We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Monday, November 5, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Guthrie's Herb's Herbs Celebrates Oklahoma's First Industrial Hemp Crop with Ceremonial Harvest
Herb's Herbs celebrated Oklahoma's first Industrial Hemp crop harvest since World War II this last week with a ceremonial cutting at its Guthrie Greenhouses. According to Herb's Herbs Co-owner Jesse Tischauser the process leading up to this harvest has been a long and complicated one - but also a very interesting learning experience. He talked about the journey they have been on growing this inaugural crop since they first received their Industrial Hemp license from the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture through the Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Pilot Project as a subcontractor with Langston University on June 6th.
The entire process took Tischauser roughly 18 weeks, he says - 16 weeks for growing from germination to harvest and other week or two for drying. Tischauser's plan is to continue to grow the plant in their greenhouses for the plants' flowers with the intention of selling them for the purpose of smoking. He says that's the most profitable way to go about it right now. However, he says farmers will eventually take over the market with much larger crops at their disposal and believes they will expand more into hemp's use as a fiber to make various products. Long-term, though, the plan is to be Oklahoma's source of hemp seed for farmers.
"Our goal is to provide Oklahoma's farmers with the knowledge and education of how to grow this product. We want them to purchase our clones or our seed and get started and know they're going to have something to harvest and take to market at the end of the year."
Click here to hear our complete conversation and to learn more about Tischauser's experience growing industrial hemp.
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have the Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards as a sponsor for our daily email. The eight Commission firms at the Stockyards make up the exchange- and they are committed to work hard to get you top dollar when you consign your cattle with them. They will present your cattle to the buyers gathered each Monday or Tuesday at one of the largest stocker and feeder cattle auctions in the world.
Click here for a complete list of the Commission firms that make up the Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards- still the best place to sell your cattle- and at the heart of Stockyards City, where you can go around the corner enjoy a great steak and shop for the very best in western wear.
A Decade of Genomics in Beef Cattle Has Yielded Amazing Results- We Visit With Stewart Bauck of Neogen
Over the weekend- I have been in Columbus, Ohio at the 2018 National Angus Convention- being held this year in the Buckeye state to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Certified Angus Beef Program.
But there is also a second anniversary that is being quietly celebrated here as well- a fifteen year anniversary of starting down the path towards having genomic information available from beef cattle.
I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with the Vice President of Agrigenomics for Neogen, Dr. Stewart Bauck. Dr. Bauck has been in the middle of the efforts to utilize genomics to predict the performance of beef cattle even before the beef animal genome was mapped.
Dr. Bauck says that we have effectively had the ability to predict the performance of beef animals for only about a decade- and in that time- the advancements have been nothing short of amazing.
He notes that December of 2003 was an important time frame for the US Beef Cattle industry- that was when USDA announced the plan to sequence the Beef genome- using the DNA of a Hereford cow from South Dakota named Dominette.
Dr. Bauck, who was working for Merial in the early 2000s, later moved over to what was to become Neogen GeneSeek- and remembers that early in 2008- the first High Density SNPs tests were available for cattle- at a price of over $200 per test- ten years later- the tests are much more sophisticated and are significantly better- and cost less than $40 per animal. That's the basis of the breed specific program called Angus GS.
Dr. Bauck was a keynoter on Saturday morning at the Angus Convention- and after this presentation- we talked with him about the zero to sixty world of genomics for beef cattle- you can hear our conversation by clicking or tapping here.
The National Association of Wheat Growers and U.S. Wheat Associates concluded their joint annual Fall Conference last week in Tampa. Wheat growers from across the country met in policy committees to discuss a wide variety of priorities including the farm bill, trade, the National Wheat Yield Contest, and the 2018 midterm elections. Attendees also had the opportunity to interact with Ambassador Gregg Doud, Chief Agriculture Negotiator of the U.S. Trade Representative, as well as representatives from Ardent Mills and Bimbo Bakeries who discussed the influence that consumer demand is having on the wheat industry.
NAWG President and Oklahoma wheat grower Jimmie Musick remarked in a statement that the conference couldn't have come at a better time as Congress works to pass the 2018 farm bill during the lame duck session. He says the mid-term elections may bring in a wave of Democrat legislators which will significantly alter the congressional agenda.
Discussions at this meeting also gravitated heavily toward a focus on matters of trade and related policy issues, with particular emphasis on developments happening with Japan, the USMCA and of course China. Additional topics ranged from issues pertaining to pesticides, investment in wheat research, and funding for conservation programs. Click here to learn more about the matters discussed at this conference.
Oklahoma Wheat Pastures Look Promising for Grazing this Winter - Just as Soon as They Dry Out
As we enter into November, there is some wheat pasture out there - at least a little bit, but the potential is a whole lot more may be in the works once we get a little more solid footing as wheat fields dry out. According to Oklahoma State University Extension Grain Market Economist Dr. Derrell Peel, this has been an unusual year so far when it comes to establishing pastures. "In terms of where we are right now, it's a very unusual situation. I can't remember a time that was ever like this," Peel said. "We have lots of wheat coming - some big enough to graze, some of it will be big enough to graze pretty shortly with a little bit of sunshine. So, we've got lots of wheat pasture prospects but it's too wet to actually turn cattle out on wheat because all the rain and sloppy weather we've had." So, although grazing is delayed a bit this fall season, Peel says there will be much more grazable pasture that will become available in the next few days and weeks. In fact, he says there might be enough to actually support even more cattle than some producers may have planned for, offering up increased opportunity for stockers and even ranchers considering feeding out cull cows. "The amount of forage we're going to produce is gong to be an opportunity for producers to utilize that, so, we kind of know up front that we're going to have plenty to work with," he said. "The moisture is there, so we're virtually assured - barring just an absolute wreck of a winter - to have significant wheat pasture this winter." Listen to Derrell Peel and I speak about the current wheat pasture prospects in Oklahoma, on Friday's Beef Buzz - click here.
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have one of the premiere businesses in the cattle business partner with us in helping bring you our daily Farm and Ranch News Email- National Livestock Credit Corporation. National Livestock has been around since 1932- and they have worked with livestock producers to help them secure credit and to buy or sell cattle through the National Livestock Commission Company. They also own and operate the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Market in Ada, Superior Livestock, which continues to operate independently and have a major stake in OKC West in El Reno. To learn more about how these folks can help you succeed in the cattle business, click here for their website or call the Oklahoma City office at 1-800-310-0220.
Three Graphics From Cameron Bruett at National Angus Convention
Many of you have heard Cameron Bruett of JBS speak in years gone by- I think I first heard him some years back at the Texoma Cattlemen's Conference down in Ardmore- and several more times since then- he has served as the Chair of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef- and is currently head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability for JBS USA.
He was the industry keynoter for the Angus University at the National Angus Convention Sunday morning program in Columbus yesterday- we will have our conversation with Cameron available later this week- but wanted to share this morning three graphics that highlighted a lot of what he was saying-
The first is all about where we have been in the sustainable conversation for beef cattle- playing catch up:
This graphic recalls the uproar over beef production that came when the FAO declared livestock PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE when it came to GreenHouse Gases.
Brett pointed out to the audience that the numbers were wrong from the get go- but the damage was done- especially for beef- the raising of beef was killing the planet- at least that was the perception.
Now- the reality is- especially in the United States- Beef Cattle Production is a huge win win for sustainability:
More Beef with Fewer Animals on Less Land and Less Feed. It's a great story if you can get people to understand and believe it.
The third graphic I wanted to share from Cameron's latest sustainability speech- has to do with today's consumers here in America- and the reality of how split our society is today:
The questions with YELLOW words are come from consumers who may be eating out or may be shopping at Whole Foods or someplace similar- the Where, Who and How kind of questions.
The questions with BLUE words are going through the minds of the lady or gentleman who is shopping for their family on a budget- and want a safe product that is affordable for their family- and is available.
Two totally different perspectives on what's important when it comes to buying beef or pork or chicken.
More from Cameron later tomorrow in our daily email.
Loessa (Susie) Thompson of Walters, Okla. was recognized last week by the Oklahoma Dept. of Ag as a Significant Woman in Agriculture. She and her husband, Jerry, still live on the same section of land that her family has farmed for four generations, growing wheat and sometimes cotton as well as cattle.
Thompson grew up helping out on the family farm but started her own career in agriculture at the age of 15 when she began working for the Walters Coop elevator in Cookietown. After graduating from Walters High School, Thompson went on to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater for a year before returning to marry Jerry Thompson, a farmer who grew up only 10 miles away from her in Temple. In May of 1982, she took a temporary position at Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, now known as the Farm Service Agency. After three years as a temporary employee, she became a program assistant, then a program technician. In November 2008, Thompson became the Executive Director for the Cotton County FSA - a position she says she never dreamed she'd have when she first began as a temporary employee.
In addition to serving as director, Thompson is also an elder at the First Presbyterian Church in Walters, a member of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, and has been a 4-H volunteer leader for the last 20 years. She also enjoys cooking from her garden and taking it out to the field. She helps with module work, parts runs when needed, and on occasion, feeding calves that do not catch on to nursing.
Learn more about the life of Susie Thompson and what makes her a Significant Woman in Agriculture, by clicking here to read her complete profile by ODAFF.
Do You Know How You'll Vote Tomorrow? Use the OKFB Voter Guide to Help You Decide
Oklahoma voters will face a variety of decisions tomorrow as they head to the polls to collectively decide who will be the state's next governor, state officials, state senators and state representatives, as well as the outcome of five state questions. To help you make these tough decisions, the Oklahoma Farm Bureau has provided a variety of resources to aid you at the ballot box.
Included in these resources is useful general information about the election that will help you find your polling place and view your sample ballot using the Oklahoma State Election Board's online voter tool. The OKFB Voter's Guide also has information about this year's State questions that will be included on the ballot and how they will impact rural Oklahoma and agriculture. Plus, you can also review a comprehensive list of those candidates in each race that OKFB's political action committee, OKAgFund, has endorsed this year. Review all this information and download and print your own guide to help keep things straight at the polls, by clicking here.
Keep in mind, polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on election day.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Oklahoma Pork Council, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144