Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update
From: Ron Hays <>
Date: 1/10/2019, 5:29 AM

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We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
MarketLinksLet's Check the Markets!  

OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more. offered 571 head Wednesday with 0 cattle actually selling. Click here to see their complete market results.

Feeder steers and heifers traded mostly 1.00-3.00 lower Wednesday at OKC West Livestock in El Reno, compared to last sale. Click here to jump to yesterday's complete sale report,

Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture on Wednesday, January 9th.
Futures Wrap:  
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network - analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Feeder Cattle Recap:  
The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.

Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor

Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor 
Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
   Thursday, January 10, 2019

Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 
Featured Story:

According to the results of the annual Cotton Grower Acreage Survey, cotton producers are expected to plant 13,661,889 acres across the US during the next crop season. This would make the combined crops of 2018 and 2019 the highest two-year total of planted cotton acreage since 2005 and 2006 - assuming those numbers are realized.

Although the expected total for planted acres this year falls just short of 2018's total of 14,042,000 acres, USDA statistical data indicates that 2019 could potentially mark the highest total of planted acres in the past decade. Based on the summary report, growers from the Southwest region of the Cotton Belt will again lead the US with a projected 8,279,000 acres in 2019 - slightly lower than the previous year.

Of that total projection, Texas is expected to plant over 7,243,000 acres of the crop, about a half million acres under that actually planted in 2018. Producers in Oklahoma could see an increase in cotton acres this year, up to 825,000. Kansas producers are also expected to increase cotton plantings to more than 210,000 acres - up from 165,000 acres in 2018.

Continue reading more about the results from this year's Cotton Grower Acreage Survey, by clicking over to our website.

Sponsor Spotlight

Midwest Farm Shows is proud to produce the two best Farm Shows in the State of Oklahoma annually- the Tulsa Farm Show each December and the Oklahoma City Farm Show each April. 

They would like to thank all of you who participated in their 2018 Tulsa City Farm Show
Up next will be the Oklahoma City's premier spring agricultural and ranching event with returns to the State Fair Park April 4-5-6, 2019.
Now is the ideal time to contact the Midwest Farm Show Office at 507-437-7969 and book space at the 2019 Oklahoma City Farm Show.  To learn more about the Oklahoma City Farm Show, click here. 

Oklahoma Forestry Services released its Calendar Year 2018 wildfire statistics this week ahead of preparations for what appears will be another spell of dry, windy weather which has become so common now through spring green-up. According to the report, 2018 was a busy year for wildfire suppression. Firefighters responded to a total of 1,086 fires that burned approximately 466,864 acres during the 12-month period.

March experienced 436 wildfires, the highest number in a single month in 2018. April saw the most acres burned (367,458) during the year. April also hosted the most challenging single day, April 12th, with numerous large and devastating fires occurring. Some of the exceptional fires include the Rhea Fire in Dewey County, the 34 Complex Fire in Woodward County and the Shaw Fire in Roger Mills County.

Below, is a look at the monthly breakdown provided by ODAFF...

State Forester and Director of Oklahoma Forestry Services Mark Goeller is now encouraging homeowners to prepare for any potential wildfire related threats that may arise this year to avoid and limit any risks for the future. Simple proactive steps can be taken to protect property such as the removal of excessive vegetation and other flammable materials from around homes, buildings and other structures. For more information or tips on how to protect your property from the potential threat of wildfire this year, click here.

Beef Industry Continues to Enjoy Recent Up Trend in Demand, Question is - Can It Be Sustained in 2019?

In these early days of 2019, it is a good time to stop and take stock of where the beef industry is currently in regard to the economics of beef production. According to Kansas State University Ag-Economist Dr. Glynn Tonsor, things have gone well for the beef industry as far as consumer demand goes. And that, he says, has not just been the case for this last year - but the last several years.

"We've had a very positive beef demand environment both domestically and abroad, pretty much since 2010. It's been several years since we've had something as adverse as the Great Recession," Tonsor said, alluding to recent speculations of a possible economic downturn in the near future. "I'm not forecasting that's going to happen again, but I do think it's prudent for us to remember what happens in a recession - beef demand tends to take a notable hit... Beef is an expensive item that is sensitive to macroeconomics. When we have a recession, it's likely we'll have a demand pullback."

Tonsor continues to explain that over time, the beef industry has become more and more complex; further intertwined with the export market and has developed greater dependence on foreign demand. This has resulted in increased sensitivity to the macroeconomics of not just in the US, but globally. Several factors at play in the marketplace, now have a significant impact on beef demand and transitively on the price of beef and cattle which ultimately affects producers' bottom line. Right now, uncertainty pertaining to the stock market and the continued strength of the US and global economies are all things Tonsor says producers should be paying attention to moving forward. What has influenced markets recently as well and will continue to until resolved, are ongoing efforts by the Trump Administration to negotiate new terms of trade with some of our nation's major partners in commerce, like China, Mexico and Canada. Not to mention the complications of resulting retaliatory tariffs that earlier this year launch an all-out trade war. But, despite all the perceived negative pressure that exists, Tonsor admits that beef demand has outperformed most people's expectations - though he warns not to take for granted the success of recent years as the industry hopes to make a repeat of last year's accomplishments in 2019.

"I think there are ongoing challenges there, but quite honestly I think the pressure is more outside of beef. But, we need to recognize this remains at risk and parts of the complex are picking up on that now," he said. "It can be very confusing, but we are in a very globally connected world and any of the uncertainty on our ability to export those products and get the highest value for it is increasingly important for us to monitor."

Listen to Tonsors' full discussion over the increasingly complex nature of the beef market, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here.

Four Government Shutdown at 18 Days and Counting, Meanwhile New Farm Bill Implementation Waits

It has been 18 days and counting since the ongoing partial government shutdown first began as a result of DC lawmakers' failure to pass a funding bill for 2019. Anna Johnson, policy manager of the Center for Rural Affairs, remarked in a release issued yesterday by the organization, that the timing and length of this shutdown is cause for concern as the policies included in the new farm bill passed just prior to Christmas, have yet to be implemented.

"While not perfect, (the new farm bill) offers a great deal of certainty for farmers, ranchers, and rural communities for the next five years," she said, underscoring the impact the shutdown's resulting delay in implementation is having. "Right now should be one of the busiest times at the U.S. Department of Agriculture... USDA employees need to be at work."

Instead, the release states that USDA activities ranging from farm loans and farm payments to rural development loans and grants and other activities all remain shut down. Read the entire statement made yesterday by the Center for Rural Affairs, by clicking here.

Sponsor Spotlight

KIS FUTURES specializes in Futures and Options for Institutions, Commercials, Hedgers, and Individual Traders and executes trades for its clients in the following markets: Livestock, Grains, Energy, Metals, Softs, Financials, Currencies, and Stock Index Futures. For more information, please give them a call Toll Free at (800) 256-2555. Click here for their website to learn more.

And- their iPhone App, which provides all electronic futures quotes is available at the App Store-
click here for the KIS Futures App for your iPhone.   

Noble Research Institute Launches New Specialty Crop Seminar Series

In recognition of the growing interest and demand of locally grown produce, The Noble Research Institute is launching a seminar series focused on the production of specialty crops. This two-part series will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 29, and Thursday, Jan. 31, at the Noble Research Institute Kruse Auditorium. There, landowners will learn how to systematically approach fruit and vegetable production in a typical backyard setting.

The first and second parts will each focus on different topics of discussion, ranging from site and size considerations, variety selection, planting tips, and irrigation systems to growing options, site preparation, planting techniques and pest control. Both, however, will address the unique management practices that many specialty fruit and vegetable crops require.

These seminars are offered at no charge, but preregistration is required for each. For more information or to register, click here.

In addition, Noble will also host a special workshop on managing pecan orchards from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Jan. 17th. Specialists will provide information, tips and advice on everything from identifying and monitor pests; choosing and implementing proper pest control and much more.

The cost to attend the workshop is $25, with lunch provided. For more information and to register, click over to our website for more information the event's agenda and how to register.

Sustainability has been and continues to be a shared concern among consumers and producers. In our latest addition to our Checking In on the Beef Checkoff series, Oklahoma Beef Council Executive Director Heather Buckmaster pointed out the Beef Checkoff's extensive work at shifting this ongoing conversation about sustainability, to showcasing the sustainable efforts beef producers practice every day. To put the beef industry's efforts and progress toward the production of an ever-improving sustainable product in perspective, Buckmaster will often refer back to a few of her favorite examples of measurable sustainability.

For instance, compared to 1977, today's beef farmers and ranchers produce the same amount of beef with 33 percent fewer cattle thanks to improved management practices. Additionally, US beef has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world - 10 to 50 times lower than some nations. That accounts for just two percent of all US greenhouse gas emissions.

Buckmaster admits that sustainability can be a confusing topic for consumers, but insists the Checkoff is working diligently to help strengthen the public's understanding of how producers continue to produce the safest, highest quality and most sustainable beef supply in the world.
Learn more about the Checkoff's efforts to educate the public on sustainable beef production by
clicking here.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?

Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.


Seven Happening Friday- Sorghum Growers Gather in Enid as Agrifest Gets Underway

The Oklahoma Sorghum Growers Association will be holding its annual meeting tomorrow- Friday January 11th at the Hoover Building at the fair grounds in Enid. The meeting will start at 11 am and conclude around 2 p.m. "Our meeting coincides with the Enid farm show. It will be a good opportunity for farmers and folks in the agribusiness to attend the meeting, have some lunch, and get to hear a great line up of speakers" said Jordan Shearer Executive Director of the Oklahoma Sorghum Association.

Keynote speakers for the event include Blayne Arthur OK Secretary of Agriculture Nominee, J.D. Strong Director of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Joe Neal Hampton Executive Director of the Oklahoma Wheat Growers, Dr. Josh Lofton OSU extension specialists and Dr. Amy Hagerman OSU Ag policy specialist. The slate of speakers will cover a range of topics ranging from the new Farm bill, to programs available to producers, outlook for the State of Oklahoma this coming year, as well as updates on yield variety trials and agronomic advice for the coming year.

"2018 has been a volatile year with trade disputes, some good yields, and some severe weather." "We are excited with the passage of the new Farm Bill and look forward to being able to learn and start planning for 2019" said Shearer. CEU credit will be available: Please join us for lunch!!

Those interested in attending the meeting are encouraged to RSVP to Jordan Shearer at 405.612.2843.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Livestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National StockyardsOklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Oklahoma Pork Council, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

God Bless! You can reach us at the following:  
phone: 405-473-6144


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