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Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has a total of 1,103 cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
October 17th sale of finished cattle- details will be available after noon today by clicking here.
Steer and heifer calves traded mostly steady on limited offerings Tuesday compared to last week at OKC West - click or tap here for a look at the October 16th sale results.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
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We are roughly halfway into the fall planting season now, and according to USDA-NASS, Oklahoma is approximately two-thirds of the way finished with its winter wheat planting. Mike Schulte of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission says based on what he's seen and heard around the countryside, that estimate is probably about right. However, he disagrees with USDA's claim that 50 percent of the crop is already emerged, calling that number a bit optimistic. Nonetheless, he can't deny the fact that the abundant rains this fall have spurred some rapid growth in wheat fields these past few weeks. The question now is - how much more rain can we take before it starts to hurt us. He says that is quickly becoming a reality as some fields as of now already require reseeding. Fortunately, for others, planting early and investing in protection from armyworms has paid off and the opportunity to begin grazing wheat pasture is picking up as the state continues to dry out. But, Schulte says he would not be surprised to see a large portion of Oklahoma's crop be utilized for grain purposes only this year. Schulte also shared his skepticism of USDA's numbers for the 2018 harvest which were adjusted up at the last minute in the agency's latest report - moving Oklahoma's total production from 55 million bu. predicted in August to 70 million bu. and increasing total acres from 2.2 million to 2.5 million in addition to bumping yields from 25 bu./ac. to 28 bu./ac. "I think it remains to be seen if those numbers are really actually going to be out there," he said. "Based off what I've seen and talking with the industry, I think these numbers are still a little bit high. Certainly, I think we might have gotten an increase in acres, but I think the yield increase for this crop is still a little optimistic."
Sponsor Spotlight
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
Farm Bureau joined the world yesterday in commemorating 2018 World Food Day, with AFBF President Zippy Duvall tipping his hat to farmers and ranchers for their labor and industry to feed the globe.
"America's farmers and ranchers are committed to doing everything in their power to decrease global hunger and malnutrition," Duvall said in a statement released Tuesday. Duvall credited the ag industry's innovations from seed science to precision agriculture as the tools that have empowered producers with the ability to take the philosophy of sustainability and stewardship and effectively put it into practice. Duvall called on the agricultural communities of the world to collaborate in a unified response to hunger's challenge through shared technologies and supporting initiatives focused on global agricultural development. "Sharing the bounty that comes from our farms in a way that makes the biggest difference for hungry people around the world is a continuing challenge, and we stand ready to work with public and private organizations in that collaborative response," he said. "Together, we can increase global food security. That's important because a better-fed world is a more secure world."
Click here to read Duvall's complete statement for a glimpse at his vision of what meeting hunger's challenge looks like and what role producers and the larger ag industry plays in that.
Monica Miller Introduces the Oklahoma Rural Association - A Collective Voice for Rural Oklahomans
There already exists a myriad of groups, organizations and associations that advocate on behalf of rural Oklahomans in one capacity or another- particularly focusing on one area of interest in most cases. Many are surely familiar with organizations that deal in general with farming and agriculture, as well as areas such as rural water, healthcare, education, energy, etc. However, according to Monica Miller, with a choir of voices singing out from the state's countryside, the need to unify those voices has presented itself. As executive director of the newly formed Oklahoma Rural Association, Miller is reaching out to stakeholders statewide who regardless of industry or affiliation, fall under the umbrella designation of being a rural interest. She sat down with us this week to introduce listeners to the ORA.
Listen to our complete conversation by clicking or tapping here to learn from Miller what makes this new association unique and where the need to unify rural Oklahoma's voice stems from. If you are interested in learning more about the association, you can visit their website, here, or make plans to attend the ORA's upcoming meeting scheduled for the day after the Midterm elections on November 7th in Edmond, Okla. where Miller says the ORA's board will work with its growing membership base to set its policy for the next legislative session here in Oklahoma.
Membership is open and available to anyone or any entity that falls under the umbrella of having roots in rural Oklahoma including individuals, groups or associations and corporations or organized industries.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Tuesday gave its blessing to Texas A&M AgriLife Research to move toward commercialization of a new strain of cotton that has the potential to help feed half a billion hungry people across the globe while also doubling the income of cotton farmers. It is only the fourth time ever that a university has successfully petitioned the USDA for deregulation - and the first time in Texas.
The development was the result of Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientist, Dr. Keerti Rathore's life's work, who after 23 years, has figured out a way to remove a naturally occurring toxin from cottonseeds that make them inedible to people and most animals. The breakthrough by Rathore and his team at Texas A&M AgriLife Research will allow farmers now to grow cotton for both fiber and food. The new seeds can be eaten, ground into flour or made into a peanut butter-like spread. They also can provide an excellent source of protein for animals that were unable to consume cottonseeds before Rathore's discovery. Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp, who oversees Texas A&M AgriLife Research along with 11 universities and seven state agencies, said Rathore's work will have a dramatic effect across the world. Continue reading about Rathore's work or watch a short video of Chancellor Sharp with Dr. Rathore, by clicking over to the Agri-Innovations page on our website.
Sponsor Spotlight
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau - a grassroots organization that has for its Mission Statement- Improving the Lives of Rural Oklahomans." Farm Bureau, as the state's largest general farm organization, is active at the State Capitol fighting for the best interests of its members and working with other groups to make certain that the interests of rural Oklahoma are protected. Click here for their website to learn more about the organization and how it can benefit you to be a part of Farm Bureau.
Cattle Industry Comes Together to Launch Cattle Trace Pilot Project, Now Underway in Kansas
A new pilot project designed to test the beef industry's capability of implementing a viable and efficient system of cattle traceability is currently getting underway in Kansas. So far, seven auction barns, 14 feedyards and three instate packers have signed on to participate in the program, which is now in the process of recruiting cow/calf producers who will feed cattle into the infrastructure that has been established. Brandon Depenbusch is vice president of cattle operations for Innovative Livestock Services based out of Great Bend and Manhattan, Kansas. He is also chairman of the board for the Cattle Trace Project. In a recent interview, he said cattle traceability is what Innovative Livestock Services is all about.
"From our company standpoint, we view it as a risk management tool for the industry," he said. "It's important for all segments of the industry to be able to have a tool such as Cattle Trace to be able to trace back animals just in the case of an animal disease outbreak."
The lynchpin of this program's success, Depenbusch explained, is the rate of speed at which the program can accurately locate a disease outbreak's point of origin. He states that speed is of the utmost importance in a situation such as this. The faster this task is completed the less collateral damage there will be and more money that can be saved. While some may have their reasons to be skeptical about a program such as this- Depenbusch says the response so far has been largely positive with lots of constructive feedback. That is encouraging, he says, to know that the industry recognizes the importance of proactively facing this issue rather than taking a reactionary position on the matter.
"That would be absolutely devastating because then we're left with maybe politicians or somebody forcing something down on us that may or may not suit every segment in the industry," he said. "I think it's a great opportunity for all of us in each segment of the industry to have a seat at the table and define what that disease traceability structure looks like. So, I think that is a tall task ahead of us to make sure we define that so that everybody is comfortable with the process."
Listen to Depenbusch discuss the significance of this pilot project for the beef industry, on today's Beef Buzz - click here.
In this week's edition of the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter, OSU's Dr. Derrell Peel updated readers on the current state of US and global beef trade which he says has, "continued the impressive performance of recent months in the latest monthly trade data for August."
According to his article, total monthly U.S. beef exports were up 9.0 percent with a year to date total up 14.2 percent year over year with Japan accounting 28.8 percent of U.S. beef exports. Unsurprisingly, he says, fledgling U.S. beef exports to China have faltered with the trade war. Based on recent USDA data, though, Peel suggests there might be future opportunity for the US to capture more of global market share as one of the top beef producing countries worldwide.
According to the USDA, Peel says beef imports among major importing countries are forecast to increase three to four percent in 2019. However, fluctuations in global competition should also be expected. Brazil, the world's No.1 beef exporting country is projected to increase its exports by nearly five percent year over year in 2019. Meanwhile, India, which exceeded Brazil as the largest beef exporter in 2014-2016, declined in 2018 year over year and is projected to decline again in 2019. Australia, which has struggled to recover from earlier drought, is in drought once again and is forecast to see year over year declines in beef exports in 2019. U.S. beef exports are forecast to show modest growth year over year in 2019. At the same time, the U.S. remains as the world's top beef importer. US beef imports have changed little since 2016 though USDA forecasts show a slight increase in U.S. beef imports in 2019. Other analysts forecast little change or even a slight decline in U.S. beef imports in 2019. Number two beef importer China continues to increase year over year and is closing the gap with the U.S. China could be the largest beef importing country in 2020 or even in 2019 if U.S. beef imports decline and China reaches or exceeds current forecasts. Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea are all projected to increase beef imports in 2019.
Click here to review Dr. Peel's complete analysis of US and global beef demand, published in this week's edition of the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter.
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Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Allendale Predicts Largest September Placements in Seven Years for Upcoming On Feed Report
Industry analytics firm, Allendale, is predicting that the September Placements in the upcoming USDA Cattle on Feed report for October will be 0.2% over last year at 2.154 million head- the largest September placement in seven years. If this is realized, it would also mark five months in a row of higher than last year placements. High placements have been seen despite profitability concerns. Allendale also anticipates a Marketing total in September of 0.7% under last year for a total of 1.771 million. This would be the lowest September marketing in three years bringing Allendale's estimate for Total Cattle on Feed as of October 1 to 5.9% over last year at 11.446 million. That would be a record October 1 total since the 1996 start of the current data-series. Record COF has been noted for three months in a row now. For a complete look at Allendale's predictions for the upcoming Cattle on Feed and Cold Storage reports, click here.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Oklahoma Pork Council, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock!
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