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Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor
Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Monday, November 12, 2018
Veteran's Day- We thank each Veteran and Their Family for Your Service
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Veterans Day and Winter Weather Arrive Together
Veterans Day originated as "Armistice Day" on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and Nov. 11 became a national holiday beginning in 1938.
After World War II and the Korean War, veterans service organizations urged the holiday to be amended. On June 1, 1954, Congress changed the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day so all American veterans would be honored.
In an effort to boost economic stimulation with a long weekend, in 1968 Congress made certain federal holidays, including Veterans Day, fall on a Monday. From 1971 until 1977, Veterans Day was officially celebrated on the fourth Monday of October. However, in 1975, then-President Gerald Ford signed a law that returned Veterans Day to November 11.
This year- November 11th was a Sunday- so the the Federal Government will officially observe Veteran's Day today- meaning all Government offices are closed today- no mail service- and this is a Bank holiday- your local bank will be closed as well.
However, the Stock Market and Ag Futures markets will be open today.
Veterans Day is different than Memorial Day- as it is aimed more at those who are living and served our country in one of the branches of the military.
MEANWHILE- as we honor our Vets today- Winter has arrived in across the Plains- the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles have had rain, ice, snow and a lot of wind over the last twelve to eighteen hours- A lot of western Kansas has several inches of snow from this storm that rolled across yesterday afternoon and last night- That system has now moved out of western Kansas into points east of Wichita and just south of Kansas City.
As of 3AM in northwestern Oklahoma- Beaver County folks report 3-4 inches of snow with roads snow packed and slick. Jed Castles with News9 in Oklahoma City has tweeted that radar generated estimates of snow totals show over 9 inches in Dumas, Texas while the western Oklahoma amounts are three to four inches in Beaver and Harper Counties- and around 2 1/2 inches of snow around Elk City. The Oklahoma City National Weather Service says we could end up with four to six inches of snow in northwestern Oklahoma by this afternoon when the system moves out.
Both the Oklahoma City and Tulsa areas will be getting some snow- as of 5 AM- there is currently a mix of rain and sleet in the OKC metro.
Wind Chills will be brutal today- strong north winds with gusts from 20 to 33 miles per hour are seen as of 5 AM- wind chills will be into the teens and even single digits by later tonight and in the morning.
Overnight lows for tomorrow morning will be brutal for mid November- the Mesonet shows temps as low as 9 degrees for Slapout and Beaver tomorrow morning- teens in much of northern half of Oklahoma and twenties across southern Oklahoma- the entire state will be below freezing by tomorrow morning at sunrise.
In modern agricultural production, advanced technology has become and continues to grow into a tool of equal importance to farmers as basic machinery like tractors and combines. Today, cellphones and iPads are something that producers use on a daily basis for their farm or ranch. As the area of what's known now as Precision Agriculture continues to expand exponentially and the ag industry itself becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it is more and more important for producers to stay up to date with their tech tools. According to Chad Colby of Colby AgTech, doing so will pay off- allowing producers to be their most productive and efficient using the advanced capabilities of today's latest innovations. In a recent interview, he talked about the return on investment producers will enjoy by maintaining and strengthening their operation's technical infrastructure and their own tech-literacy.
Colby was a featured keynote speaker this past week at the National Association of Farm Broadcasters Convention in Kansas City. We had the chance to speak to him on the sidelines after his presentation. He reiterated the opportunities technology has created for those in the ag industry, but also pointed out the many challenges it presents as well- chief among those being the cost of keeping pace with the tech industry's rapid evolution. His advice to producers is to start with the basics and then work with your business partners to figure out where to take your operation, technologically, from there.
"That may mean, for example, if you have a cell-phone that is three years old - it's time to upgrade, or maybe at the house your internet service isn't very good. So, you need to get a new router. You've got to get the basics in first," Colby explained. "Then, trust your partners, whoever you work with... your seed dealer, your chemical rep or machinery dealers... listen to those guys to help you try to determine the best place to invest into the technology. You need to be doing so because there is return on that investment in technology."
For more of Colby's advice on how to invest wisely in technology in a way that fits your operation's needs, you can continue reading or listen to our full conversation by clicking here.
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have the Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards as a sponsor for our daily email. The eight Commission firms at the Stockyards make up the exchange- and they are committed to work hard to get you top dollar when you consign your cattle with them. They will present your cattle to the buyers gathered each Monday or Tuesday at one of the largest stocker and feeder cattle auctions in the world.
Click here for a complete list of the Commission firms that make up the Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards- still the best place to sell your cattle- and at the heart of Stockyards City, where you can go around the corner enjoy a great steak and shop for the very best in western wear.
Jaynie Dowdle of Washington, Okla. Recognized as a Significant Woman in Agriculture by ODAFF
The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture this past week, named Jaynie Dowdle of Washington, Okla. as a Significant Woman in Agriculture. While Dowdle grew up around agriculture, she described it as more of an acquaintance up until she married her husband, Greg, 43 years ago. After saying 'I do,' the couple moved back to Greg's family farm where agriculture soon became a way of life for Dowdle, helping raise alfalfa, wheat and cattle.
Two years after marrying, the Dowdles became farming and ranching partners with her father-in-law and purchased 350 acres where Greg had lived all his life. They moved into the house where he grew up, slowly made it their own, and still live there today. Over time, the couple have grown their operation as well as their influence in their local community. In 1998, she had the opportunity as a female farmer to be the minority advisor on the McClain County Committee at the Farm Service Agency in Purcell and would go on to work full-time for the County Executive Director, where she just completed her 18th year work anniversary.
In addition to her other on and off-farm activities, Jaynie Dowdle teaches a first and second grade Sunday School class at Union Hill Baptist Church and she has a quilting business - Farm Fresh Quilting designs - with her daughters.
You can read more about Dowdle's life story and what makes her a Significant Woman in Agriculture, by clicking over to our website.
Activists Succeed in Passing More Restrictions on Production Ag, Bringing Them Closer to Real Goal
Those involved in anti-animal agriculture efforts got a big win in the Tuesday, November elections out in California with the state's Proposition #12 easily passing. This ballot initiative sets new standards in place for cage-free laying hens, for veal and for sows in gestation crates. Hannah Thompson-Weeman of the Animal Agriculture Alliance spoke with us this week about the confirmation of that pivotal piece of policy being imposed on producers and pushed by activists.
"This was a very successful campaign for them. They did get a majority to vote for it and they had a lot of money to do that," Thompson-Weeman said, noting that the war-chest for this campaign totaled upwards of $13 million thanks in part to donations from organizations with ties to one of the ag industry's staunchest opponent, the Humane Society of the United States. "This was probably the most newsworthy thing for animal ag to happen on Election Day and it will be interesting to see what this means for the long-term."
Passing Prop-12, explains Thompson-Weeman, puts animal rights activists another step closer to their ultimate goal of eliminating animal agriculture all together. This is of course part of an overarching strategy that the groups behind these measures that impose restrictive practices on producers, to force consumers to make hard choices about the food they buy at the grocery store, essentially by out-pricing animal-based products.
"That's why they push for these requirements, because they want production to be less efficient, which then drives up costs," she said. "They want to force consumers to make tough choices at the grocery store and not be able to afford products."
Listen to Thompson-Weeman and I discuss this latest win for the anti-animal ag agenda, on today's Beef Buzz - click here.
During the National Association of Farm Broadcasters Convention in Kansas City this past week, our own Carson Horn spoke with Jimmie Musick, a wheat producer from Sentinel, Okla. and president of the National Association of Wheat Growers. With all that's happening politically - midterms, Farm Bill negotiations, trade, etc... Musick made no qualms about the fact that his association is dealing with a full plate right now. However, despite the many things going and the level of uncertainty these combined issues have created, Musick has maintained his optimism that everything will work its way out and that ultimately, farmers will prosper.
One of the reasons he is so optimistic, is the fact that despite the coming change in leadership to the House Ag Committee and the implications that has in regard to a smooth process in passing the Farm Bill moving forward- he has faith that Ranking Member Collin Peterson (who is likely to take over for outgoing Chairman Mike Conaway) will have farmers' best interest in mind. Musick acknowledges that Peterson also served with Congressman Frank Lucas during the process of passing the last Farm Bill and says he is confident Peterson will be just as willing to work with NAWG and other industry associations as well to craft the best possible legislation to help producers during these difficult economic times.
And at home here in Oklahoma, Musick is glad to see that Kevin Stitt took the Governor's race. He says that Stitt was very vocal in his support of agriculture during the campaign and says he will have the opportunity now to prove that support and work with the industry.
Listen to Carson's complete interview with Musick for more on these topics and others, by clicking or tapping here.
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have one of the premiere businesses in the cattle business partner with us in helping bring you our daily Farm and Ranch News Email- National Livestock Credit Corporation. National Livestock has been around since 1932- and they have worked with livestock producers to help them secure credit and to buy or sell cattle through the National Livestock Commission Company. They also own and operate the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Market in Ada, Superior Livestock, which continues to operate independently and have a major stake in OKC West in El Reno. To learn more about how these folks can help you succeed in the cattle business, click here for their website or call the Oklahoma City office at 1-800-310-0220.
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has named Holly Carroll its foundation director. In the position, Carroll will coordinate foundation programs, represent the foundation at statewide events and activities, and build statewide awareness of agriculture and the foundation.
"I'm excited to work with other farmers and ranchers across the state who are passionate about their industry to educate and promote agriculture to all of Oklahoma," Carroll said.
Carroll previously served Oklahoma Farm Bureau as a field representative and the Young Farmers and Ranchers coordinator. She grew up on a beef and tobacco farm in central Kentucky, and earned a degree in agricultural education from Western Kentucky University before moving to Oklahoma.
To view the original announcement made last week on our website, click here.
Corteva Agriscience Partners with 4-H to Join Pheasants Forever's Youth Pollinator Habitat Program
Corteva Agriscience announced last week, a partnership with the National 4-H Council and Pheasants Forever. The program, Corteva Grows Pollinator Habitat, will support monarch butterfly and pollinator habitat at Corteva Agriscience locations throughout the United States. Through this program, Corteva Agriscience will engage 4-H youth to help increase pollinator habitats and populations, supporting biodiversity. The program will also strengthen pollinator education efforts through Pheasants Forever's Youth Pollinator Habitat Program.
Corteva Agriscience will provide land and financial support for the pollinator habitat, which will be planted and maintained, in part, by the site's employees and 4-H youth leaders. Pheasants Forever will provide expertise and support including habitat seed, site preparation, planting support and ongoing mowing. In addition to providing seasonal food supplies and a home to pollinators, the sites will be used to educate students on the benefits of pollinators and their habitats and grow youth with the awareness, passion and skills to be responsible stewards of our planet for generations to come. In the spring of 2019, the first sites will be planted. Additional site plantings will take place through 2020. The majority of locations reside along monarch butterfly flyway, the Interstate 35 corridor between Minnesota and Texas.
Click over to the Agri-Innovations page on our website to continue reading about this new program being spearheaded by Corteva Agriscience.
Cashion FFA Loses Barn and Show Stock in Fire
Saturday afternoon- a livestock barn used by the Cashion FFA in central Oklahoma caught on fire and was destroyed- all animals in that barn died in the fire. The FFA community has quickly responded as this news spread on Social Media- and as of Sunday night- the Cashion FFA chapter offers this update- "First off we are all so thankful for all of the thoughts, prayers, and incredible amount of donation offers. As of now we seem to have all animals that were lost in the fire replaced. Our insurance is going to cover the building. However, the students supplies that were in the barn will not be replaced by the insurance. Cashion FFA is currently taking donations to help those students involved get back the supplies they lost in the fire!"
Also updating things Sunday night was the Cashion Fire Department- "This fire was a heart felt loss by a lot of students but this fire did not wipe out the Cashion FFA program, the barn that was lost was an over flow " secondary barn". Students did lose prized show animals but not every animal in the Organization was lost."
Cards and Monetary donations can be sent to: 101 N Euclid, Cashion, OK 73016 Attn: Cashion FFA
Equipment an animal donations Please contact: Cashion Schools Ag Dept @ (405) 433-2741
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Oklahoma Pork Council, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144