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Let's Check the Markets!
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Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Friday, April 6, 2018
Revised- Correction on Top Story Regarding Ag Day
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story- CORRECTED!!!!! Oklahoma Ag Day Events Rescheduled for May 9, Activities to be Held at Two Locations
This is a correction from our email send out earlier this morning- it incorrectly gave the date that Ag Day is being changed to-
Changes have been announced for 2018 Ag Day at the state Capitol. Rather than the event's related activities happening on Tuesday, April 10th - the new date has been set for Wednesday May 9th.
On that day, Oklahoma agriculture groups, organizations and Made in Oklahoma products will be featured from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the 4th Floor Rotunda during Ag Day at the state Capitol.
The Governor's Excellence in Agriculture Awards ceremony will also be held that day at 2:30 p.m. at the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives, which is sponsoring the event.
The recipients of the four awards this year are: Keith Kisling of Burlington, Governor's Outstanding Achievement in Agriculture Award; Jimmy Kinder of Walters, Governor's Agriculture Environmental Stewardship Award; Randy Gilbert of Tecumseh, Governor's Outstanding Public Service in Agriculture Award; and Larry Watkins of Stillwater will posthumously be recognized with the Governor's Outstanding Legacy in Agriculture Award.
For more information on the new schedule of events, click here.
Sponsor Spotlight
As a premier John Deere dealer, P&K Equipment is your local expert source for John Deere equipment, parts, and service. The P&K network is 20-stores strong (10 in Oklahoma, 1 in Arkansas, 9 in Iowa) and has been in operation for more than 30 years. When you put the P&K team to work for you, you'll have a powerhouse of resources and inventory on your side. And if you check us out on the web at pkequipment.com, you'll have it all at your fingertips. New & used equipment (you can even request a quote or get a value for your trade!), current P&K promotions, service scheduling, online parts shopping, finance tools & so much more! Stop by and meet the team at P&K Equipment today- in stores or online. Because around here, John Deere starts with P&K.
Northwest Oklahoma Still Being Hammered by Drought, After Six Months of No Significant Rainfall
Drought continues to persist in Oklahoma, particularly in the northwest part of the state. While there is little change to note in this week's Drought Monitor map compared to last, exceptional drought conditions are shown to be spreading into the far western Panhandle as those areas have seen less than a quarter-inch of rain in the last 6 months.The amount of exceptional drought is now more than 15 percent, with little sign of relief for those affected areas in sight.Conditions this week remain mostly unchanged from the previous week. Currently, 58 percent of Oklahoma is under abnormally dry conditions, 47 percent under moderate drought, 42 percent in severe conditions and 34 percent in extreme drought with the aforementioned 15 percent of Oklahoma is exceptional drought. Click here to view the latest Drought Monitor map for Oklahoma, or to review this week's Mesonet Ticker report. |
Injury to Oklahoma's Wheat Crop Possible as Falling Temperatures Blow Through State
OSU's Extension Wheat Specialist Dr. Dave Marburger says that freeze damage to the 2018 Oklahoma Wheat Crop is in play as we face a blast of colder weather the next 24 hours or so- even as you read this on Friday morning- a cold front is going to drop temps steadily as it arrives- and along with the falling temps- we may get some moisture- which in areas where we have winter wheat or canola- should be a net positive.
Dr. Marburger writes in a blog post that we have posted on our website of the two cold mornings we have already had in recent days- "There were a number of areas that spent a significant amount of time with temperatures in the mid to lower 20s over the course of these two cold snaps. Areas in the northwest and into the Panhandle even got as cold as the mid to upper teens."
As for what the temperature has to drop to in order to cause damage- Dr. Marburger says- It Depends- "This will depend on the growth stage of the plants. Anecdotal evidence suggests there are varietal differences in resistance to spring freeze injury, but this is likely due to differences in plant growth stages when the freeze event occurred. Earlier maturing varieties are more likely to be injured from these recent freeze events than later maturing varieties because they are likely more advanced. The susceptibility of the wheat plants to freeze injury does steadily increase as we progress throughout the spring from jointing to heading and flowering."
And he adds "It is difficult to have exact numbers because each freeze event is unique. While a field at the jointing growth could spend two hours at 24 F, it is possible that the same amount of injury could occur with at a 28 F temperature that was sustained for a longer period of time."
And to figure out if you have freeze damage of not will take one to two weeks of waiting to see how the plant responds.
Click here for our webstory with Dr. Marburger on where our 2018 wheat crop may stand with these chilly temps late in March and these first days of April.
As US and China Hurdle Toward a Possible Trade War- NCBA Stays Vigilant, Monitoring the Situation
The Chinese announced this week a list of American made products that will be subject to a 25 percent tariff upon entering China in retaliation to any tariffs assessed to Chinese imports into the US by the Trump administration. Kent Bacus with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association spoke with Ed Frank after China's list was made public to explain what events transpired leading up to this announcement and what the next steps are in this escalating situation that has put the two nations on a fast track to an international trade war.
"It wasn't but 24 hours ago we heard about the new tariffs that were going to be assessed on US pork and then the Trump administration moved forward with their findings on the Section 301 investigation on intellectual property and decided to assess tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods - about 1,300 items," Bacus explained. "In response overnight, China published the list of 106 items of which they're going to assess tariffs. One of those includes beef."
As of today, though, China has not yet implemented those tariffs, making them contingent upon US actions moving forward. However, before any final decisions are made, the US Trade Representative's Office will take a six to eight week period to accept public comments and conduct a hearing to assist in the process. In the meantime, Bacus says many questions remain unanswered at this point leaving much uncertainty to deal with. Hear NCBA's Kent Bacus explain the trade situation at hand and how it may impact beef, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here.
Sponsor Spotlight
Midwest Farm Shows is proud to produce the two best Farm Shows in the State of Oklahoma annually- the Tulsa Farm Show each December and the Oklahoma City Farm Show each April.
Now is the time to put on your 2018 calendar the date for the 2018 Oklahoma City Farm Show, coming April 19, 20 and 21, 2018. Contact Ron Bormaster at (507) 437-7969 for more details about how your business or organization can be a part of the 2018 Oklahoma City Farm Show!
Click here for more details about the 2018 Oklahoma City Farm Show- presented by Midwest Farm Shows
OSU's Kim Anderson Advises Farmers to Keep Calm and Carry On as US and China Work Things Out
This week on SUNUP - Oklahoma State University Grain Market Economist Dr. Kim Anderson will join the team to discuss the impact if any that Chinese tariffs will have on US grain prices, and what producers should do in preparation.
The problem at the moment, though, is that no one will really know what effect tariffs will have on markets until trade is actually conducted under those restrictions. As of right now, neither the US nor China have indeed enacted the tariffs they have advertised - which do include politically sensitive US soybean imports. According to Anderson, the US government is delaying the action for several weeks to fully vet the decision and what ramifications it could potentially have. China is waiting to see what action the US ultimately takes. Essentially, Anderson says negotiations between the two countries are in the works and this is simply a political maneuver to set the stage of those discussions.
Click or tap here to read more- and to listen to Dr. Anderson as he offers his take on this current churning of the market.
You can also review what's going this weekend on SUNUP.
Consider These Options Described by Noble When Developing Your Agricultural Lease Agreement
Dan Childs with the Noble Research Institute offers some ideas about how to get your arms around that next lease you are considering.
Childs says "Landowners who choose not to operate their land have several options when considering lease agreements. This article reviews the options from a landowner's prospective.
"Two factors usually determine which option a landowner will choose:
"How much the landowner wants to be involved in management.
"How much risk the landowner feels comfortable taking.
"Typically, the greater the risk exposure, the greater the potential return. However, higher risk exposure can also result in a lower rent in some years. Over the long term, the net rent should be higher when taking greater risks compared to lower-risk alternatives though the landowner should expect fluctuations in annual rent. This may not be acceptable to some landowners, who desire a consistent revenue stream each year."
Click or tap here to read the complete analysis that Dan Childs offers on Ag Leases.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Introducing Your Northeast Area Star in Ag Placement, Wyatt Hancock of the Oologah FFA Chapter
Yesterday, it was Oologah FFA's Wyatt Hancock's turn to be featured as we move through this year's Area Stars in Ag Placement. Wyatt, representing the Northeast Area, says his involvement in the FFA helped him in his occupational experience with the local non-profit organization Tenaciously Teal in honing his leadership skills and service to others in his community.
After witnessing his grandmother, two close family friends and a fellow classmate pass away from cancer-related illness, Wyatt made his mind up to get involved with Oklahoma-based non-profit, Tenacious Teal, which assembles and distributes care packages to chemotherapy patients as a way of supporting those fighting the disease. Soon after he got involved, Wyatt began hosting his own care packaging parties, inviting other volunteers to come together and assemble care packages.
Through his servant-leadership with the FFA, Wyatt says he was able to understand the value of hard work and serving a purpose greater than one's own self.
You can read more about Wyatt or listen to our entire conversation, by clicking or tapping here and going over to the Blue-Green Gazette on our website. Special thanks to our friends and sponsors for this coverage, at American Farmers & Ranchers and AFR Insurance, proud to support Oklahoma's youth.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, OERB, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144