We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
During Wednesday's sale of finished cattle on the
FedCattleExchange.com - 3,194 head of cattle were offered with no sales reported. Click here to see their complete market results.
OKC West sold feeder steers and heifers sold 2.00-5.00 higher in the Wednesday trade - click or tap here for details.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor
Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Cattlemen Invite President Trump and Vice President Pence to Survey Wildfire Damage in Oklahoma
Yesterday, the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association joined the National Cattlemen's Beef Association in writing a letter inviting President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to visit with producers in Oklahoma that have suffered from agricultural loss and damage caused by recent wildfires. Two of the major fires that broke out this spring have finally been fully contained, but still over 320,000 acres of land has been consumed by flames.
The total damage and losses this year are expected to be far worse than what resulted from fires in 2017. The full impact of the wildfires will not be known until weather conditions change and the fires are under control.
"In addition to the daily stress and anxiety caused by the wildfires, cattlemen and rural communities have suffered extensive financial losses, including homes, cattle, ranch equipment, and fencing," the groups wrote in the letter. "Given the severity of the situation, we would like to extend an invitation for you both to visit the affected areas, meet with producers who have suffered losses, and see what help can be given to these great Americans."
Click here to read the original statement from NCBA announcing the invitation. |
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have one of the premiere businesses in the cattle business partner with us in helping bring you our daily Farm and Ranch News Email- National Livestock Credit Corporation. National Livestock has been around since 1932- and they have worked with livestock producers to help them secure credit and to buy or sell cattle through the National Livestock Commission Company.
They also own and operate the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Market in Ada, Superior Livestock, which continues to operate independently and have a major stake in OKC West in El Reno. To learn more about how these folks can help you succeed in the cattle business, Click here for their website or call the Oklahoma City office at 1-800-310-0220.
ICYMI - State Lawmakers Believe Industrial Hemp Could be HUGE for Oklahoma Farmers- Cheer Bill Signed by the Governor
Gov. Mary Fallin signed legislation Tuesday that will allow farmers to grow industrial hemp. House Bill 2913, sponsored by Sen. Lonnie Paxton, Rep. Jon Echols and Rep. Mickey Dollens, will effectively create the Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Agricultural Pilot Program that will be managed by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture.
This bill limits production to use for research and development for industrial use and can only be cultivated by universities or farmers contracted by universities. Before this bill went into effect after the Governor's signing, hemp was only legal to import into Oklahoma. The bill's sponsors argue allowing hemp production in the state will help diversify the struggling ag economy and give the industry a much needed boost.
Being a weed, it is drought tolerant taking one-third the amount of water of alfalfa and can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre per year without chemical application. Hemp could yield Oklahoma farmers as much as $1,500 per acre.
"This new industry will potentially create thousands of jobs and put hundreds of millions of dollars a year into our economy," said Paxton, R-Tuttle. "There's a strong possibility that it could easily become a $1 billion industry."
Nearly 40 other states already have industrial hemp programs. Click here to read more.
ARC Improvement and Innovation Act Introduced by Senators Thune and Brown Wins NCGA's Endorsement
Senators John Thune and Sherrod Brown introduced legislation this week that if passed will improve the Agriculture Risk Coverage Program. The Senators action was applauded by the National Corn Growers Association, including the group's President Kevin Skunes who said in a statement released Wednesday, "The Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) Improvement and Innovation Act will make needed improvements to the farm safety net, ensuring ARC can continue to be a reliable risk management program for farmers during times of depressed prices."
Skunes reported that NCGA's grower-led Risk Management Action Team recommended the bill receive the organization's full endorsement. That same team was integral in the writing of this bill, having consulted with its authors and made several recommendations on how to enhance the ARC program and make it more effective in a lower price environment. To continue reading about this legislation, click here to access a link with more information.
Farmers Give a Big Thumbs Up to a 2018 Omnibus Provision Nixing DUNS and SAM Requirements
Thanks to provisions in the 2018 Omnibus Bill signed into law by President Donald Trump earlier this year, participants of the financial assistance programs through NRCS will no longer need a Dun and Bradstreet Universal Number System (DUNS) number, or to register in the System for Award Management (SAM).
"This change greatly simplifies the contracting process for our customers and staff," said Gary O'Neill, State Conservationist. "Conservation program participants will soon receive letters from their local NRCS office with more details." Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue asserts DUNS and SAM were designed for billion-dollar government contractors, not everyday farmers. These changes are part of Perdue's and Administration's larger mission to streamline and improve the customer experience of farmers using USDA services. NRCS is advising program participants to ignore any emails, phone calls or other communications from third-party vendors offering assistance for registering in SAMS or applying for a DUNS number. To learn more about NRCS financial and technical assistance, and where DUNS and SAM registrations still apply, click here. |
Sponsor Spotlight
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas.
We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
Wean Calves Early this Year to Offset Nutritional Demands on Mama Cows While Drought Persists
In his most recent article for the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter, Dr. Glenn Selk explained why ranchers should consider weaning calves early this year to help offset the nutritional demands on mama cows as drought and low forage conditions persist. With good management and palatable feed, Peel says early weaning is not as risky as might have first been feared. According to Peel, early weaning of calves at six to eight weeks of age is an effective way to get high rebreeding rates, even in very thin cows. Although early weaning is certainly not advocated for all producers all of the time, he says, it can provide an attractive alternative in certain situations such as drought, when large amounts of purchased forage would be necessary to maintain a cow herd through to normal weaning time or when cows are already too thin to rebreed.
University research shows that the removal of a nursing calf removes the stimuli of the nerves in the udder which causes hormonal changes in the cows that allow estrus cycles to begin. Once a calf is removed, estrus activity can then be induced in cows too thin to cycle while still suckling a calf.
Peel reiterates that while early weaning is not for everybody, those herds that have been affected by drought and wildfires may benefit by allowing thin, but otherwise healthy young cows to re-cycle and re-breed for next year's calf crop.
Click here to read Selk's full article for more of his advice on how to properly manage calves through the weaning process. |
Meet Your 2018 Southwest Area Star Farmer, Kade Squires of the Lookeba-Sickles FFA Chapter
Yesterday, we featured this year's Southwest Area Star Farmer, Kade Squires of the Lookeba-Sickles FFA Chapter. Since 2014, Kade has successfully built up his own cow-calf operation, a stocker program and has also grown an annual crop of sweet corn for local sale.
With an initial purchase of 20 angus heifers, Kade has pulled two calf crops of his herd and has sent nearly 100 head of steers and heifers through his stocker program. In addition, Kade and his business partner have sold over 75,000 ears of sweet corn.
Kade credits his ag teacher with equipping him with the knowledge of what qualities a good, productive beef animal should possess and how to properly handle and manage livestock to help them reach their full genetic potential. After graduation, Kade hopes to continue his education in agriculture with plans to join the judging team at Redlands Community College and then transfer to Oklahoma State University to finish his degree in agribusiness.
You can hear our entire conversation by clicking over to the Blue-Green Gazette on our website.
Special thanks to our friends and sponsors of this coverage at American Farmers & Ranchers and AFR Insurance. Click here to see how they can help you meet your insurance needs today.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
This N That- Chickasha Wheat Field Day Times, NAFTA Deal Close- Maybe and Calendar Jam Packed as We Start May
There was some confusion about the start time for the Chickasha Wheat Field Day that is set for TOMORROW- April 27th. We had been given information and had posted earlier that the trailers leave at 10:00 a.m. but they actually leave at 9:00 a.m. with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning.
Details in our calendar page that are available here.
************ President Donald Trump says this week that the North American Free Trade Agreement talks are "moving along nicely." Media reports are saying trade ministers from Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. are meeting in Washington, D.C., and pushing to finish an agreement by early May. During a meeting with the president of France, Trump said, "NAFTA, as you know, is moving along. I could make a deal very quickly but I'm not sure that's in the best interest of the United States. We'll see what happens but we're doing very well."
The trade head of the Mexican version of the Chamber of Commerce says an agreement on an updated NAFTA could be reached within the next ten days. However, if no deal is reached in the coming days, some insiders say it may make sense to put further negotiations on hold until the end of this year, or even early 2019. That's because of the Mexican presidential election in July and the American midterm election in November.
Take a look at our calendar for next week- and you will get a sense that things are going to fast and furious in farm country- including MULTIPLE wheat field days, the Kansas Wheat Crop Tour, the Oklahoma Grain and Feed Wheat Report Session, the 2018 Oklahoma FFA Convention, the US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Board Meeting that somehow got hotel space in downtown OKC during the FFA Convention and the National Land Judging Contest. I get tired trying to name them all off!!!
Add to that list a regular every other week Superior Video Auction, a possible wrap up of the State Legislative Session and a Hall Coyote Hills Production sale next Saturday- and you can see that it will be quite a week for us trying to get things covered and reported for you.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, OERB, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144