We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has 755 head of cattle on their showlist for the Wednesday,
March 13th sale of finished
Oklahoma National Stockyards was a busy place on Monday- after last weeks extremely light receipts- 15,000 estimated were sold yesterday- Compared to last week's light test: Feeder steers mostly 1.00-3.00 higher. Feeder steers and heifers mostly steady to 4.00 lower from a full test two weeks ago. Steer and heifer calves 2.00- 7.00 lower compared to both weeks. Click or tap here for the complete report.
At OKC West Livestock Auction in El Reno Monday, slaughter cows traded mostly steady to 1.00 higher and slaughter bulls sold steady to 2.00 lower compared to the previous week. Click here for a look at the complete sale report from yesterday.
Joplin Regional Stockyards also bounced back from virtually no cattle at market last Monday to just over 8.600 this week- compared to 2 weeks ago- steers under 650 lbs and over 850 lbs steady, 650 to 850 lbs steady to 3.00 higher, heifers under 550 lbs steady to 3.00 higher, over 550 lbs steady. Click here for the complete report from Joplin.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story: Trump's Proposed FY2020 Budget Cuts Agriculture Deep
The fiscal year 2020 budget submitted by President Donald Trump includes a couple of points sure to ignite debate in the budgetary process. The proposal includes imposing work requirements on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients.
The proposed budget will also cut back on farm subsidies paid out to farmers in the highest income brackets. It would also reduce the average premium crop insurance subsidy from 62 percent to 48 percent. It would also limit commodity, conservation, and crop insurance subsidies to producers that have an adjusted gross income of $500,000 or less.
House Ag Chairman Collin Peterson slammed the White House request to slash 15 percent from USDA, calling the President's budget a "road map for how to make things worse for farmers, ranchers and those who live in rural communities."
"This proposal tells us one of two things: either the White House doesn't understand why these programs are important, or they don't care. What's more, all of these shortsighted cuts are second and third attempts to revisit policy proposals that were rejected in the farm bill negotiations," Peterson fired back. "This budget was concocted by a bunch of ideologues who can't see what's clearly going on in the farm economy."
House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Michael Conaway also remarked on the proposed cuts, but with a much lighter tone than his Committee Chairman. Conaway applauded Trump's strong military focus in the budget but also gently reminded the President of the current economic situation in farm country. He then deflected attention onto his Democratic colleagues suggesting that their political games were more threatening to the welfare of farmers and rural Americans than the President's proposed budget. Click here to read Conaway's full statement.
Among the Farm groups offering immediate comments were the National Association of Wheat Growers- NAWG President and Lavon, TX wheat farmer Ben Scholz issued the following:
"While NAWG continues to review the budget proposal in more detail, we do see that it proposes drastic cuts to some key programs for farmers. Congress just passed a farm bill by historical margins from both sides of the aisle which rejected many of these misguided cuts to agriculture that are proposed in the President's budget request.
"NAWG will continue to impress upon Congress the difficult economic conditions in wheat country and thus why these programs shouldn't be cut through the budget and appropriations process."
Trump's budget was also met with opposition from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, which released a statement from NSAC Senior Policy Specialist Wes King who said that "While the budget released today doesn't give us all the details on the President's priorities for FY 2020, the $2.2 billion in cuts targeted to agriculture and food programs sends a clear message that America's farmers and rural communities don't make the list.
"The 2018 Farm Bill made historic investments in key initiatives like support for beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, organic research, and local/regional food systems, and that is the path on which we need to keep moving in FY 2020," continued King, who went on to ask Congress not to turn its back on the promises made in the 2018 Farm Bill.
Sponsor Spotlight
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas.
We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
In the weekly Crop Weather Report from the USDA, Oklahoma was cold and dry last week throughout the state and some parts haven't seen rain in over 60 days. Statewide, temperatures averaged in the high 30's, with the lowest recording of -2 degrees at Kenton on March 5th. Topsoil and subsoil moisture conditions were rated mostly adequate to surplus.
The winter wheat crop ratings continue to show the 2019 crop in much better shape than the 2018 crop a year ago- as of the start of this week- we see good to excellent ratings of 56% with 35% of the crop called fair. Winter wheat jointing reached 5 percent, down 7 points from the previous year and down 5 points from normal. Pasture and range condition was rated at 36 percent in good to excellent condition- but a little worrisome is the 23% poor to very poor rating. Click here for a complete look at this week's USDA Crop Progress and Condition report for Oklahoma.Last week started off cold and dry for Texas, but turned warmer late in the week. Precipitation ranged from trace amounts to 1.5 inches in North East Texas, the Blacklands, the Cross Timbers, the Northern Low Plains and the Trans-Pecos. Areas of North East Texas reported upwards of 3 inches. The rest of the state recorded little to no precipitation.
The Texas Wheat Crop has just 28% of the crop rated good to excellent this week, with 30% of the crop called poor to very poor. Winter wheat in areas of the High Plains, the Southern Low Plains and the Edwards Plateau were still in need of moisture. Development of some small grains in the Cross Timbers was stunted by cold temperatures.
Pasture and range conditions in Texas are about the same as we find in Oklahoma- 36% good to excellent but 27% poor to very poor.Click here for a complete look at this week's USDA Crop Progress and Condition report for Texas.Kansas last week had 0.9 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 1 short, 55 adequate, and 44 surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 1 short, 71 adequate, and 28 surplus.
The winter wheat condition in Kansas rated 51% good to excellent, 40% fair and just 9% poor to very poor.Click here for a complete look at this week's USDA Crop Progress and Condition report for Kansas.
Market Watcher Derrell Peel Says USDA On Feed Report Suggests Spring Weather Market Brewing
Catching us up from the government shutdown at the beginning of the year that caused many delays in USDA reporting, the latest Cattle on Feed numbers from the United States Department of Agriculture was issued this past Friday afternoon, giving the market a snapshot of the industry as it looked as of February 1, 2019. On feed numbers came in at 11.7 million head with the inventory slightly above the Feb. 1, 2018 USDA report. Placements were 5 percent below 2018 and marketings of fed cattle during January were reported at 3 percent above the same month in 2018. According to Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Market Economist Dr. Derrell Peel says the numbers in this report were fairly well-anticipated and believes there to be little for the market to react to.
However, Peel fully expects to see prices in the fed market strengthen over the next several weeks on the swelling tide of seasonal patterns that typically boost prices during this period. Plus historical price increases that have occurred after winter weather events like we have seen this year are expected as well. Those factors combined with an already strong beef demand profile are enough in Peel's mind to support a price rally through the first few weeks of spring.
Listen to Peel's complete analysis of USDA's latest Cattle on Feed report, on today's Beef Buzz - click here.
US Grains Council Highlights Positive Narrative in Trade Overshadowed by Din of Negative Coverage
While much of the trade news distributed lately has cast more of a pessimistic shadow, US Grains Council Vice President Kim Atkins said in a recent conversation with Associate Farm Director Carson Horn, that in reality there is actually much more optimism being seen in agricultural trade today than you might think. No doubt, the US is currently facing some of the stiffest competition in the global marketplace, especially from the Black Sea Region. But, despite growing competition, trade wars and seemingly endless treaty negotiations, she reports that the demand for US grain exports is steadily on the rise.
Nonetheless, she agrees that the President's trade agenda is vitally important to opening up more global export destinations and spreading our market share and risk in order to avoid similar economic situations like we find ourselves in now, in the future. That includes treaties like the USMCA, still awaiting Congressional approval and talks with nations like Japan and Vietnam which the USTR has recently expressed interest in getting underway. Atkins says the US grains industry has collectively resolved to support the President's trade agenda and is encouraging producers to do the same.
"It's going to take a lot of grassroots effort. The USGC itself doesn't lobby, but our sister organizations do and I know they're going to be spending a lot of time getting that movement going," she said. "Mexico is one of the top customers for many of the products we represent and they're a growing opportunity for ethanol. So, for us, it would be a real disadvantage to not have that trade agreement in place."
Click here to read the full story or to listen in on Carson's conversation with Atkins, recorded during the 2019 Commodity Classic held recently in Orlando.
Sponsor Spotlight
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau - a grassroots organization that has for its Mission Statement- "Improving the Lives of Rural Oklahomans." Farm Bureau, as the state's largest general farm organization, is active at the State Capitol fighting for the best interests of its members and working with other groups to make certain that the interests of rural Oklahoma are protected. Click here for their website to learn more about the organization and how it can benefit you to be a part of Farm Bureau.
Beef Cattle Production in the US Not a Significant Contributor to Long-Term Global Warming
USDA's Agricultural Research Service has completed a life cycle analysis of beef cattle production in the United States that concluded cattle convert feed about as efficiently as pork and poultry and are not large contributors to global warming. The scope of the analysis spanned five years, seven cattle-producing regions and used data from 2,270 survey responses and site visits nationwide. "We found that the greenhouse gas emissions in our analysis were not all that different from what other credible studies had shown and were not a significant contributor to long-term global warming," said ARS agricultural engineer Alan Rotz, who led the analysis team, in a study summary on the agency's website. The aim of the study was to establish baseline measures that the U.S. beef industry can use to explore ways of reducing its environmental footprint and improve sustainability. Rotz collaborated with former ARS research associate Senorpe Asem-Hiablie, Greg Thoma of the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville and Sara Place, with National Cattlemen's Beef Association, which is partially funding the study. The team began its beef life-cycle analysis in 2013 and published the first of two sets of results in the January 2019 issue of the journal Agricultural Systems- click or tap here to jump to the full article on our website to learn more about this compelling study.
Wheat Crop Expected to Reach First Hollow Stem by Week's End, Farmers Face Grazeout Decisions
Jeff Edwards, Oklahoma State University Professor and Head of the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, has reported the first hollow stem measurements from this past Friday at Stillwater. Edwards' latest measurements recorded last week are listed in full detail, here. So far, 10 varieties have reached FHS (>1.5 cm of hollow stem).
With warm temperatures forecasted this week, Edwards anticipates most varieties will reach FHS by the end of the week. Whether removing cattle, controlling weeds, or topdressing, the window for taking care of critical crop management items he says is quickly closing.
For instructions on how to check for first hollow stem in your field and to determine the economic impact of grazing past first hollow stem on your farm, consult the OSU Fact Sheet.
FarmBeats Kits Awarded by Microsoft to Fifty FFA Chapters - Including Four in Oklahoma
The easy-to-use FarmBeats kit includes preconfigured Microsoft Azure cloud services and a Raspberry Pi with soil moisture, light, ambient temperature, and humidity sensors to collect data. Chapters were asked to apply for the FarmBeats Kits in the FFA Blue 365 Challenge by sharing how they would utilize the kits.
"We are inspired by the innovative ideas from FFA students across the country and look forward to seeing how they utilize FarmBeats to help them drive innovation on their farms, sustain and renew our planet, and enrich their communities," said Mary Snapp, corporate vice president and lead for Microsoft Philanthropies.
In total, fifty FFA chapters were given Microsoft FarmBeats Student Kits as part of this collaboration between the National FFA Organization and Microsoft Corp.
Four of the chapters who have received the FarmBeats Kits are from the Oklahoma FFA- Collinsville FFA Chapter, Okmulgee FFA Chapter, Stillwater FFA Chapter and the Wellston FFA Chapter.
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Herb's Herb Hemp Farm, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.
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phone: 405-473-6144