We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has a total of 568 cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
June 6th sale of finished cattle- details will be available after noon today by clicking here.
Steer and heifer calves traded 2.00-6.00 higher on limited
offerings Tuesday compared to last week at OKC West
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
74th Anniversary of D-Day
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Remembering D-Day June 6, 1944
What if Ike and the Allies had not seized the beaches of Normandy that day in 1944? What would the world look like today?
The United States was battling on two fronts- in the Atlantic against the Germans and in the Pacific against Japan. My dad, in his last few years on this earth, finally opened up some about his involvement on several of the islands in the Pacific- and it was stuff that he held inside for decades. He was in the Army and the officers in his unit recognized that Bob Hays was a country boy and was able to function better than some of the city slickers that were a part of his unit- keeping his bearings, able to climb up trees to check on the enemy and more.
The heroes in the European battle were especially plentiful on that June 6 74 years ago- and the seizing of the Normandy beaches was the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany.
We have all seen the pictures of that day- but you might take a moment as you express thankfulness to those who gave their lives that day to give us freedom all these years later to watch all or a part of this video that was compiled by the British Sky TV a few years back- really amazing stuff-
It's ironic that the Allies took a big step in ending Hitler's reign in Europe on this date- and that tomorrow- the German company Bayer swallows up Monsanto in our world today.
We remember the Heroes of D Day.
Sponsor Spotlight
Oklahoma AgCredit supports rural Oklahomans with reliable, consistent credit. Part of the 100 year old Farm Credit System, Oklahoma AgCredit offers variable and fixed interest rates to help you manage your budget.
Talk to a local team who understands agriculture. Talk to Oklahoma AgCredit. Financing rural Oklahoma. Equal housing lender.
With Wheat Harvest Rolling in Most Areas of Oklahoma- the Wheat Commission Calls Harvest 45 Percent Complete
The Oklahoma Wheat harvest continues to progress in most regions of the state with the exception of far Northwestern and Panhandle areas. Early test cuttings have been accepted at Shattuck this afternoon with reports of one sample at 14.9% moisture. Elevator managers and producers are hopeful, harvest will begin in this region tomorrow.
Two weeks since first cuttings were accepted down at Frederick, OK, harvest has been progressing rapidly across the state with the hot dry temperatures. Favorable proteins and test weights continue to be reported across the state, but early reports on test weights in the far Northern areas of the state are coming in lower than expected on the first cuttings.
According to Mike Schulte, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission, "Based on my conversations with elevator managers, I am calling the state 45% harvested."
Click or tap here to read more from the Wheat Commission about the 2018 harvest of what is proving to be a historically short crop.
And BY THE WAY- Mark Hodges provided a heads up overnight of a tweet from Justin Gilpin from Kansas- "Heard first reports of @KansasWheat Being cut today south of Wichita. Below avg yields and average protein."
 Latest Ag Economy Barometer Reading Shows Improving Farmer Sentiment Led by Higher Optimism
Farmers showed more optimism in the latest Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer. The May survey reading was 141, 16 points higher than April and the highest since January of last year.
A rating below 100 is negative, while a rating above 100 indicates positive sentiment regarding the agriculture industry. The rise in the barometer, a sentiment index derived from a monthly survey of 400 farmers across the U.S., was driven both by producers improved view of current conditions and, especially, their more optimistic view of the future.
The Index of Current Conditions rose to 132 during May, nine points higher than in April, while the Index of Future Expectations climbed to a reading of 145, 19 points higher than a month earlier.
Organizers say a relaxation in trade tensions between the U.S. and China could account for some of the increase in optimism about the U.S. ag economy.
Click here to view the original story on our website for more detail. |
 Devon Energy Powers STEM Education Offering New Funding Grant Through Oklahoma FFA Association
Devon Energy announced this week it will provide seven grants to the Oklahoma FFA Foundation for FFA chapters in central and northwest Oklahoma during the 2018-19 school year. The awards range from $500 to $5,000 and will fund STEM programs that emphasize hands-on learning to promote the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. A release from the Oklahoma City based company states the goal of the program is to increase students' access to new technologies being used in the agriculture industry. Devon's Community Relations Manager Christina Rehkop, says students need real-world learning opportunities to spark their interests and open their eyes to career options and insists Devon is committed to helping our future industry leaders do just that.
The Oklahoma FFA Foundation is accepting grant applications through July 13. Priority will be given to requests that will be shared between chapters to benefit as many students as possible. Chapters receiving grants will be publicly awarded at Oklahoma FFA Chapter Officer Leadership Training (COLT) conferences in the fall. For additional details or to apply for a grant, check out the complete story by visiting the Blue-Green Gazette on our website. |
Sponsor Spotlight
Through the voluntary contributions of Oklahoma's oil and natural gas industry, the OERB has spent over $113 million restoring more than 16,000 orphaned and abandoned well sites across the state at absolutely no cost to landowners. The OERB has restored sites in 71 of 77 Oklahoma counties, cleaning an average of two to three sites each day.
After a several month long hiatus, a news release issued by the USDA recently, shared the agency's decision to resume accepting applications for the voluntary Conservation Reserve Program or CRP. Eligible farmers, ranchers, and private landowners will again have until now to Aug. 17, 2018 to sign up at their local FSA office. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue recently remarked on the many benefits enjoyed through this program recreationally, but also spoke to its usefulness stating that, "CRP is a powerful tool to encourage agricultural producers to set aside unproductive, marginal lands that should not be farmed to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife and boost soil health." FSA stopped accepting applications last fall for the CRP continuous signup, to take inventory on available acres and avoid exceeding the 24 million-acre CRP cap set by the 2014 Farm Bill. Offering sign up opportunities in short windows like this will help ensure that landowners with the most sensitive acreage will enroll in the program and avoid unintended competition with new and beginning farmers seeking leases. CRP enrollment currently is about 22.7 million acres.
In return for enrolling land in CRP, USDA, through FSA on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), provides participants with annual rental payments and cost-share assistance. Landowners enter into contracts that last between 10 and 15 years. CRP pays producers who remove sensitive lands from production and plant certain grasses, shrubs and trees that improve water quality, prevent soil erosion and increase wildlife habitat.
Producers wanting to learn more about CRP continuous signup or CRP grasslands should contact their USDA service center or click here to read the full story with more complete details and information. |
 As Selection Tools Become More Sophisticated, Ranchers are Growing More Confident in Decisions
There are so many genetic tools available these days to help producers select just the right bull for every operation. So many tools, it can at times get confusing when trying to get your arms around which tool to use to collect the information you are most interested in. Donnell Brown of the RA Brown Ranch spoke with us recently offering his advice on how producers should approach this conundrum.
"There is a huge number of tools available to us today to select the right cattle," he said. "The DNA enhancement has been huge."
Brown describes some of the advancements that have been made relatively recently in the genetic evaluation arena. One of the more exciting things to come onto the scene is multibreed genetic evaluation tools. A producer is now capable of comparing and contrasting bulls of a diverse variety of breeds, where before EPD data was limited to only a single breed. With the tools and products available today, Brown says there is more options and certainty a producer can have when making selection decisions for their breeding program than ever before.
"I look at it like this... It's breeding season again and I have two options. I can use that bull I had success with one calf crop last year or I can use a bull I've never produced a calf out of. Now, which one do we have more trust and confidence in?" Brown asked. "The one we had proof in the pudding with. That's human nature. DNA tests give us about that much accuracy as about similar to a full calf crop worth of data to say what this bull can deliver on calving ease, growth, carcass traits, for maternal traits, efficiency... all those things."
Listen to Brown and I discuss the many tools available today to help producers make genetic selection decisions for their herd, on today's Beef Buzz - click here. Remember, you will have your own chance to see Brown speak in person during the upcoming Texoma Cattle Conference. Click over to the Calendar Page on our website for more info.
Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom Summer Tour Getting Its Kicks on Route 66
The 2018 Summer Tour of the OKlahoma Ag in the Classroom Program is underway this week in northeastern Oklahoma- State Ag in the Classroom Coordinator Audrey Harmon offers play by play of Day One- here's a couple of the highlights:
56 Oklahoma educators, who haven't traveled with Ag in the Classroom before, are traveling Rt 66 and experiencing agriculture up close and personal. The purpose of this trip is to allow teachers to ask questions and interact with agricultural producers in the state in the hope that their Ag Literacy will be increased and they will educate students about agriculture. This trip is sponsored by the Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, and Southwest Dairy, so the cost to the educators is minimal.
Tom and Phyllis Holcomb greeted teachers at their ranch, sharing their lifestyle with the teachers while encouraging them to ask questions about agriculture and raising beef. They also served the teachers beef sticks, water, and juice.
While touring the Port of Catoosa, education director, Sheila Shook shared the history of the Port and the river navigation system. Ginger Reimer, OK Soybean Board Education Director, and Owasso teacher, Zena Lewis, greeted the teachers and distributed soybean facts and a snack. The educators were able to see barges being loaded with soybeans and dry fertilizer.
Click or tap here to read more about this great effort to explain Oklahoma Agriculture to these teachers from across the state.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
 OSU Ag Economics Department Releases Summary Report of FooDS Survey Series: Volume No. 5
Researchers at OSU's Ag-Economics Department have been conducting the Food Demand Survey or 'FooDS,' for five years now. Each month since May 2013, this survey has been used to track consumer preferences and sentiments on the safety, quality and price of food at home and away from home with particular focus on meat demand. FooDS is a monthly on-line survey with a sample size of at least 1,000 individuals, weighted to match the US population in terms of age, gender, education and region of residence. With the conclusion of this Volume 5 of this survey in April 2018, the research team has compiled the results of the survey over the past year into a summary report. Some of the main highlights we gleaned from this report are detailed below. For instance, consumers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two beef, chicken and pork products, in addition to two non-meat items, was calculated each month since the beginning of FooDS. Overall, this report reveals that WTPs for beef, pork, and chicken have generally remained similar this year compared to last and were highest during year two of the FooDS survey. For steak, there has been about an 8 cent difference made in WTP between May 2016 and May 2018 ranging from $7.12 and $7.20, respectively. The WTP for hamburger was also quite close with a 2 cent spread of $4.31 to $4.29. Regarding food expenditures over the past year, the expense of food eaten at home reached a low of $91.12/week in November 2017 and a high of $98.06/week in May 2018. Consumers continually reported planning to spend less money away from home throughout the course of the survey, although, the report shows, they frequently do not follow through with those plans. In addition to the regular portion of the survey where the same general questions were asked, the survey also includes a unique ad hoc section each month consisting of three to five extra questions used to study topical food trends and preferences throughout the year. A complete list of questions and topics that were covered this past year can be found in the full version of the report. One ad hoc question, though was circulated during the whole year, which asked participants to list one or more foods they believed is most associated with the state in which they currently reside. Over 9,000 responses were collected in the nine-month period. Many of the responses reflected the agriculture unique to the state and are rather predictable. For instance, many Oklahomans listed "beef." One surprising choice offered by participants, though - "Indian tacos."
For a look at some of the more surprising answers and other highlights of this report, click here to view the original story on our website or to navigate to the full and complete version of this report. |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, OERB, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
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phone: 405-473-6144