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Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Monday, July 30, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Seven groups that represent meat and poultry producers, as well as processors, including the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, wrote a letter to President Trump asking him to place cell-cultured protein products under USDA regulation. The meat industry website MeatingPlace.com says the groups want these products held to the same high standards for food safety and labeling that meat and poultry are held to under the USDA regulatory system.
In the letter, the groups say, "Cell-cultured products that purport to be meat or poultry should be subject to the same comprehensive inspection system that governs amenable meat and poultry products to ensure that they are wholesome and safe for public consumption."
The groups also want the products regulated in a way that ensures they are labeled and marketed in a manner that levels the playing field in the marketplace. The groups also say that the Food and Drug Administration tried to assert itself as the primary regulator of cell-cultured products at a public meeting the USDA was excluded from.
The groups say that is inconsistent with meat and poultry inspection statutes, as well as a White House Agency reorganization plan that consolidates food safety inspection duties into a single USDA agency.
"The American people elected President Trump because they trusted him to promote a level playing field for American products around the world," said Kevin Kester, president of NCBA. "Now, the President has the chance to demonstrate his support for free and fair markets right here at home. By supporting USDA oversight of lab-grown fake meat, the President will protect American consumers and ensure that America's farmers and ranchers are not disadvantaged in the marketplace."
Click here to read more about the meat industry's call to action directed at the President.
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have one of the premiere businesses in the cattle business partner with us in helping bring you our daily Farm and Ranch News Email- National Livestock Credit Corporation. National Livestock has been around since 1932- and they have worked with livestock producers to help them secure credit and to buy or sell cattle through the National Livestock Commission Company. They also own and operate the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Market in Ada, Superior Livestock, which continues to operate independently and have a major stake in OKC West in El Reno. To learn more about how these folks can help you succeed in the cattle business, click here for their website or call the Oklahoma City office at 1-800-310-0220.
 Jerri Wilson of Loco, Okla. Recognized as a Significant Woman in Oklahoma Agriculture by ODAFF
This past week, the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture honored Jerri Wilson of Loco, Okla., recognizing her as a Significant Woman in Oklahoma Agriculture. Wilson, raised near Duncan in southern Oklahoma, was born to Billie and (Ed) John E Jackson, Jr. and grew up with three older sisters on the commercial Angus cow-calf ranch in southern Stephens and northern Jefferson counties. Ed Jackson purchased the ranch the year Wilson was born, 1959, and expanded it to 23,000 acres. Wilson grew up with a love for taking care of cattle and the land. As she got older, her responsibilities on the ranch grew in number. In high school, she started going to the state high school rodeos. That's where she met her future husband Bob Wilson. The two married after high school, in June 1977 and eventually had three daughters, Kristy, Kerri and Kayla. Around the age of 30, Wilson and Bob began their own ranching operation near Loco. They put together enough acreage to get a start, so they bought four loads of commercial Angus bred heifers and later bred Simmental into their cow herd. "Now we have a SimAngus cow base and have been breeding them to registered Angus bulls," she said.
Over the years, Jerri and Bob have purchased more land and have doubled their size from what they started with and have worked to improve the land after learning the hard way the devastation an extended drought can cause. In addition to three children, they also have six grandchildren now and hope to keep the ranch going in order to pass it down one day. "Who knows, maybe some of them will continue in a ranching lifestyle," Wilson said. "In the cattle business it's a lot of long days and hard work but it is a lifestyle that I love and have a passion for."
 Challenges Ahead for the Beef Industry But Duane Lenz of CattleFax Confident in Market's Profitability
Duane Lenz, is general manager of the leading industry analytics firm, CattleFax, and during the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association's 66th Annual Convention held recently in Norman, Okla., he spoke with our own Carson Horn, offering a comprehensive overview of the beef industry including his own professional outlook on the expected future performance of beef markets for the balance of this year and into next. As for the first half of 2018, though, Lenz says things have been pretty good for the US beef industry.
"It's been a pretty good time for the cattle industry," Lenz began, in review of the current market situation. "Feedyards are starting to lose a little bit of money but stocker operations have been profitable and cow/calf folks have done really well this year - prices hung in there better than we though. So, overall it's been a good year for the industry."
However, the recent released of the USDA cattle on feed and cattle inventory reports confirmed that the industry is facing a period of larger beef supplies coming down the pipeline that will somehow have to be worked through. All thanks to the ongoing, yet moderating expansion of the US beef cow herd. Lenz says producers will be faced with the results of herd expansion that has been ongoing for the past two to three years. In order to absorb the larger supplies expected just over the horizon, Lenz insists the industry will have to continue to aggressively move more cattle year-over-year. Luckily, therein lies the good news for producers as worldwide demand for US beef has been remarkably resilient this year and Lenz believes it will continue as long as the economy remains strong to support current price levels. However, the matter becomes more complex when you consider the bigger picture which brings into focus increasing competition from other major proteins like pork and poultry. To ensure its place on top while staying ahead of the curve - Lenz insists the industry will have to be innovative, work with new products and market aggressively to consumers in order to stir the demand that will keep meat moving. If done right, Lenz says the beef industry should be able to coast through the next few years comfortably as the herd expansion levels out.
"There's probably going to be a little more price pressure with bigger numbers," he concluded. "But, we think good producers who do things right will continue to be profitable."
Listen to Lenz offer more insights into the current state of the beef industry in his complete conversation with Carson, featured on this past Friday's Beef Buzz - click here.
 More and More Producers Turning Toward No-Till Systems as Benefits Become Increasingly Evident
During the latest episode of the Southern Plains Podcast - a collaborative venture between the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub and Redlands Community College - host and USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub Coordinator Clay Pope visits with Steve Swaffer, executive director of No-Till on the Plains, a 501c3 non-profit educational organization whose mission is to provide education and networking on agricultural production systems that model nature. Steve talks about his organization, the role no-till and cover crops play in helping ag producers deal with extreme weather events and how No-Till on the Plains is working to educate farmers and ranchers on the benefits of soil health.
Currently, Swaffer says his organization and its members are really focusing right now on promoting the benefits of soil health and how to properly develop that through a true systems approach. By adopting this method of production, Swaffer says not only will they enjoy less soil erosion, they will also notice an increase in the water infiltration of their soil which overtime will reduce the need to irrigate the land. In addition, farmers will see the build-up of carbon reserves and organic material in their soil that helps feed plants and sustain a healthy ecosystem.
Swaffer says more and more people are turning to no-till farming as the benefits of this system become more and more evident with increased adoption. You can listen to this week's full episode of the Southern Plains Podcast to learn more about No-Till on the Plains and how improved soil health can benefit your farming operation, by clicking or tapping here.
Sponsor Spotlight
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
 Noble Co. Extension Leader Taylor Harbuck Speaks Candidly on Significance of State's 4-H Program
Southwest Oklahoma native and Oklahoma State University alum, Taylor Harbuck, has been with the Oklahoma 4-H Extension Service for roughly five years now as a county educator serving the Perry community and other throughout Noble County. During the Oklahoma 4-H Round-Up last week, he took a few moments to speak with us about the importance of the Oklahoma 4-H program and the impact it has on our future ag industry leaders. "The majority of my job is putting together programming and training to send out to the communities and schools and partnering organizations, because I'm only one person - I can't serve everybody by myself, so it takes everyone," he said. "I think our adult volunteers and our partnering organizations are critical in maintaining the quality of what we're able to offer." Despite the recent budget challenges and level of commitment required of a county extension educator, Harbuck's passion and conviction shines evident in his words as well as his actions. "Our young people are the future of this state - of this country - and we've got to continue serving those people and their families," he said. "In order for the 4-H program to exist, we have to have that support from the state and we know that our state is in some downturns... So, if (working harder on a tighter budget) needs to be done, it's what has to be done. Because, our youth deserve the utmost support we can provide them." Listen to our complete interview, by clicking here, to hear Harbuck talk more about how he and his peers are working within tighter budget constraints to transition Oklahoma's 4-H program into the age of technology while striving to continue the same level of commitment to the communities they serve.
American Farmers & Ranchers Seeks Members' Input During Statewide August Meetings, Aug. 7 - 20
AFR members will have the opportunity to discuss key rural and agriculture issues during a series of informal barbecues scheduled for Aug. 7-20 in various locations across Oklahoma. "We want to use this informal, relaxed atmosphere to learn the critical issues on the minds of Oklahoma farmers and ranchers," AFR President Terry Detrick, said. The current agriculture economy, the farm bill, mid-term elections and international trade are among the issues expected to gain attention during the meetings. Detrick added, the issues discussed will lead to new and improved policies for the state's oldest farm organization. The meetings, two each day, will start promptly with the meal followed by discussions. There will also be staff introductions followed by brief comments. For locations and starting times and other general information, visit the calendar page on our website.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Waiting on the Senate to Vote for Farm Bill Conference
The Senate left Washington this past Thursday without voting to move the farm bill forward to conference, or even naming conferees. Those were two goals that Ag Chair Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow wanted to get done before Senators left town.
Politico says the delay could be a result of a number of different things, including backdoor, last-minute deals and jostling by Senators who want to get a seat on the conference committee. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says he and South Dakota Senator John Thune, who represent key ag states, could be left off the committee if leadership only names five Republicans to the panel.
If the lingering issues have been worked out over the weekend, the earliest the Senate could vote would be Monday afternoon. The House left for its summer recess last Thursday.
However, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tells the Hagstrom Report that the Senate is expected to vote to go to conference in the coming week.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, American Farmers & Ranchers, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
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