Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update
From: Ron Hays <>
Date: 7/7/2019, 9:44 PM

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We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON.

Let's Check the Markets!  

OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture on Friday, July 5th.
Futures Wrap:  
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network - analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Feeder Cattle Recap:  
The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.

Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor

Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Kane Kinion, Web and Email Editorial Assistant

Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News

Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
    Monday,  July 8, 2019

Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 
One Featured Story:

Midday this past Friday, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler issued a proposed rule under the Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) program that would set the minimum amount of renewable fuels that must be supplied to the market in calendar year 2020, as well as the biomass-based diesel volume standard for calendar year 2021. This puts EPA on target to publish the final RFS Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) on time for the third consecutive year. This is in contrast to the previous administration, which frequently failed to release their RVOs by the date intended by Congress.

"Unlike the previous administration, we have consistently issued the annual renewable volume obligations rule on time, which is critically important to America's farmers and all stakeholders impacted by the Renewable Fuel Standard program," said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "We are on track to meet the deadline on time for the third year in a row and continue to provide greater regulatory certainty to farmers and refiners across the country."

"Conventional" renewable fuel volumes, would be maintained at the implied 15-billion gallon target set by Congress. While, advanced biofuel volume proposed to rise 0.12 billion to 5.04 billion gallons for 2020. 

You can read more about this proposed rule by the EPA, by clicking or tapping here

Sponsor Spotlight
Midwest Farm Shows is proud to produce the two best Farm Shows in the State of Oklahoma annually- the Tulsa Farm Show each December and the Oklahoma City Farm Show each April.
They would like to thank all of you who participated in their 2019 Oklahoma City Farm Show. 
Up next will be the Tulsa Farm Show in December 2019- the dates are December 12th, 13th, and 14th.  
Now is the ideal time to contact the Midwest Farm Show Office at 507-437-7969 and book space at the 2019 Tulsa Farm Show.  To learn more about the Tulsa Farm Show, click here

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed last week a rule for the 2020 calendar year that would increase the minimum requirement for renewable fuels. Advanced biofuel would increase 0.12 billion gallons. While "conventional" and biomass-based diesel would stay the same. 

The renewable fuels industry and its stakeholders immediately responded with the following statements: 

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) complains the EPA's decision is based more on refineries rather than corn farmers. They say the EPA once again failed to account for the lost volumes due to refinery exemptions and uphold the President's commitment to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). 

"We are frustrated the EPA did not account for potential waived gallons going forward in the proposed rule," said National Corn Growers Association President and Nebraska farmer Lynn Chrisp. "If the EPA continues to grant retroactive waivers, the RVO numbers are meaningless and the EPA is not following the law. Farmers are facing a very tough economic environment and the continued waiver abuse chips away at farmers' bottom line." 

Click here to read the whole statement issued by NCGA.

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) criticized the EPA's decision, saying it undermines market growth for biodiesel and renewable diesel. They say the proposed 5.04 billion gallons provides no additional market growth for biomass-based diesel. 

"The proposal sends a chilling signal to America's biodiesel and renewable diesel producers of EPA's intent to limit market growth for cleaner fuels," said Kurt Kovarik, NBB's Vice President of Federal Affairs. "EPA appears to have simply repeated the previous biomass-based diesel volume of 2.43 billion gallons for 2021 without analyzing our industry's ability to achieve higher volumes."

You can read the whole NBB statement, by clicking or tapping here.

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) issued a statement, saying the proposed rule by the EPA is completely betraying President Trump's commitment to uphold the integrity of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).  

"As long as EPA continues to dole out compliance exemptions to oil refiners without reallocating the lost volume, the agency may as well start referring to the annual RFS levels as 'renewable volume suggestions' rather than 'renewable volume obligations,'" said Geoff Cooper, RFA's President and CEO. "It is a complete misnomer to call these blending volumes 'obligations' when EPA's small refinery bailouts have essentially transformed the RFS into a voluntary program for nearly one-third of the nation's oil refineries." 

Click here to read the entire statement released by the RFA. 

Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor issued a statement about the proposed rule by the EPA. Stating, the proposed rule has no mechanism is place to offset the refinery exemptions that continue to undercut the federal blending goals. 

"It's unconscionable that EPA continues to undermine the president's commitment to a strong rural America," said Skor. "The 2020 RVOs are a drop in the bucket compared to the demand lost due to a flood of refinery exemptions. Unless EPA restores demand destroyed through secret handouts to oil giants like Exxon and Chevron, these targets offer nothing but another year of lost opportunity and rural hardship." 

You can read the entire statement issued by Growth Energy by jumping over to our website

Colorado is the newest state to confirm a case of Vesicular Stomatitis in 2019. Cases of this viral disease on two premises have already been confirmed in Weld County, just west of Rocky Mountain National Park which also borders Wyoming to the north. Colorado now joins New Mexico and Texas as affected states.

Colorado's State Veterinarian has warned that this virus circulates year-round in southern Mexico and Central America. He says there only certain years are the climate and ecological factors line up and the insects that carry the disease move northward along waterways and across the border to the U.S. 

"If that is true, and I think there is certainly a lot of truth to it, then with all the rain and weird weather we've had in Oklahoma recently it's certainly possible that some of the vectors could make their way to our state," stated Oklahoma State Veterinarian Rod Hall in an alert issued Friday, July 5th. 

You can read more about Vesicular Stomatitis and how it can affect your herd, by clicking or tapping here

In June of this year at the Beef Improvement Federation Conference held in South Dakota, National Cattlemen's Beef Association's Vice President of Strategic Planning and Market Research, Rick Husted, presented on the large body of research his organization has conducted to better understand today's consumers and how to effective market beef to them. Husted explains that this extensive research through focus groups and quantitative work has led to many of the strategies we see in place today. One of the things he has tackled in his work in collaboration with the dollar per head Beef Checkoff, is trying to find out exactly what consumers are thinking about beef. In doing this research, Husted's team has developed what they call the Consumer Beef Tracker, a continuous consumer survey that helps them monitor the attitudes and perceptions consumers have about beef.

"We talk to 500 consumers every month on a continuous online survey. So, we're constantly getting data which kind of smooths out any seasonality," Husted explained. "One of the questions we ask is 'what is your overall perception of beef?' You're always going to have some critics that aren't as in love with beef as most folks are - but we are about 70% positive."

The survey shows, beef is actually seen less positively than chicken by consumers. The production practices that are used to make the products are also a contributing factor to consumers' perception. 

You can listen to what Husted had to say about the research the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, from Friday's Beef Buzz - here

Sponsor Spotlight
At AFR Insurance we are proud to have served Oklahomans and their communities for over 100 years. We know that insurance is more than talking about being there for you, it is about actually being there for you. We are here to give you a peace of mind by offering you the best insurance products at an affordable price. AFR Insurance offers auto, home, farm and life insurance to all generations, from young to old, we are here for you day in and day out.
Price. Protection. Peace of Mind. That's AFR Insurance.
Visit today to find your local agent and get a quick quote today!

The House Ways and Means Committee on June 20 passed a measure (H.R. 3301) extending expired tax incentives for biodiesel, renewable energy and short line railroads. Though farmers and ranchers support those provisions, they are adamantly opposed to one that would prematurely end the $11 million per person estate tax exemption, sending it back down to $5.5 million per person on Dec. 31, 2022, three years early.

"The premature termination of the temporary $11 million estate tax exemption under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will punish capital-intensive businesses like farms and ranches. Not only will the taxes imposed at death hurt farm and ranch businesses, financial uncertainty will hinder long-term business planning and estate planning costs will drain the resources of ongoing farm and ranch businesses," American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said in a letter to committee members regarding the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2019.

Farm Bureau is calling on Congress to make the estate tax exemption of $11 million per person permanent until the estate tax is fully repealed. 

You can read more about the House Ways and Means Committee's decision and how it could impact you by jumping over to our website. 

The spring weather pattern this year has allowed for an excellent growing season for cool-season annuals such as ryegrass. The weather has also made it exceptionally difficult to swath and bale hay without it getting rained on. There have been two main problems with making hay this spring and summer. The first is a loss of quantity and quality of rained-on hay, and the other is the potential to bale it wetter than usual (above 16-20 percent moisture). Both of these things negatively affect the feeding value of the hay.

Researchers at Iowa State University found that fresh-cut hay with less than one inch of rain took a few more hours to dry, but didn't suffer much on the quality or quantity side of things. However, a light rain on dry hay caused significant damage. In addition, they found that for every inch of rain, dry matter yield and digestibility dropped at least 5 percent and 10 percent, respectively. 

With the recent pattern of frequent rains we have experienced, there is no doubt some hay has been baled with more than the 20 percent moisture recommendation. When hay is baled at normal moisture levels, the bales will heat to 120-130 degrees F. If it is baled above the suggested 20 percent mark, the bales heat up to 190-200 degrees F. At this point the bales can spontaneously combust, mold and fungi can grow and feeding value can decline. 

You can read more about how the excessive amount of moisture we have received can affect your hay quality, by clicking or tapping here

Seven Cattlemen's Educational Series a Key Element of the 67th Cattlemen's Convention

The Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association's 67th Annual Convention and Trade Show is scheduled for July 19 and 20. A key element of OCA Convention is the Cattlemen's Educational Series. 

The series at this year's convention will be broken up into four separate sessions covering a variety of topics from various speakers.

During the first session, OSU's Dr. Derrell Peel will offer his "Cattle Market Outlook" followed by a "Fake Meat" discussion by Danielle Beck, NCBA Senior Director of Government Affairs, during the second session. Session 3 will focus on "Animal Behavior" in presentation led by Dr. Janeen Salak-Johnson, Associate Professor & Temple Grandin Professorship at Oklahoma State University Department of Animal & Food Sciences. Finally, Session 4 will conclude the series with information over using the CattleMax Database and proper Record Keeping, presented by Terrell Miller, Founder of CattleMax Software.

You can learn more about the Cattlemen's Educational Series and see what else is on tap for the upcoming convention - here

Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, AFR Insurance, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Stillwater Milling Company, National Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma AgCreditthe Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock! 
We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

God Bless! You can reach us at the following:  
phone: 405-473-6144


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