We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has 156 head of cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
December 12th sale of finished cattle - click here to jump to the website.
OKC West sold slaughter cows and bulls mostly steady on limited tests Monday
Numbers were lighter than expected at the Oklahoma National Stockyards- 4,000 the estimate- with mixed trends- Feeder steers 600-700 lbs. 2.00-3.00 higher, 700- 800 lbs. 2.00-3.00 lower on a lighter test. 400-550 lb. steer calves 1.00-2.00 lower, 550-700 lb. calves 2.00-5.00 higher. Click or tap here for the complete report.
Joplin Regional Stockyards sold 4,893 on Monday- Calf Trade was Steady to Higher- Yearling Weights Steady to a little lower- complete details from the USDA Report are available here.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Text of 2018 Farm Bill Conference- All 807 Pages- Released- House and Senate Votes to Come
With the House Republicans backing off SNAP Work Requirements- the other issues that had separated the House and Senate Farm Bills melted away and the result is an 807 page Conference Report- the text finally made public on Monday afternoon after we were told a deal had been struck back on November 29th.
With the SNAP provisions in the House version now gone- top Democrat on the House Ag Committee- Collin Peterson(soon to be Chairman come January) told reporters that most Democrats will vote for the Conference report and that should insure easy passage in the House- you couple that with the expected easy bi-partisan vote in the Senate- and you have a measure that should be headed to the White House before Christmas.
Once it reaches President Trump's desk- his Secretary of Ag, Sonny Perdue, said in a statement last night that he will "encourage the President to sign it."
All four key players in the Conference were singing in four part harmony in their Monday comments on the release of the text and the signing of the Conference Report by the complete Conference Committee- Senator Pat Roberts spoke of a promise kept- " As promised, this farm bill provides much needed certainty and predictability for all producers - of all crops - across all regions across the country" while Chairman Mike Conaway said "America's farmers and ranchers are weathering the fifth year of severe recession, so passing a farm bill this week that strengthens the farm safety net is vitally important."
Collin Peterson of Minnesota pointed to the Dairy provisions as a big win while Senator Debbie Stabenow calls the final deal " a good bill for our farmers and everyone who eats."
Click here for their full statements as released by the Committees.
To review the 807 pages of the Conference Report- click or tap here.
There is also a Conferees Statement that is out- which explains how the two sides resolved each of the conflicts between the House and Senate versions- click or tap here to check that two hundred page plus document out.
Sponsor Spotlight
Midwest Farm Shows is proud to produce the two best Farm Shows in the State of Oklahoma annually- the Tulsa Farm Show each December and the Oklahoma City Farm Show each April.
They would like to thank all of you who participated in their 2018 Tulsa Farm Show.
Up next will be the Oklahoma City's premier spring agricultural and ranching event with returns to the State Fair Park April 4-5-6, 2019.
Now is the ideal time to contact the Midwest Farm Show Office at 507-437-7969 and book space at the 2019 Oklahoma City Farm Show. To learn more about the Oklahoma City Farm Show, click here.
Prior to the State Question 777 - Right to Farm campaign in Oklahoma two years ago, state ag industry groups were involved with the Kirkpatrick Foundation's Roundtable for Animal Welfare. After hostile treatment by the organization of the Right to Farm platform, though, those ag groups made the decision to disassociate from the Roundtable. Since then, concerns have been raised regarding the Kirkpatrick Foundation's increasingly aggressive bias against animal agriculture. Hannah Thompson-Weeman with the Animal Agriculture Alliance, investigated these concerns during a major conference hosted by the group in October of this year. She shared her findings on the group during a recent interview.
"We were interested in this group, because we had heard from some of our members in Oklahoma, that they did have some potentially problematic stances on animal care," she reported. "There are some connections between the group and the Humane Society of the United States and that's a big red flag for us."
According to Thompson-Weeman, the AAA sent an associate to attend the group's recent conference, who reported that all food served during the event was vegan and that some of the major topics of conversation included how the group could promote veganism through the school lunch program. A featured speaker during the event, was Bruce Friedrich, a well-known anti-ag extremist and vocal proponent of veganism. In addition, a recent study was shared with attendees that was conducted to evaluate the welfare and treatment of animals in Oklahoma. The study found that animals in the agribusiness sector were being cared for adequately according to state laws and industry standards. However, those that participated in the report declared that despite the fact that all acceptable standards of care and husbandry were being met - it still was not enough and more should be done.
"This goes along with that idea of the incremental changes approach. They're going to continue to move the needle until production is unsustainable," she said. "So, these kind of give you some insight into where this organization may be headed and its definitely one that folks should be paying attention to - because they may be coming up with some policies that are really troublesome for producers."
Listen to Hannah Thompson-Weeman and I discuss the Kirkpatrick Foundation more in depth, on today's Beef Buzz - click here.
okPORK Requests ODAFF Withdraw Proposed Emergency Rules to Create Poultry House Setbacks
The Oklahoma Board of Agriculture, this morning, will consider adopting emergency rules to establish setbacks for new poultry house construction in northeastern Oklahoma. These emergency rules regarding setbacks for poultry feeding operations have been met with opposition by agricultural groups filing comments in advance of the meeting.
Among those groups in opposition to the emergency rules, is the Oklahoma Pork Council. The organization's Executive Director Roy Lee Lindsey wrote in his comments submitted yesterday, that OkPORK is not opposed to the idea of setbacks, but has questions about the considerations described in the proposed emergency rules. He insists that more time is needed to fully evaluate these measures before any regulatory action is taken. Lindsey remarked in his letter that, "...this process has been anything but inclusive and has definitively not been inclusive of all interested parties. OkPORK first saw the rules not five days ago." Lindsey also suggests that ODAFF consult with the State Legislature for further consent.
"We would respectfully request the Department withdraw these rules and seek input from the legislature to address any concerns with setbacks for poultry operations," the letter states.
To review the full comments submitted by the Oklahoma Pork Council, click here.
One of the major issues that will be coming up this next year in the cattle industry, is disease traceability and animal identification, according to Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Executive Vice President Michael Kelsey. This is something Kelsey says is important for the industry to get out in front of. He says if the industry doesn't take a proactive approach to traceability and animal ID- someone else will, be it the government or some other third party.
"We as an industry want to shape that issue so that it benefits us and it works for us rather than the government or some third party establishing it and telling us what we have to do," he said. "That is not a good scenario."
Kelsey will soon lead the association in discussion over this issue and others during the OCA's upcoming winter policy meeting where members will set policy for the coming year.
Developing policy on this topic and others will be challenging enough, given the large amount of turnover taking place this year at the State Capital. Despite those challenges, Kelsey says he and his members are eager to work with the Stitt Administration.
Listen to Kelsey speak more about OCA's agenda for this next year, by clicking here.
Sponsor Spotlight
The vision of the Oklahoma Beef Council is to be a positive difference for Oklahoma's farming and ranching families and the greater beef community and its mission is to enhance beef demand by strengthening consumer trust and exceeding consumer expectations. To learn more, visit www.oklabeef.org. Also, don't forget to like its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/oklabeef for stories on Oklahoma's ranching families and great beef recipes.
Angela Brooks-Brown of Wetumka, OK Recognized as a Significant Woman in Oklahoma Agriculture
Angela Brooks-Brown of Wetumka, Okla. was named a Significant Woman in Oklahoma Agriculture this week by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture. Angela was born, the only daughter of three children to John and Linda Brooks.She spent her childhood helping her dad out on the farm, where for many years they ran a 150-head cow-calf operation and a pre-conditioning and yearling cattle business. The family also baled a lot of hay each year, both for themselves and for others. Since graduating from Eastern Oklahoma State College with a degree in agronomy, Brown has continued on with her father's farming tradition. From 2000 to 2016, Brown worked side by side with her father on the farm full time, seven days a week until he suffered a heart attack. Although the farm is missing a vital piece, Brown continues on with her father's legacy. Today, she is solely in charge of her dad's 150-head cow-calf operation. She takes care of the 50 head of cattle owned by her and her husband, Richard Brown. The Browns have two daughters, Jacie and Jody. Angela Brooks-Brown also takes care of Jacie's 25 cows since she lives out of state. The total operation is about 1,600 acres. Brown also cuts and rakes hay and does custom hay work for neighbors with the help of her husband and two brothers. Brown is also responsible for checking fences and cutting cedars, paying close attention to fire hazards, especially since the late summer rain gave way to extra foliage. She does nearly all the vet work herself, from pulling calves to sewing up prolapse cows. Since her father passed away, her mother goes with her now. It is a special time for the both of them to remember her father and check the cattle herd he worked so hard to build. Learn more about Angela's family operation and what makes her a Significant Woman in Agriculture, by clicking or tapping here.
Latest Trade Data Shows Meat Exports Continue to Help Offset Record Meat Production in 2018
Thanks to robust demand for meat in the marketplace right now, this year's record meat production has been less of an issue than some might have predicted originally. OSU Extension Ag Economist Dr. Derrell Peel describes in this week's edition of the Cow/Calf Corner how this dynamic has helped to offset and almost buffer the potential consequences this situation could have caused had demand been weaker.
"The latest meat trade data shows that meat exports are continuing to help offset record meat production in 2018," Peel writes. "Each of the major meats - beef, pork and poultry - are projected to reach record levels in 2018 and will combine to push total U.S meat production to a record level of 102.3 billion pounds, up 2.6 percent year over year. However, 2018 per capita meat consumption in the U.S. is projected at 218.7 pounds, up 1.0 percent year over year. The smaller increase in meat consumption compared to production is largely due to the net movement of meat offshore through meat exports. Thus far in 2018 (January - October), total meat exports of 13.3 billion pounds consist of broiler (44.0 percent); pork (36.3 percent); and beef (19.7 percent). Peel writes that while broiler and pork exports in October are both up a decent amount for the year - it is the beef export sector that has really impressed everyone as it has continued strong for 2018 with October up 4.6 percent year over year and total exports up 12.3 percent thus far in 2018. Peel says sustaining this momentum will be critical to the industry's continued future success. "Meat exports are forecast to increase in 2019 while total meat imports are forecast to decrease. Continued improvements in the net trade balance will be critical to partially offset total 2019 meat production forecast at 103.7 billion pounds, up 1.4 percent year over year and another record level. Domestic per capita total meat consumption is forecast to hold steady in 2019."
Click here to read Peel's complete analysis of the markets in this week's edition of the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter.
Kubota Holds Its Same Reputation for Quality Tractors Since First Coming to the Market in 1969
Our own Carson Horn recently caught up with Kent Brown, senior product manager for Kubota Manufacturing Company, to talk about Kubota's line of midsize tractors. According to Brown, Kubota offers farmers and ranchers the reliability they need and depend on to keep their operations running efficiently, when it comes to making their equipment decisions. Brown says Kubota offers a diverse line of tractors that will fit any producer's needs starting from the M5 series tractors, with about 85 horsepower, all the way up to our M7 series tractors that top out at about 170 engine horsepower. For even more advanced performance, Brown says Kubota is proud to offer its larger machines - part of the M6 and M7 series. Recently, though, he says interest has been sparked in the M6, which has steadily been gaining popularity. The most important thing to do, though, when trying to figure out which model is best suited to your needs, is to speak with your local dealer. Brown says they are there to help you make those decisions. Regardless of what you ultimately choose, though, he says you will end up with a quality machine. "We have a quality product - one that we design, we engineer, we manufacture, and our dealers sell it. We don't rely on other companies to produce tractors for us," he said. "So, we control the quality from beginning to end and since Kubota came to the market in 1969 until today - we still hold a reputation for quality and that's really what built us." Learn more about Kubota and its line of quality tractors that are built to suit any farmer or rancher's needs, by clicking here to listen to Carson's complete conversation with Kent Brown.
Ranking House Ag Member Collin Peterson Mourns the Death of Former Ag Secretary Bob Bergland
Former Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland died over the weekend. The former secretary in the Jimmy Carter Administration from Northern Minnesota served agriculture at a time when Carter made an unpopular decision to embargo grain sales to the Soviet Union.
The 90-year-old Bergland, a Democrat, served in the House of Representatives in the 1970's before becoming Agriculture Secretary. Following Carter's tenure as President, Bergland later served as vice president and general manager of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and as a regent at the University of Minnesota.
House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin Peterson in a statement, noting that Bergland also served the same congressional district in Minnesota, said he "served the Seventh District of Minnesota exceptionally before taking his farmer's experience and work ethic to USDA."
Read Peterson's complete statement on our website by clicking here.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Oklahoma Pork Council, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144