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Let's Check the Markets!
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and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Monday, July 9, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Producers Appeal to Administration to Soften Position on Trade, Claim China's Retaliation Already Hurting Farm Families
US Soybean farmers, whose crop represents 41 percent of the value of products on China's tariff list, cringed as said tariffs officially went into effect as of midnight last Friday. Now, soy farmers are bracing to feel the full effect of China's economic wrath in retaliation of President Trump's 25 percent tariff levied on $34 billion worth of Chinese goods. The value of U.S. soybean exports to China has grown 26-fold in 10 years, from $414 million in 1996 to $14 billion in 2017. Since talk of the tariffs began back in March, U.S. soy growers have watched prices drop more than $2.00 per bushel.
At the same time, US wheat farmers complain that revenue streams originating from China have dried up since its government first threatened retaliation against the US. From March to June over the past three years, the National Association of Wheat Growers says Chinese flour milling companies and their importers purchased an average of about 20 million bushels of U.S. wheat, returning well over $145 million to American farm families and grain handlers. In 2018, however, Chinese importers have been unwilling to accept the risk now associated with the purchase of US wheat.
Like wheat producers, soy growers rely heavily on exports to China. In 2017, China imported 31 percent of U.S. production, equal to 60 percent of total U.S exports and nearly 1 in every 3 rows of harvested beans. Over the next 10 years, Chinese demand for soybeans is expected to account for most of the growth in global soybean trade, which underscores the importance of this market for future U.S. soybean sales.
Likewise, Chinese demand for our high-quality wheat crops is rapidly growing. However, NAWG argues that the unilateral decision to impose tariffs, has already had a direct, damaging effect on U.S. wheat growers.
"The exchange of punitive tariffs between Washington and Beijing today represents the next phase of what could be a long and difficult struggle that will likely inflict more pain before we reach an unknown resolution," NAWG stated in a release, which had similar sentiment echoed in one from the American Soybean Association.
"Soybeans are the top agriculture export for the United States, and China is the top market for purchasing those exports," says John Heisdorffer, president of the American Soybean Association. "The math is simple. You tax soybean exports at 25-percent, and you have serious damage to U.S. farmers." This week, both the ASA and NAWG are continuing their appeal to the President to soften his position on trade prevent further damage to the already depressed agricultural economy in rural America. For more on these stories, click here (ASA) or here (NAWG).
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have one of the premiere businesses in the cattle business partner with us in helping bring you our daily Farm and Ranch News Email- National Livestock Credit Corporation. National Livestock has been around since 1932- and they have worked with livestock producers to help them secure credit and to buy or sell cattle through the National Livestock Commission Company. They also own and operate the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Market in Ada, Superior Livestock, which continues to operate independently and have a major stake in OKC West in El Reno. To learn more about how these folks can help you succeed in the cattle business, click here for their website or call the Oklahoma City office at 1-800-310-0220.
 Oklahoma Cattlemen's Foundation Begins Process to Distribute Relief Fund Donations to Fire Victims
This past week, 69 beef producers in Oklahoma that were impacted by the wildfires that broke out across northwest Oklahoma earlier this past spring, were each presented with a check from the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Foundation to help offset the losses they incurred. All together, the Foundation distributed a total amount of $459,971.00.
Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association President Weston Givens thanked the ag communities in Oklahoma and its neighbors around the nation for their collective support and most generous contributions the organization's Wildfire Relief Fund.
"Creating the relief fund and facilitating the distribution process most assuredly contributes to the Foundation's goal of preserving the beef business here in Oklahoma," he said.
A group of industry leaders from the area came together to evaluate applications and distributed funds based-off of individual needs.
Read the original announcement from the OCA, over on our website, by clicking here.
 Plains Grains Calls Oklahoma Wheat Harvest 99 Percent Done- Kansas Climbs to 79 Percent Complete
This past week, Plains Grains reported that strong thunderstorms producing heavy rain continued to slow the 2018 HRW wheat harvest, especially in eastern Colorado and northwest Kansas.
At present, Plains Grains has pegged harvest 87% complete in Texas and 99% complete in Oklahoma, with mainly irrigated fields left to cut. Meanwhile, Kansas is estimated at being 79% complete, with the northwest ¼ of the state being the only major area left to harvest. However, significant rains continue to hinder harvesters' progress there.
Despite the heavy rains across the Plains, all states have reported generally good test weight and good protein in this crop.
Based on the most recent lab evaluations, overall test weight increased this week by 0.1 lb/bu (1.6 kg/hl), and remains a #1 Hard Red Winter, averaging 60.3 lb/bu (79.3 kg/hl). Average protein continues to be very good and (increased 0.1%) this week to 12.8% overall. Unfortunately, test weight and protein are expected to decrease slightly as harvest begins in areas that where less stressed through the growing season and received excessive rain during the last two weeks.
To view the complete report including a state by state breakdown of harvest progress - click or tap here.
 State Beef Council Investments Help Culinary Professionals get Enhanced Beef Industry Education
Sixteen culinary experts from across the country got a taste of the beef industry during the Pasture to Plate Beef Tour, sponsored by state beef councils of Oklahoma, California, Colorado, Arizona and Texas. Invited to the beef checkoff-funded event were the culinary chairs responsible for the 28 International Culinary Schools at the Art Institutes across the country. The non-profit Art Institutes operate the largest system of culinary schools in the United States. The tour was held June 25-27, and featured a visit to a cow-calf ranch, feedlot and the JBS beef processing facility in northern Colorado, along with presentations from beef experts that helped the culinary leaders understand beef's role in a sustainable food system, and ideas for incorporating beef focused exercises into their classrooms. The idea behind this tour was conceived by the California Beef Council, addressing an interest to give culinary leaders an opportunity to learn more about beef and help them develop better understand and develop a background in the beef industry. According to tour organizer, Christie Van Egmond of the CBC, this event seemed of great value to those who participated and believes continuing such events in the future promises to further benefit the beef industry.
"The beef information and experiences we shared will funnel down through the curricula in the Art Institutes culinary schools nationwide," she said. "Just as important, the relationships we're developing are an important component of our beef checkoff efforts to build stronger bonds with those who have an impact on beef demand."
Click here to read more about this event and how it has helped to spark new interest in beef.
Sponsor Spotlight
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
In and Around the Trade War Talk- US Corn Exports Are at Record Levels
U.S. corn exports reached an all-time high of 7.7 million tons in the month of April. Through May, year-to-date corn shipments were estimated at 29 million metric tons. USDA projections for exports in the 2017/18 crop marketing year (September through August) were raised to 58.4 million metric tons.
The previous monthly record for corn exports was set nearly 30 years ago, back in November of 1989. The projections for May exports, based on export inspections, are higher than usual at this time of year, suggesting continued strength in the U.S. corn export market.
At least some of the reason may be due to a continuing drought in Argentina, a major corn supplier, which likely means reduced exports prospects there. In addition, Brazil is expected to have a poor corn crop this year, due in part to dry weather and less planted acreage for the second cropping season. As a result, countries in the market for corn have fewer options to choose from, which increases the competitiveness of U.S. corn.
Of course, all of these numbers were earlier this spring- and only time will tell how much damage the tariff battle may have on corn exports- but corn exports might have a better shot of weathering the trade war storm than some of our other agricultural products.
Meet Your Associate Farm Director Carson Horn, Celebrating Two Years with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network
Two years ago, Carson Horn joined us here at the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network as our Associate Farm Director. We try to get Carson out and about as often as possible, but as hectic as this business can be we often rely on him to hold down the fort as we try to cover as much of the activities across the state as we can and bring that information back to you in a timely and informative manner.
That being said, if you haven't had the chance to meet Carson yet or missed running into him at one event or another around the state - we thought we would share with you a recent article from the National Association of Farm Broadcasters which featured him this week in their monthly Farm Broadcaster spotlight.
Although Carson is a native of Oklahoma, he came to us by way of Arkansas where he spent four years as the Director of Communication for the Arkansas Cattlemen's Association. Carson took that job after graduating from OSU with a degree in Agricultural Communications. While there, Carson distinguished himself in the cattle industry receiving national recognition from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association which presented him with the 2015 Excellence in Communications award for his work overseeing the expansion of the association's monthly magazine, The Arkansas Cattle Business, and its annual convention and trade show, now billed as Arkansas' Largest Farm & Ranch Show.
Carson has an extensive background in agriculture, growing up on his family's diversified operation in Yukon, Okla. where they produce wheat, cattle, corn, alfalfa and cotton. Carson was heavily involved in the FFA growing up and in college served as vice president of the CASNR Student Council at OSU and as president of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity there in Stillwater.
If you'd like to know more about Carson, check out his feature article published this past week by NAFB, here, and be sure to follow Carson on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with his coverage of the ag industry.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
 Noble Offers Land Owners Opportunity to Learn About Prescribed Burning at Great Plains Fire Summit
The Noble Research Institute, Oklahoma State University and the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute are partnering to bring the 2nd Biennial Great Plains Fire Summit to Ardmore, Oklahoma, later this year. The purpose of the Summit is to promote the use of prescribed fire by creating an opportunity for landowners, agencies and nongovernmental organizations to network and discuss the benefits and effectiveness of prescribed burning for the sustainability of our plant, livestock and wildlife resources. The opening plenary session of noted speakers will set the stage for breakout sessions that will cover prescribed fire prescriptions, planning, smoke management, wildlife impacts and livestock production. Attendees will have the opportunity to see an equipment demonstration during the social on the first evening and to tour Edgerock Ranch in the Arbuckle Mountains on the second day. At Edgerock Ranch, participants will learn how fire is being used to improve the land for livestock and wildlife.
Mark your calendar now in order to make plans to attend this important and informative event, scheduled for Oct. 1-3, 2018. Registration to attend the Summit will include a producer fee of $50 and $100 for professionals. Find out more about the Great Plains Fire Summit, by clicking here.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
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phone: 405-473-6144