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Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has a total of 2,125 cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
June 20th sale of finished cattle- details will be available after noon today by clicking here.
Steer and heifer calves sold 2.00-4.00 higher Tuesday compared to last week at OKC West - click or tap here for a look at the June 19th sale results.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
The 2018 Oklahoma Wheat Harvest is 90% done, according to the latest report released on Tuesday evening from the Oklahoma Wheat Commission. Here is that report from Mike Schulte, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission:
"The Oklahoma Wheat harvest is mostly complete for the Southwest, South Central, Central, West Central, Central and Northeast parts of the state. In some of these areas producers are finishing up with their last fields. Harvest continues to move forward in the North Central, Northwest and Panhandle regions of the state. Across the state test weights continue to be favorable, with above average proteins reported from the Oklahoma/Texas line to the Oklahoma/Kansas line. Based on reports from elevator managers this week's harvest continues to come in with lower than predicted yields from the North Central part of the state. "Dryland wheat yields in the Panhandle region being harvested are coming in with higher yields than predicted, but many of those yields are still making in the low 20's with an occasional dryland yield being reported in the mid 30's depending on the location. Some of the irrigated wheat around Guymon has been harvested but no reports on yields have been received. While yields across the state have not been as favorable as the industry would like, overall quality of this crop still looks to be encouraging as producers in the Northern and Panhandle regions of the state work to get the crop out.
Click or tap here to see the location by location rundown of harvest as it nears the end across the entire state of Oklahoma.
Sponsor Spotlight
Oklahoma AgCredit supports rural Oklahomans with reliable, consistent credit. Part of the 100 year old Farm Credit System, Oklahoma AgCredit offers variable and fixed interest rates to help you manage your budget.
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Despite the Noise on Trade Wars and Tariffs, US Beef Exports are Holding Their Own Says Jim Robb
Last year was an especially great year for US beef exports, according to Jim Robb of the Livestock Marketing Information Center referencing recent data compiled from the US Meat Export Federation. In an interview this week, he remarked that so far, 2018 has turned out to be pretty good as well - beating the previous year, in fact, especially in the Asian markets."They've been really strong this year," he said. "South Korea, Taiwan, Japan have all been real strong and then some of the other markets around the world."Last month, Robb says the US actually exported beef to 93 different countries which is a real benchmark the industry likes to see as it works to broaden its reach and market share around the globe. While Robb says that is all good news, what is worrisome is the amount of political rhetoric on trade and tariffs being passed around among the various nations with which we trade with. Although the potential impacts that this "noise" might eventually have on world markets, Robb says so far, we haven't actually seen any disruptions in the numbers. However, Robb explains that if at some point exports were interrupted - even in other proteins like pork or poultry - beef could be significantly impacted and vice versa as that unbought protein would have to be absorbed into the domestic market which would in affect bring prices down in order to move more product and thus create more competition among the different meat industries here at home. Essentially, all protein markets stand to lose indirectly if one or the other does directly."When you keep things kind of up in the air, I think it's a bit of a negative but the quality of the product we're producing and the rather strong incomes overseas have really been supportive," he said. "So, these have somewhat counterbalanced some of the noise. But, there's a lot of unknowns in that arena so we will have to wait and see how it unfolds."Listen to Robb and I discuss the impact political trade rhetoric is having on the fairly strong global export market for beef this year, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here. |
Noble Research Institute Releases "Chisolm," a New Summer-Dormant Tall Fescue Variety Option
Noble Research Institute researchers have released a new grass variety derived from Mediterranean-type tall fescue called Chisholm, providing western Oklahoma and Texas producers a new cool-season forage option for livestock. This perennial grass is the first tall fescue variety released by Noble that is adapted to the hot, dry summers typical of areas west of Interstate 35 where tall fescue has traditionally been unable to persist. Noble's Senior Plant Breeder Mike Trammell says Chisholm could complement or replace a producer's winter grazing system and potentially reduce the need to feed hay when bermudagrass is dormant. When sown in pasture, Chisholm can also benefit soil health by sequestering carbon in the soil year-round, improving organic matter and reducing soil erosion. Chisholm is available for purchase through Warner Brothers Seed Company in Lawton, Oklahoma. For more information, click here.
Meet Arie Wessells - South African Grain Buyer for Pioneer Foods Speaking to Quality of US Wheat
Arie Wessells is a foreign wheat buyer from South Africa currently visiting the US on a trade tour organized by US Wheat Associates to experience the American Bread Basket in action during harvest season. We had the chance to sit down with Wessells while the tour was passing through recently. He offered some very interesting insights into just how competitive the global grain market can be.
The South African market is what we call a bread market. The bread is baked physically in a tin with a lid, so flours with a high-water absorption and good gas producing potential is what we require. Unfortunately, those choices aren't that easy. It's a very competitive market that we operate in. So, what's available globally, those are the limited options. So, we have to accept what we can get and it's good to have American wheat on the grist."
And when it comes to quality, Wessells says it's hard to beat American grown Hard Red Winter wheat.
"It features very strongly. It's a very sought-after commodity," he said about American wheat. "But the Hard Red Winter wheat No. 2 or better is normally what we buy. We have in the past also bought Hard White Wheat with a great deal of success, but unfortunately it is not a consistently available commodity which is a pity."
You can read more about Wessells thoughts on American wheat from his perspective as a foreign grain buyer, or listen to our complete conversation, by clicking over to our website.
Sponsor Spotlight
Through the voluntary contributions of Oklahoma's oil and natural gas industry, the OERB has spent over $113 million restoring more than 16,000 orphaned and abandoned well sites across the state at absolutely no cost to landowners. The OERB has restored sites in 71 of 77 Oklahoma counties, cleaning an average of two to three sites each day.
Angus Genetic Evaluation Reaches Historic Milestone with Over 500,000 Genotypes Now on File
The American Angus Association announced this week a new milestone for its genetic evaluation database which has just surpassed a record collection of more than 500,000 genotypes - 500,879 to be exact. This achievement comes just eight years after the Association first started updating its genetic evaluation on a weekly basis. "The accuracy of the Angus genetic evaluation is unparalleled in the global beef industry," said Dan Moser, Angus Genetics, Inc. (AGI) president. "The database is robust not only because of the number of genotypes, but also the number of pedigree and phenotypic records used." To date, the Angus extended pedigree includes more than 22 million animals, and the evaluation consists of 8.9 million weaning weights and 1.57 million calving ease records all from first-calf heifers, 280,000 docility scores, 118,549 carcasses, 67,600 heifer pregnancy records and 22,000 individual feed intake records. For more information on the American Angus Association and Angus Genetics, Inc's latest achievement, click here.
Be Sure to Supplement the Nutrition of Fall-Born Replacement Heifers as They Wean this Summer
As you finish weaning your fall-born replacement heifers this year, you probably want to consider supplementing their daily feed rations. OSU's Glenn Selk strongly urges producers to make this management decision to ensure your heifers develop properly, explaining that mid to late summer is a critical period of growth for calves born into this specific life cycle. Providing additional nutrition to calves at this stage will help fulfill their daily protein needs which summer pasture forages often times lack. Doing this will also ensure the heifers begin their breeding cycles at the appropriate time, keeping your herd's reproductive efficiency on track. Selk offers producers this advice in his latest article for the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter this week.
"An economical solution would be to give these heifers 1.5 to 2 pounds per head per day of the protein supplement called Oklahoma Gold," he writes. "This is an OSU-developed protein supplement scheme that consists of a high protein (38% - 45%) pellet that contains the label-recommended dosage of one of the ionophores, or feed additives, that improve feed utilization, inhibit coccidiosis, and enhance the onset of puberty in growing heifers.
"The protein supplement will allow microbial digestion of the average quality late summer forage which in turn provides the energy needed to support the desired amount of gain. If forage quantity is very limited, the protein supplement alone will not produce adequate gains. In this scenario, a rancher first needs to decide if keeping more replacement heifers is really in his or her best interest."
Click here to read this week's full article for more of Selk's advice on supplementing your heifer nutrition plan this year.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Soybean Association Disappointed and Concerned Over the Ramped Up Tariff Battle Between the US and China
President Donald Trump is taking the trade war with China to an unprecedented level that would impose tariffs on nearly every export China sends to the United States. Following the announcement Monday night by Trump that he is seeking an additional $200 billion worth of tariffs, China is looking to retaliate, again. Trump says if China does, he would seek to impose another additional $200 billion in tariffs, taxing a total of $450 billion of the $505 billion of Chinese goods sent to the U.S. each year. In its response, China called the extreme pressure from Trump "blackmail," adding that if the U.S. becomes "irrational" and issues the proposed list of products, China will "have to adopt" strong countermeasures. China has already vowed to impose tariffs on U.S. agricultural products, such as soybeans and pork, and many others, including corn, sorghum and beef. The escalating trade war between the U.S. and China is already proving to be costly to U.S. farmers. University of Illinois agriculture economist Scott Irwin this week on Twitter says the outlook has "moved into disaster territory," specifically, regarding soybeans. And, Jim Bower of Bower Trading in his daily newsletter wrote: "At this point, it is hard to imagine the trade news getting much worse." The American Soybean Association Tuesday linked the drop to the trade war, as President John Heisdorffer stated that, "Soybean prices are declining as a direct result of this trade feud." The statement says ASA is disappointed and highly concerned that trade tensions continue to ratchet up rather than de-escalate between the two countries. Click here to read more comments by Heisdorffer on behalf of the ASA regarding the rising trade tensions between the US and China.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, OERB, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
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