. The first step is to measure productivity and input use in a good record system. Then put those records to use."
Read more of Peel's advice on making your cow/calf operation more efficient, by reading his complete article, here.
With the help of a $300,000 grant from the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture, The Division of Animal Sciences at the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources will be able to develop The National Center for Applied Reproduction and Genomics (NCARG) in Beef Cattle. The idea for a center of this type has been discussed amongst faculty in the Division of Animal Sciences for the past few years. NCARG already has received numerous letters of support from veterinary medical professionals, U.S. beef breed associations, pharmaceutical houses, genomic testing companies, industry consultants, the artificial insemination industry, branded beef and feeder calf programs, and state agencies, organizations and companies. The goal of NCARG will be to promote the economic impact of the technologies Mizzou animal sciences faculty have developed and are using every day. The focus is on giving farmers and ranchers the answer to the question - "What is the return on investment if I invest in reproductive or genomic technologies?" "We're taking the model we've developed in Missouri over the past 20 years and making it a national center," said Jared Decker, an Extension beef geneticist at Mizzou. "We're hoping to spread the model of integrating research and extension in genetics, reproduction and economics - and putting that together. That's worked really well in Missouri. Now, let's spread it nationally." NCARG is still in the beginning stages of development. The group is seeking a location to house NCARG and is continuing to search for partnerships. Click here to read more about the NCARG's development and the grant making it possible.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Oklahoma Beef Council, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
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phone: 405-473-6144