Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update
From: Ron Hays <>
Date: 1/22/2019, 6:25 AM

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We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.

MarketLinksLet's Check the Markets!  

OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more. has 
4,139 head of cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday, 
January 23rd sale of finished cattle - click here to jump to the website.

Oklahoma National Stockyards had about half the numbers of a week ago because of weather fears from the weekend that did not pan out- Yearlings were called $2 to $6 lower while Steer Calves were Steady to $6 higher- click or tap here for the complete report.  

OKC West sold slaughter cows and slaughter bulls mostly steady to 3.00 higher compared to the last sale - click or tap here for the full report from USDA.

Joplin Regional Stockyards had light supplies- and prices that were unevenly steady to $3 higher- click here for the complete report from the MLK day sale.

Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as last reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture on Friday, January 18th.
Futures Wrap:  
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network - analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Feeder Cattle Recap:  
The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.

Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor

Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor
Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
   Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 

One Featured Story:
Federal Meat Inspectors and Price Reporters Still on the Job Despite Ongoing Government Shutdown

The National Pork Producers Council has reminded us that despite the ongoing government shutdown, both federal meat inspectors and price reporters are still on the job in our meat packing plants and in our auction markets. This reminder comes in response to the media frenzy that has caused false alarm among some groups that appropriate attention is not being paid to food safety.

A year ago, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue deemed these USDA services as "essential services." By doing this, he ensured that meat and poultry processing plants could remain in operation if a situation like we are currently in, ever occurred, as they are prohibited by law to operate without the oversight of federal inspectors. A release by the NPPC reported that had inspectors been furloughed - U.S. packing plants and the 500,000 workers they employee would have been idled, which would have caused significant disruptions throughout the meat supply chain.

With USDA price reporting still available as well, industry stakeholders who rely on the information have had uninterrupted access to data that allows important market decisions to be made and keeps trade running smoothly and efficiently.

Read the complete story for more information on our website by clicking here.

You can also check out the latest Market News work done on Martin Luther King Holiday yesterday by jumping over to our MarketLinks on the left column of our email.

Sponsor Spotlight

Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.

With No End in Sight to Government Shutdown, Market Watcher Derrell Peel Offers Beef Producers This Advice

Over this past weekend, President Donald Trump delivered to Congressional Democrats a comprehensive package offer that included a path forward to ending the partial shutdown and fully reopening government. The President outlined that package deal Saturday afternoon to the American public in a national address, but before he ever uttered a single word - Speaker of the US House Nancy Pelosi had taken to social media to reject Trump's offer to compromise. As a result, it seems there is no end in sight to the shutdown which includes the US Department of Agriculture. And, as it continues, the shutdown is starting to have a real impact on agricultural producers. According to Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Market Economist Dr. Derrell Peel, the most concerning thing for cattle producers, is the data not being collected and distributed.

"The biggest impact for agricultural markets is the effect of NASS being shut down. It's not on that, because some of the trade data comes from other sources - but the one thing that is positive in this situation is that AMS has remained open, so, we continue to get market price reports. But, we're not getting any of the NASS reports," Peel said, listing some that were expected this month including the various crop reports, the monthly cattle on feed report and the highly anticipated cattle inventory that was due at the end of the month - none of which will be published now - at least for the time being. "So, it begins to be an impact and the impacts accumulate as we go forward if we don't get back on track and begin picking up some this information."

While these reports and the data collection deadlines now delayed for the foreseeable future, the question remains as to exactly when the industry can expect to have access to this vital information that many producers use to plan for their year ahead. With the answer to that question a mystery to everyone, Peel advises producers not to make any changes to what they are already doing and ride things out with hope that the shutdown will soon be resolved.

"In general, I would say don't change what you're plans are at this point. We do have more uncertainty about these things, so you might to be prepared to review these things when you do get that information," he said. "Hopefully, we get caught up and get that at some point. But, we are still getting price data - so we are monitoring the ongoing flow of markets in the short run and again that look fairly positive."

Listen to Peel offer his analysis of the current market situation, the impact the government shutdown is having on them and his advice for producers affected by all of this, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here.


The Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association will welcome Blayne Arthur, Oklahoma's newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture, this Wednesday to kick-off the association's 2019 Winter Policy Meeting. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. at the Reed Conference Center located in Midwest City, Okla.

In addition to Arthur's appearance, OCA members will have the opportunity to consider and create policy that will drive the organization over the course of the year. Committee meetings and the OCA quarterly board of director's meeting will follow Secretary Arthur's keynote address. The deadline for early registration has passed, but on-site registration will be open with lunch and snacks included in the price - though OCA membership is required to attend. To learn more about this meeting, click here.

Four American Farmland Trust Reveals Positive Conservation Results of Women-Only Learning Circles

On Monday, the American Farmland Trust published its Women for the Land program report, "Testing the Women Landowner Conservation Learning Circle Model." The information included in the report supported previous research that highlighted the value and importance that women landowners bring to the broader implementation of conservation practices on farms. AFT believes supporting this underserved group is critical to more wide spread adoption of environmentally sound farming practices.

According to the report, nearly 301 million acres of U.S. land-about a third of the nation's land in farms-are now farmed or co-farmed by women, and at least 87 million additional acres are in the hands of women landowners. Research shows many women farmers and landowners have a strong conservation and stewardship ethic. They are deeply committed to healthy farmland, farm families and farm communities. However, women face gender barriers affecting their ability to manage their land for long-term sustainability. And while women increasingly are the primary decision makers on farms and inclined towards conservation, the report says they are underrepresented in use of USDA conservation programs.

To help address these issues, AFT launched Women for the Land, an initiative designed to break down gender gaps and expand women landowners' knowledge and confidence. The results of the participant interviews published in this report reveal the value of the program and the real-life impact it can have on the land. Anecdotally, the interviews showed women are hungry for the connections and knowledge that can be gained through these meetings. Many expressed the hope for follow-up meetings and additional guidance from expert staff, especially on financial management issues and conservation related assistance.

Learn more about this initiative and the direction it is taking, by clicking or tapping here to read the full story.


Sponsor Spotlight

The Oklahoma Farm Bureau - a grassroots organization that has for its Mission Statement- Improving the Lives of Rural Oklahomans."  Farm Bureau, as the state's largest general farm organization, is active at the State Capitol fighting for the best interests of its members and working with other groups to make certain that the interests of rural Oklahoma are protected.  Click here for their website to learn more about the organization and how it can benefit you to be a part of Farm Bureau.

Five TTU Researcher, Administrator Eric Hequet Receives National Cotton Genetics Research Award

Eric Hequet, an internationally recognized cotton science researcher and chairman of Texas Tech University's Department of Plant and Soil Science in the College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, was selected by the Joint Cotton Breeding Committee as the recipient of its Cotton Genetics Research Award recently at the Beltwide Cotton Improvement Conference in New Orleans.

Wayne Smith, professor and associate head of Texas A&M University's Soil and Crop Sciences Department remarked that Hequet, has been at the forefront of the industry providing guidance in the value of fineness, maturity, length uniformity and fiber elongation.

Hequet earned this distinction by serving the cotton genetics community as a breeder, textile engineer, department chairman and as a collaborator with cotton breeders worldwide. During his career, Hequet has co-developed and co-released 21 improved germplasm lines of upland cotton and two cultivars. In addition, he has conducted research into the use of high-volume instrument and Advanced Fiber Information System data as selection criteria for breeders across the U.S.

Since 1961, this committee has recognized and encouraged basic research in cotton genetics, cytogenetics and breeding. Hequet joined the Texas Tech faculty in 1997 after serving in a variety of notable research positions. Click here to read more about Hequet's award and his research on our website.

Six Wholesale Beef Prices Are Starting The New Year Off Strong, According to Economist Derrell Peel

According to OSU Extension Livestock Market Economist Dr. Derrell Peel, wholesale beef prices have started the new year off fairly strong. In his latest market analysis, Peel writes that wholesale beef prices have transitioned into 2019 with a continuation of the generally strong prices that were recorded in 2018.

"For the first three weeks of the year," he reports, "boxed beef cutout prices are up 2.9 percent for Choice and 3.4 percent for Select compared to the same period last year. In 2018, weekly boxed beef prices averaged 2.2 percent higher year over year compared to 2017. Wholesale beef prices were higher in 2018 despite a projected 2.8 percent increase in beef production and larger pork and poultry supplies. For the week ending January 18, 2019, Choice boxed beef prices were $212.36/cwt. and Select boxed beef price was $207.07/cwt."

Middle meats have provided the most support to cutout values in recent months, up 9.8 percent year over year. The most impressive of this is seen in the brisket market which Peel remarks has been a juggernaut in recent years with strong barbeque demand combining with traditional brisket markets. Current brisket primal price is $190.74/cwt., up 10.4 percent year over year.

For a complete breakdown of wholesale beef cutout prices, click here to read Peel's full article from the latest edition of the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter.

Seven This N That- Final Day for FSA Offices to Be Open, Jayson Lusk Weighs in on EAT-Lancet and Thoughts on Trump-Pelosi

A quick reminder that the third and final day for the County FSA offices across Oklahoma to be open in the midst of the current partial Government Shutdown is today- Tuesday, January 22nd during their normal business hours. 

Click or tap here to jump back to our earlier story on this move by USDA Secretary Sonny Purdue who figured out how to open at least some of the FSA offices across the country to give farmers and ranchers a chance to get third party checks co signed, end of year tax forms generated and more.

It is an Interesting read from former Oklahoma State University Ag Economist Jayson Lusk (he's now at Purdue) on the #EatLancet report- he says "the average U.S. consumer places a higher value on having meat in his or her diet than having any other food group." This report, released this past week, advocates a sharp reduction in meat consumption by consumers.

Click here to read the blog post from Dr. Lusk- it offers some interesting food for thought on this latest "scientific study" that has nanny state written all over it.

Finally, I got an email from a democratic state lawmaker on Monday after I had used the "hatred" in describing the relationship that seems to be in place right now between House Speaker Pelosi and President Trump- specifically, I mentioned that it appears the Speaker's hatred for the President seems to be one of the drivers for the current impasse that has given us this twenty day plus (and counting) partial government shutdown. 

We traded emails- and I offered my apologies for any offense that resulted from that wording- perhaps the more accurate wording should have been that the Speaker's hatred of the President's Border Wall proposal is one of the drivers of the current impasse.

One thing agreed upon- This whole federal government shutdown "thing" is a mess.

Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K EquipmentLivestock Exchange at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit Oklahoma Pork Councilthe Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock 
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

God Bless! You can reach us at the following:  
phone: 405-473-6144


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