We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has a total of 443 cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
June 13th sale of finished cattle - details will be available after noon today by clicking here.
Steer and heifer calves sell fully steady Tuesday compared to last week at OKC West - click or tap here for a look at the June 12th sale results.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update.
Featured Story:
Senate Farm Bill Proposal Receives Industry Praise for Bipartisan Spirit Ahead of Today's Mark-Up Session
The Senate Agriculture Committee's draft Farm Bill proposal was warmly welcomed this week by industry stakeholders, as committee leadership were commended for their apparent and amicable cooperation. In a statement released Tuesday, House Ag Committee Ranking Member Collin Peterson from Minnesota applauded the Senate for its bipartisan approach and expressed hope that the House would bring a similarly bipartisan bill to conference.
Notably, Peterson says the Senate bill "avoids poison pills, stays away from ideology on SNAP," and should be able to get the votes needed for passage. In his statement, Peterson said the House version of the bill "doesn't stack up" to the bipartisan proposal in the Senate. He says the House should "match their effort," and bring forth a bipartisan bill that can get votes from both sides of the aisle in the House.
The House farm bill failed last month when no Democrats voted in favor of the bill, along with Republican of the Freedom Caucus blocking passage in favor of finding an immigration resolution first.
Association of Equipment Manufacturers President Dennis Slater also remarked on the proposed Farm Bill ahead of the Committee's planned mark-up session scheduled for today, calling for a speedy approval process.
"We applaud the leadership provided by Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) to produce the bipartisan Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018," he said, "which provides much-needed funding for programs that assist farmers and ranchers battered by low commodity prices. We urge all of the members of the Senate Agriculture Committee to vote in support of the bill."
AEM's praise for the committee's work was echoed by the National Association of Conservation Districts.
"We commend the Senate Agriculture Committee for their support for conservation," NACD President Brent Van Dyke said. "Maintaining overall Conservation Title funding is a priority for NACD, and we're pleased this draft includes strong funding levels to enable conservation delivery at the local level. NACD will continue to work with the committee to ensure this bill encompasses the strongest support possible for working lands conservation programs and improves the locally-led delivery of programs like RCPP."
Click here to read NACD's complete statement. |
Sponsor Spotlight
Oklahoma AgCredit supports rural Oklahomans with reliable, consistent credit. Part of the 100 year old Farm Credit System, Oklahoma AgCredit offers variable and fixed interest rates to help you manage your budget.
Talk to a local team who understands agriculture. Talk to Oklahoma AgCredit. Financing rural Oklahoma. Equal housing lender.
Yet Another Wheat Harvest Number- The Oklahoma Wheat Commission Calls Harvest 77% Complete in Oklahoma
The latest wheat harvest report released by the Oklahoma Wheat Commission provides an overview of the 2018 harvest scene in Oklahoma as of Tuesday afternoon, June 12, 2018- and shows harvest rounding the final turn and starting to head for home with 77% of the crop that will be harvested this season now in the grain bin.
According to the report released Tuesday evening- "The Oklahoma Wheat harvest is winding down in the Southern and Central areas of the state, with combines rolling in most parts of Northern, Oklahoma and Panhandle regions. In the far NE part of the state around Afton and Miami, heavy rains will continue to hinder harvest for the next couple days. Moisture was also received in central regions of the wheat belt around Marshall and Guthrie mid-morning on Tuesday.
"Across the state test weights have been favorable, with above average protein coming in from the Oklahoma/Texas line to the Oklahoma/Kansas line. Based on reports from elevator managers this week harvest is coming in as predicted with lower than average yields. The decline in planted wheat acres as well as abandonment from the long-term drought has made this harvest progress extremely fast for producers, custom harvesters and elevator operators. While the yields have not been as favorable as the industry would like, overall the quality of this crop looks to be encouraging for the milling and baking industries, especially when it comes to protein functionalities.
"On Tuesday morning, the USDA June 12th Crop Production estimate for Oklahoma was unchanged from the May 10th estimate predicting 2 million acres to be harvested with a 26 bushel per acre yield making the Oklahoma production estimate 52 million bushels for the 2018 crop."
As the harvest report was being released- we stopped by the Oklahoma Wheat Commission office and talked with Mike Schulte about the harvest, about the USDA prediction and more- you can hear our conversation and look at the harvest notes on a location by location basis by clicking or tapping here
 Despite Consumers' Growing Concerns with Production Practices - Taste, Price and Convenience is Still King
We caught up recently with Shawn Darcy, director of market research for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association on behalf of the Beef Checkoff. Darcy explained what today's consumer looks like, how they think and how producers as an industry should approach their marketing strategy to most effectively reach them.
"The biggest highlight and the first thing to remember is that they are coming from a place of being very positive. Over three-quarters of people think that the beef industry is doing a good job or feel positive about that," he said, but added. "At the same time, there's been a growing trend of consumers wanting to know more information about how their food is raised."
While people are becoming more concerned about how their food is made, Darcy explains that we are now beginning to see consumers soften their tones on the subject and realizing that they have a certain level of unfamiliarity with normal production practices that go on at the farm. Darcy says consumers are acknowledging that fact and are taking it into consideration when evaluating our food production system for themselves, which has created a learning opportunity in which the industry can reach out to consumers and educate them about beef. However, even with the strong emotional feelings tied to these issues, Darcy says consumers are ultimately motivated in their purchase decisions by baseline economic drivers.
"Taste, price and convenience are still king," he said, but described the best strategy for overcoming consumer concerns regarding production. "The most important thing is highlighting the people that are involved in the process, whether it's the ranchers, the operators, nutritionists, veterinarians... People matter to consumers and I think hearing those stories through whatever platform that might be - that resonates with consumers."
Listen to Darcy and I discuss the behavioral profile of today's beef consumer, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here.
 ICYMI - Last Call for Producers to Book Their Seat on the Road to Ranching Efficiency with Noble's Texoma Cattlemen's Conference
Time is running out to sign up to attend the Texoma Cattlemen's Conference being hosted by the Noble Research Institute in Ardmore, Okla. on June 15th. Interested producers are encouraged to make their plans now to attend this event which has become the premier beef conferences in the Southern Great Plains.
This year's conference theme is The Road to Ranching Efficiency. Several new features have been added, including a new farm tour the day before the conference.
"Greater efficiency is always the objective for ranch operations, although it is seldom a stationary target," said Hugh Aljoe, producer relations manager. "Ranching efficiency takes on multiple facets within an operation such as production, marketing, expenses and weather. It is critical for producers to maintain awareness of the emerging technologies and management practices that have greatest potential to enhance efficiencies in their operations."
The agenda features a farm tour the day prior to the actual conference to showcase Noble's work in applied agricultural systems research. In addition, a full lineup of industry experts are scheduled to speak during the conference, including among others representatives from the Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, and Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association to provide the latest industry updates. Your's truly will also be there serving as moderator.
The conference also features a trade show which will open at 7 a.m. Registration is $40 and includes lunch.
To read more about what the farm tour and conference will entail, or to preregister, click here. |
Sponsor Spotlight
Through the voluntary contributions of Oklahoma's oil and natural gas industry, the OERB has spent over $113 million restoring more than 16,000 orphaned and abandoned well sites across the state at absolutely no cost to landowners. The OERB has restored sites in 71 of 77 Oklahoma counties, cleaning an average of two to three sites each day.
 Petition Filed to End USDA Practice of Allowing Foreign Meat to be Labeled "Product of U.S.A."
Yesterday, the American Grassfed Association and the Organization for Competitive Markets filed a petition with the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Services demanding FSIS policy be changed to ensure only U.S. domestic meat products can be labeled "Product of U.S.A." Current policy allows foreign meat to be imported into the United States and bear the label "Product of U.S.A." if it simply passes through a USDA-inspected plant. The lack of clarity in this policy allows food companies to skirt the federal law and regulations governing labeling and leads to violations of FSIS's own policies and regulations that clearly mandate truthfulness in labeling by prohibiting false or misleading labeling and practices, according to an OCM release. OCM argues that U.S. consumers want to know where their food comes from and says consumers place a higher financial value on food that is local, regional and from the United States. The petition spearheaded by OCM is meant to bring light to the confusion it believes the current labeling laws create among consumers insisting that packers disguise the "true origin of foreign raised meat and meat products allowing foreign interests and multi-national corporations to take advantage of increased U.S. market opportunities."
OCM contends this situation can result in an unfair market advantage for foreign producers, and financially harms U.S. family farmers and independent ranchers. Joe Maxwell, Executive Director of the Organization for Competitive Markets, called on Congress this week to yield to the demands of the petition and enforce stringent country of origin labeling. For the full story, click over to our website.
In Youth News: OkPork Names Leadership Campers, Pork Checkoff Seeks Student Advocates & AFR Presents 17 Scholarships Statewide
The 2018 Oklahoma Pork Council Youth Leadership Campers have been selected and are gearing up for their "farm-to-fork" look at Oklahoma's Pork Industry. They will spend the week of June 17 - 22 exploring all aspects of the pork industry. Click or tap here to meet the dozen young people who will be a part of the Leadership Class being put on by the Pork Council.
The National Pork Board announced this week it is searching for its next student social forces team. Students selected to participate on this team will have the opportunity to advocate on behalf of producers in the pork industry. Utilizing their social media accounts, team members will create content and disseminate positive messages about pork production. Selected students who meet defined milestones will be eligible for a $500 scholarship.
Interested students are encouraged to apply now through June 28th. Those eligible should be 18 to 23 years old, involved in the pork industry, understand the importance of pork production and have strong communication skills. The team is expected to be active from July through December 2018. Online applications and further information about the expectations for those selected to participate, can be found here. You can follow along and join in the conversation this year with the hashtag #RealPigFarming.
In other news, the American Farmers & Ranchers this week released the names of the 17 Oklahoma students awarded with state scholarships to use during the 2018-19 school year. Overall, eight scholarships were awarded to incoming freshman students and nine more to continuing education students.
"As an organization, we are committed to the future of the agricultural industry in Oklahoma," said Micaela Danker, AFR/OFU youth development coordinator. "We are proud to provide not only opportunities for growth and personal development, but also financial support for tomorrow's industry leaders."
The scholarship recipients were selected based on their involvement, leadership activities and scholastic achievement. For a complete list of recipients, click here.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Cattlemen Cheer Introduction of Senate Bill That Eases the Regulatory Pressure on Livestock Haulers
National Cattlemen's Beef Association President Kevin Kester has issued the following statement in response to the introduction of the Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act in the U.S. Senate:
"The National Cattlemen's Beef Association and the producers we represent are glad to see another bipartisan effort designed to provide much-needed relief for livestock haulers. The Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act requires the Secretary of the Department of Transportation to establish a working group to address the implementation of electronic logging devices and the overly-restrictive hours of service rules that livestock haulers face today.
"We look forward to continuing our work with members of Congress, industry groups, and the Department of Transportation as we work to find solutions to our current transportation concerns."
Senator John Hoeven of North Dakota is the principle author of the measure- more details of the proposal are available here.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, OERB, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144