We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Carson Horn on RON.
Let's Check the Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
FedCattleExchange.com has 312 head of cattle on their showlist for the Tuesday, May 14th sale of finished cattle click here to jump to the website.
At the Monday sale of the Oklahoma National Stockyards, the estimated run was 5,200- Feeder steers 600-700 lbs. 1.00 higher, heavier weights trading mostly steady to 2.00 lower. Feeder heifers unevenly steady. Steer and heifer calves steady to 4.00 higher on a limited test- click or tap here for the full report from yesterday afternoon from USDA
At OKC West Livestock Auction in El Reno Monday, slaughter cows sell steady to 2.00 higher and bulls sell 3.00 to 4.00 higher. Click or tap here for the complete sale report.
Joplin Regional Stockyards reports 3,601 cattle on Monday- Compared to last week, steer calves 2.00 to 4.00 lower, heifer calves unevenly steady, yearlings steady to 3.00 lower Click here for the full report from USDA.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
The US Department of Agriculture released its latest Crop Progress report for the week ending on May 12th, on Monday. The report came in lighter than expected by the trade in terms of both corn planting and emergence as well as soybean planting. This continues the trend that has been ongoing since planting season began, putting the two crops further behind their normal rate of progress at just 30 percent complete this week, behind 66 percent for the five-year average in corn - and soybeans at just 9 percent complete, compared to 29 percent the average.
Adding just seven percentage points to the corn planting totals means it is more and more likely we simply won't get all the acres originally planned to be planted to corn into that crop this season- the state of Illinois is ground zero for the problem as they went from 10% planted a week ago to 11% planted this week- their five year average is 82%. There is still time to get the soybean crop in the ground before the close of the planting window, but only if weather conditions across the traditional Corn Belt dry up and warm up in the near future. Click or tap here to review the complete USDA Crop Progress Report for Monday, May 13, 2019.
Looking at our three-state region across the Southern Plains -
In Oklahoma, winter wheat headed reached 89 percent, up 1 point from the previous year but down 3 points from normal. Wheat's condition this week rates 4 poor to very poor, 21 fair and 75 percent good to excellent. Pasture and range condition is rated 7 percent poor to very poor, 36 fair and 57 good to excellent - a 4 point decline from last week's good to excellent rating. For Oklahoma's complete Crop Progress report, click or tap here.
In Kansas, winter wheat condition rated 2 percent very poor, 9 poor, 33 fair, 43 good, and 13 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 89 percent, ahead of 84 last year. Headed was 35 percent, near 39 last year, and well behind 64 for the five-year average. Pasture and range conditions rated 1 percent very poor, 3 poor, 24 fair, 59 good, and 13 excellent - a 7 point improvement over last week. For Kansas' complete Crop Progress report, click or tap here.
Finally, across Texas, rainfall and wet conditions have caused delayed planting progress and other problems for local farmers. Winter wheat in the Lone Star State this week is 87 percent headed, above both last year and the average by 7 and 2, respectively. Harvest has gotten underway in parts of the state, this week's report indicating that Texas' harvest is now 3 percent complete, behind last year's 7 percent but equal to the average. Wheat's condition in Texas rates 64 percent good to excellent, 27 fair and 9 percent poor to very poor. Pasture and range across Texas has improved by 6 points since last week rated currently at 18 excellent, 48 good, 27 fair and 7 percent poor to very poor. For Texas' complete Crop Progress report, click or tap here.
Sponsor Spotlight
Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
Sorghum CEO Tim Lust Makes no Bones about It- Times are Tough, Time to Seal Some Deals
We are in our nation's capital this week for the Washington Watch event hosted by the National Association of Farm Broadcasters. We spoke with Tim Lust, CEO of the National Sorghum Producers, there yesterday who remarked that "A year ago this week we got out from under a 178 percent tariff and an anti-dumping and countervailing duty case and I was naïve enough to think it was going to slow down." Regrettably, Lust like many of his counterparts in the commodity world is currently as busy as ever, urging the Administration, Congressional leaders and policymakers to finalize the various trade deals currently left unfinished on the table and ensuring the 2018 Farm Bill's implementation is done in a manner that caters to the real needs of the farmer.
And while rhetoric, frustrations and tensions rise, commodity prices are continuing to fall. Lust says he is grateful for the band-aids that the Administration has offered farmers in the form of MFP payments like the farmers who have received them. But, Lust says that the only answer to permanently fixing the situation at hand is to find long-term solutions. An MFP payment might help a farmer survive a few months - but a trade deal, Lust says, would help that farmer find solid footing for years to come. The demand is there, he says, we just need the deal to do the business. "It's a challenging time. We're realists... we know what real farm prices are in all commodities," he said. "It's something we know we're going to have to walk hand and hand in watch very closely to see where everything is because no doubt - times are extremely challenging - and margins are just really ugly on many farms right now." Hear what Lust had to say about the Administration's ongoing efforts to advance the various trade deals being negotiated right now and their importance to the financial viability of farmers as well as how the Farm Bill's implementation will impact farmers' ability to effectively utilize its programs, by clicking here to jump to our complete article and interview. |
Beef Industry Leaders Form International Coalition to Advocate for USMCA's Speedy Ratification
NCBA President Jennifer Houston of Tennessee recently led a delegation of American beef producers to Mexico to attend the annual convention of Mexico's cattle industry association. After returning from her trip south of the border, Houston briefed us on the work that was accomplished during this meeting. According to her, one of the main topics discussed there was the US, Mexico Canada Free Trade Agreement or USMCA - which has yet to be ratified by any of the member nations.
While Houston says it remains unclear exactly when the USMCA will be ratified, she is optimistic that it will happen soon - potentially by the end of the year. However, the Administration's opposition in the House continues to be reluctant to advance any of the President's agenda.
In the meantime, Houston says the leaders of the US, Mexican and Canadian beef industries, during the convention, came together and developed a statement urging the policymakers of the three nations to ratify the agreement as soon as possible. Houston says the statement will be released in the coming days. Until the ratification process does take place though, Houston says NCBA and its international counterparts will steadfastly advocate for the treaty to their respective governments.
Listen to Houston's briefing on the concerted efforts between the US, Mexico and Canadian beef industries in advocating for the speedy ratification of the USMCA Agreement, on yesterday's Beef Buzz - click here.
Four Things Oklahoma Producers Need to Know About the 2018 Farm Bill and Its New Policies
Months since the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law, the process to fully implement the 2018 Farm Bill continues and, in an effort to keep stakeholders abreast of its progress, the USDA has periodically released reports as they are ready to share the information. OSU's Dr. Amy Hagerman boiled that information down for local producers recently, during the OSU Lahoma Wheat Field Day held last week.
According to Hagerman, the 2018 edition of the Farm Bill includes four major areas she believes are most pertinent to farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma: 1.) the option to change your enrollment between ARC and PLC annually, 2.) the option to make a yield update for the 2015-17 cropping years, 3.) the option to enroll in a new dual-purpose crop insurance program for qualifying producers and 4.) the Industrial Hemp Program - which is still under construction so to speak.
The differences she mentioned do several things for producers, but most importantly allow them to have increased flexibility and confidence in the decisions they make as they plan for the upcoming few years. Hagerman is particularly excited about the dual-purpose crop insurance which most all Oklahoma farmers specifically should be eligible for. This can be acquired in addition to an existing multiperil policy, by the way. In addition, she says the Hemp Program presents farmers some real opportunities, but at the moment we are still waiting to see how things shake out as ODAFF and the USDA work to align their policies on the program - which isn't scheduled to go into effect until next year. Currently, we are still operating under the 2019 pilot program.
Hagerman says more information on the USDA's progress to implement the bill will become apparent as the department is ready to share it. For more details about these differences, hear my complete interview with Hagerman by clicking or tapping here.
Sponsor Spotlight
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau - a grassroots organization that has for its Mission Statement- "Improving the Lives of Rural Oklahomans." Farm Bureau, as the state's largest general farm organization, is active at the State Capitol fighting for the best interests of its members and working with other groups to make certain that the interests of rural Oklahoma are protected. Click here for their website to learn more about the organization and how it can benefit you to be a part of Farm Bureau.
Soy Growers Fed Up with Drawn Out Trade War with China, Want Tariffs Gone and Trade Reopened
The American Soybean Association says U.S. farmers are frustrated by the lack of progress between the U.S. and China in bringing the trade war to a close. The dispute threatens soybean prices and farmers' ability to even stay in business. The ASA has consistently opposed using unilateral tariffs to address U.S. trade deficits with China and other countries. The organization supports the negotiation of trade agreements and other measures that can increase U.S. agricultural exports, including soybeans.
"The U.S. has been at the table with China 11 times and still hasn't closed the deal," says ASA President Davie Stephens. "What that means for soybean farmers is that we're losing a valuable market, stable pricing, and losing an opportunity to support our families and communities."
He says the trade negotiations are directly impacting farmers' livelihoods. The organization says the soybean industry realizes the Administration's reasons for trying to force China to make structural changes to its predatory economic policies. However, ASA continues to recommend that the U.S. achieve these goals through coordinated actions with like-minded countries.
"The soybean market in China took 40 years to build," Stephens says, "and as this confrontation continues, it will become increasingly difficult to recover. Soybean farmers aren't willing to be collateral damage in an endless trade war."
Cattle, Beef Markets Trend Lower on Backside of Spring Peaks, Dragged Lower by Weak Demand
Fed cattle prices matched March seasonal peaks with another peak in late April but appear to be declining seasonally now, according to OSU Livestock Market Economist Derrell Peel in his latest article for the Cow/Calf Corner newsletter. From the April peak just over $128/cwt., Peel writes that fed cattle prices this past week dropped to around $120/cwt., the lowest fed prices since last December. Peel adds that the choice boxed beef price peaked in late April at just over $233/cwt. and has since decreased $10/cwt. in the past two weeks.
It is obvious, the pre-grilling season/Memorial Day buy-up has passed. But contributing to this decline as well, Peel cites widespread wet and cold weather that's caused some delays in summer beef demand as well as feedlot marketing - and weaker export demand as indicated in the latest trade data.
Peel is under the impression though that boxed beef cutout values will likely strengthen ahead of the July 4th holiday, probably in middle to late May. Warmer summer weather should also boost beef demand seasonally in the coming weeks, Peel says. At the same time, while calf and stocker prices have dropped significantly since peaking in April, Peel suspects heavy feeder cattle prices will grind higher from now until late summer as feedlot pen conditions improve over the next few weeks.
Click here to read Peel's full article for this week up on our website, for more details about the markets post-seasonal peak decline and what to expect over the course of this summer ahead. |
Speakers at the 18th Annual Summit Talk About How to Turn Challenges into Opportunities
The 18th annual Animal Agriculture Alliance Summit has concluded in Kansas City, Missouri. This year at the summit attendees were taught new ways to engage with their customers and protect animal agriculture from blows of misinformation and animal right activists. The theme for the summit this year is "A Seat At The Table". Throughout the "Engage" portion of the summit, participants heard from many individuals through panels and individual discussions. Among others speakers at this event was, Adrienne Heins of Heins Family Farms, who spoke about the importance of influencer farm tours.
Hana Biellauskas, digital practice lead at Inspire PR Group, talked about how to link farmers with influencers.
David Guilhaus, senior manager of food safety at Publix, Judy Panayos, senior director of sustainability and supply management at Sodexo and Mark Smith, chief procurement officer at Centralized Supply Chain Services talked about how companies make decisions that impact animal agriculture.
Bill Gutrich, director of global food industry engagement at Elanco Animal Health, spoke about marketing products positively.
A full report of the Summit's highlights including the event's complete list of speakers and key takeaways from the "Engage" portion of the program are available in the original story posted to our website, here. |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, AFR Insurance, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit Corporation, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCredit, Herb's Herb Hemp Farm, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
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