From: Ron Hays [] on behalf of Ron Hays []
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:17 AM
To: Hays, Ron
Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update

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Let's Check the Markets! 



Today's First Look:  

Ron on RON Markets as heard on K101  

mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.


Okla Cash Grain:  

Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.


Canola Prices:  

Current cash price for Canola is $12.32 per bushel-

2012 New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at $12.52 per bushel- delivered to local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.


Futures Wrap:  

Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler- analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.


KCBT Recap: 

Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap-Two Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's market. 


Feeder Cattle Recap:  

The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.


Slaughter Cattle Recap: 

The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.


TCFA Feedlot Recap:  

Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.


Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
   Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 
FeaturedStoryFeatured Story:
Congressman Paul Ryan Calls for $33 Billion in Ag Spending Cuts Over 10 Years- Congressional Ag Leaders Weigh In


Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan unveiled the "Path to Prosperity" budget proposal on Tuesday, which instructs the House Committee on Agriculture to draft more than $33 billion in reductions over 10 years. Reaction to his 2013 Budget Resolution  was generally split along party lines.


Republican House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas expressed support for the resolution. "Chairman Ryan's proposed budget demonstrates that House Republicans are willing to lead and make the difficult decisions necessary to tackle our debt and deficit crisis. I don't support every detail and proposed cut, but writing and passing a budget is the most basic function of governing and requires leadership and political courage from the President and Congress."


Lucas said that "Rural America, production agriculture and the House Agriculture Committee are willing to do our part in reducing the deficit." (You can read Rep. Lucas's full statement by clicking here.) 


Democrat Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin Peterson opposed the budget resolution. "The process outlined by the House Republican budget all but guarantees there will be no farm bill this year.

"The Ryan budget proposes significant cuts in the farm safety net and conservation programs, and slashes spending on nutrition programs that provide food for millions of Americans. It is appalling that in an attempt to avoid defense cuts the Republican leadership has elected to leave farmers and hungry families hurting," he said. (Rep. Peterson's full statement is available by clicking here.)


Democrat Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow was harshly critical of Ryan's budget proposal- saying it is "irresponsible and undermines one of the few sectors in our economy that is growing and creating jobs. We must reduce the deficit in all areas of the budget, including agriculture, but we must do that in a way that does not hurt the economy."  (Click here for Sen. Stabenow's statement.)


Lucas said his committee's work continues on the farm bill regardless of the status of a budget bill. 


"I would caution people about reading too much into the numbers or policy proposals in either the President's budget or the Ryan budget. They are only suggestions. During our process, both policy and deficit reduction targets will be developed in conjunction with Ranking Member Peterson and members of the Committee as we write a fiscally responsible farm bill that ensures Americans continue to have a safe, affordable, and stable food supply," he said.


You may also want to take a listen to our Wednesday morning farm news- our friend Mike Adams with AgriTalk is in Washington this week- and interviewed Mary Kay Thatcher of American Farm Bureau about the budget numbers- and you can hear her comments on our farm news report- click here to check it out.  




Sponsor Spotlight


 We welcome the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board as a daily email sponsor- The OERB voluntarily restores  abandoned well sites - at absolutely no cost to landowners. Since 1994, we've dedicated more than $66 million to restoring more than 11,000 orphaned and abandoned well sites across the state. Their goal is to make the land beautiful and productive again. To learn more,  click here for their well site cleanup webpage. 


We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update. On both the state and national levels, full-time staff members serve as a "watchdog" for family agriculture producers, mutual insurance company members and life company members. Click here to go to their AFR website to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America!  

waterconservationOklahoma Conservation Officials Take Part In Whitehouse Water Quality Summit 


Oklahoma's successful nonpoint source pollution program was recently part of the discussion at a White House conference on water quality. Clay Pope, executive director of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD) and Shanon Phillips, Director of the Water Quality Division of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission, were both invited to discuss what makes Oklahoma's nonpoint source program so successful and to help identify ways that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) could cooperate to protect water using voluntary programs. According to Pope, this was a great opportunity to tell federal officials why voluntary, locally-led, cooperative programs are showing such great success in reducing nutrients and other pollutants from Oklahoma's waters.

"We were honored to have the chance to tell Oklahoma's story on water quality and conservation," Pope said. "When you see the success we have had in Oklahoma in taking streams and stream segments off of the EPA impaired list and when you consider the fact that our state consistently ranks near the top in reducing nonpoint source pollution in our water, we must be doing something right. We feel that Oklahoma is showing that if you work with farmers, ranchers and other landowners through voluntary programs that are run correctly like the model we have that was developed in cooperation with EPA Region 6 and if you work to maximize cooperation with EPA and USDA, you can make a difference in water quality without heavy-handed regulations and do it in a way that is popular with landowners."

You can read the full story by clicking here. 


USMEFinKoreaUSMEF Market Education Program Features Stops in Korea, China, Hong Kong


Fifteen representatives of U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) member organizations received an in-depth look at the red meat industry in South Korea, China and Hong Kong as part of the 2012 USMEF Market Education Program. Participants came from the United Soybean Board, the National Pork Board and pork, beef, corn and soybean producer organizations from Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska.

In Korea, these pork, beef, corn and soybean producers got a firsthand look at USMEF marketing efforts in the retail, foodservice, processing and distribution sectors. They also had an opportunity to learn more about the benefits of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which took effect March 15.

Roger Knoblock, a hog producer and cattle feeder from Lester, Iowa, participated on behalf of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board. He was pleased with the level of success U.S. pork and beef have achieved in Korea, but recognizes that competition in the market is formidable. According to the Global Trade Atlas, the U.S. is one of 19 countries exporting pork to South Korea so far this year.


There's a lot more to this story and you can read it all by clicking here.


schoolbreakfastSchool Breakfast Programs Improve Student Learning, Classroom Behavior


Dayle Hayes, author, educator and registered dietician, was recently in Tulsa to speak with Oklahoma dieticians at their annual meeting. A major portion of Hayes' recent work is focused on the effects of nutrition on learning in the classroom. Working closely with the dairy industry, Hayes travels the country to speak about research which clearly shows a link between good nutrition and positive classroom outcomes. She was in Tulsa this past Friday on behalf of Dairymax.

"The statistics show that about one in four children in Oklahoma is food insecure, meaning that there may be times when there isn't food in the home for them to either have supper or breakfast."

Hayes says that is significant for school-aged children because, "Hungry children cannot learn. So, if children come to school without having eaten they are unable to focus in the classroom, they are not able to concentrate on learning and, in fact, it affects their behaviors."

With the help of the USDA, schools across the country have begun participating in the School Breakfast Program. The USDA says the program is now serving 12 million children every school day.

Dayle Hayes has more to say on the importance of the School Breakfast Program.  You can hear her full interview or read more of the story by clicking here. 


whatadifferenceRains Offer Game Changing Conditions for Cattle Producers


Above-normal temperatures and recent rains are proving a game changer for cattle producers all across the state. Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, says these quickly-changing weather conditions will impact producers- we have comments with Dr. Peel on today's Beef Buzz which you can hear by clicking here.

Peel tells us that recent weather and the calendar ensure that spring will happen in a significant part of the drought region in the Southern Plains. Unusually warm temperatures, additional rain, and the approach of April have changed the prospects for much of eastern Oklahoma and eastern Texas. Soils are saturated in much of the region and green up is occurring rapidly. Cool season forages are virtually assured early forage and hay production. Warm season forages need a little more time but the prospects look favorable at this time.

These changes are reflected in the latest Drought Monitor map, which shows continued improvement in the region. Even more dramatic are the changes in the latest Drought Outlook from the Climate Prediction Center. The Drought Outlook for the next three months shows significant drought easing in much of central and eastern Oklahoma and eastern Texas with some improvement in a band just west of this area. However, my recent travels across the Texas Panhandle and New Mexico confirm that drought conditions remain very severe in these regions farther west.

Producers in the improved area can begin planning for recovery. The first consideration should be to understand the condition of pastures and develop a management plan for forage recovery.


Click here to read more of Derrell Peel's analysis of forage prospects and pasture recovery- as well as his comments on this on our Wednesday Beef Buzz 


williamlfordWilliam L. Ford Honored by OSU's Division of Ag Sciences and Natural Resources


Oklahoman William L. Ford will be honored as a 2012 DASNR Champion award recipient by Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources on March 28.

The DASNR Champion award recognizes and honors those who are not graduates of OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources but who have brought distinction to the division while demonstrating a continuing interest in and commitment for agricultural sciences and natural resources.

Ford, a 1960 graduate of Shawnee High School and president of Shawnee Milling Company since May of 1979, currently serves on the DASNR Dean's Advisory Council, providing insights that help ensure division programs are tackling issues and concerns of importance to Oklahoma.


Robert E. Whitson, DASNR vice president, said Ford was instrumental in the creation of the CASNR Student Success Center that houses a student career resources facility, a multimedia-equipped student board room and accessibility to staff who provide individual student guidance and coordinate programs relevant to the personal, professional and academic development of current students, prospective students and alumni.


You can read more about William Ford's contributions to OSU's DASNR by clicking here. 



COFCattle On Feed Preview- and the Latest Rainfall Figures



This Friday after the cattle futures close for the week USDA will release its monthly Cattle on Feed numbers.  Rich Nelson with Allendale has dropped us an email and gives us his preview of the numbers that will be unveiled at 2 PM Central time.


Nelson says "February Placements are expected to be 1.5% higher than last year. The cash cattle rally in February may have drawn a few extra numbers into feedlots. Keep in mind this may further drawdown the feeder cattle supply for the next quarter. USDA estimated feeder cattle supplies outside of feedlots on January 1 at 4% lower than last year. Cattle placed in February will be marketed from July to October.


"Allendale anticipates a Marketing total 1.8% higher than February of 2011.


"Total Cattle on Feed as of March 1 will be 1.8% higher than last year. This is lower than last month's estimate of 2.1% larger supplies."



Meanwhile, the rainfall totals since Sunday evening have been continuing to rise in eastern Oklahoma- with the central and the western parts of the state getting a little more rain overnight with this latest rain event.    


We have a rainfall graphic to share with you as of 5:45 AM this morning- showing several locations in eastern Oklahoma with more than 6 inches of rainfall (and flooding as a result) since Monday.  Meanwhile the rains in central and western Oklahoma have greatly enhanced the prospects for the winter canola and wheat crops- and offered some excellent moisture for the soil profile ahead of spring planting.  Click here for the rainfall graph we have up on our website and see how rainfall totals have piled up in various parts of the state.  




Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers, OERB, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE!


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