From: Ron Hays []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 07:02
Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update
Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Monday July 9, 2007!
A service of Midwest Farm Shows
-- In the Field with Ron Hays this past Saturday- We Spotlighted Flood Control Dams.
-- Chairman's Mark is Now Available for 2007 Farm Bill.
-- Marketing the 2007 Wheat Crop- the latest thoughts from Dr. Kim Anderson
-- What Does $25 buy you? Lunch and Choose a Subject- Biofuels or Beef Cattle
-- Storm Clouds over the Farm Bill Writing Process- the Payment Limits Battle.
-- Let's talk cattle market outlook with Dr. Derrell Peel!
-- Let us hear from you!

Howdy Neighbors!

Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. Our email this morning is a service of Midwest Farm Shows, featuring the recently concluded Southern Plains Farm Show in Oklahoma City, as well as the Tulsa Farm Show held each December. Check out details of both of these exciting shows at the official website of Midwest Farm Shows by clicking here.

If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here.

In the Field with Ron Hays this past Saturday- We Spotlighted Flood Control Dams.
Clay Pope, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts, joined us Saturday morning on KWTV, News9 for our regular segment, In the Field with Ron Hays. Conservation has a great story to tell that comes out of the unusual rainfall that has dumped large amounts of precipitation onto parts of the state starting back in late April.

Creeks and rivers have been running full, with ponds, lakes and reservoirs all full to overflowing. The flood control dams that dot our landscape have saved millions of dollars of damage from occurring, which is often underemphasized by news reports. The 2000 plus flood control structures have saved farm land from flooding, cars from being swept off roads and communities in multiple counties from facing flash flooding.

Pope also reminded us of the need to keep pushing for additional funds for the rehabilitation of those existing dams, as well as additional flood control structures that have been identified as being needed in locations around the state. We have linked below the interview we did with Clay that aired Saturday morning on KWTV, News9, in Oklahoma City- our segment can be seen live on Saturday mornings at approximately 7:40 am.

Click here to see Ron and Clay Pope and their TV conversation on KWTV News9

Chairman's Mark is Now Available for 2007 Farm Bill.
Maybe its just me- but there almost seems to be a disconnect between what several of the subcommittees developed as their plans to recommend to the full committee and what the full committee will begin with which is the Chairman's Mark from Colin Peterson of Minnesota.

The key area is in the Commodity Title, and in the subcommittee, these members voted 18 to nothing to reject the Chairman's mark and recommend a straight extension of the 2002 Farm Bill's Commodity Title- they then adopted several amendments which addressed a few minor issues but largely left the current law as their proposal. Now, it seems like we the subcommittee's work has been dumped and we have a fresh set of small changes in target prices and loan rates that Congressman Peterson will be offset by changes in the current crop insurance program and by not permitting farmers to receive their direct payments early in one year of the farm bill, 2011.

You can review Chairman Peterson's complete set of ideas for the full committee markup that will be happening a week from tomorrow in our nation's capitol. That markup process for all 11 titles of the Farm Bill is expected to take at least three days.

Click here for Chairman Peterson's proposals to the full House Ag Committee found on the Committee's Website.

Marketing the 2007 Wheat Crop- the latest thoughts from Dr. Kim Anderson
OSU Extension Grain Marketing Economist Dr. Kim Anderson says that even with the extreme conditions we have faced in this 2007 Oklahoma wheat harvest season, it's probably still wise to hold firm in executing your normal marketing strategy for selling your wheat crop. His well known advice of selling a third, a third and a third remains a valid option, according to the Economist.

He does say that for those that have contracted wheat earlier this year and have had trouble fulfilling the number of bushels contracted- work with your elevator- but understand that not all elevators are willing to take on the considerable risk and allow you to roll forward to next year those obligations.

Dr. Anderson does believe that the news of large numbers of acres to be abandoned in Oklahoma and in southern Kansas is now in the the wheat market fully and that the market will now start weighing demand factors as well as the health of foreign crops in Europe, Canada, and in the southern Hemisphere. You can hear Kim's conversation with us by clicking below- it's on our Featured Audio page at

Click here to listen to Ron and Kim talk marketing strategy.

What Does $25 buy you? Lunch and Choose a Subject- Biofuels or Beef Cattle
Two events coming up in early August will cost you $25 as a registration fee, that will buy you a lunch plus lots of information in one of two areas. The first of these events is a Biofuels workshop being put on at the Oklahoma City campus location for Langston on N. Lincoln Blvd. on Friday, August 3, 2007.

Practical information on producing and using alternative energy resources such as biofuels along with information about on-farm energy conservation and biofuel research in Oklahoma are some of the topics to be covered. One featured speaker will be farmer Wayne Keith of Alabama who will describe his wood burning pickup- he says he gets about 3,000 miles to a cord of wood! Oklahoma producer Thad Doye will be another of the presenters at this event as he will describe his efforts of raising an oilseed crop on his farm near Duncan- Sunflowers- and then turning that into a biofuel to run his farming operation- all right there on the farm.

The second event that will cost you $25 and will provide you a full day of information on the beef cattle industry is the Noble Foundation's Southern Plains Beef Symposium, set for Saturday, August 11 in Ardmore. They have a top notch set of speakers from four states covering the world of Beef Cattle Production- and besides lunch, your registration fee also gives you access to visit with several dozen folks that will be a part of their one day trade show.

We have links to both of these events in our August section of our Calendar on our Website- Click here to head there.

Storm Clouds over the Farm Bill Writing Process- the Payment Limits Battle.
He comes from a district with substantial amounts of agricultural production- Jeff Fortenberry of Eastern Nebraska has Lincoln in his home district and most of the eastern part of Nebraska, except for Omaha. He does not sit on the House Ag Committee, but he has offered a thinly veiled threat to the Committee, DEAL with payment limits or it will be done for you.

"An effective payment limitation system may allow savings to be redirected to help new emerging trends in agricultural diversification, ag-based energy production, and conservation efforts," Fortenberry said. "If the agriculture leaders don't embrace this change, it may be imposed from without. Legislative attempts have been made already to rewrite farm legislation outside of the normal committee structure."

Fortenberry says he wants at a minimum "legislation to close multiple entity loopholes and enforce existing limits." We have his full news release linked below from his website- but you can be assured that if nothing is done in Committee regarding payment limits, that will lend more credibility to the efforts of folks like Ron Kind and his Farm21 proposal.

Click here to review the news release from Nebraska Congressman Jeff Fortenberry on the need for stricter payment limitations.

Let's talk cattle market outlook with Dr. Derrell Peel!
Our guest for a few days this week on our regular Beef Buzz radio program from the Radio Oklahoma Network is Dr. Derrell Peel. We talk today with Derrell about the summer dip in cash cattle prices- was it a seasonal dip or is there something else going on?

The Beef Buzz is heard on radio stations across the state from the Radio Oklahoma Network- and we have it linked on our website for you to link to below.

Click here for today's Beef Buzz with Ron talking about the current cattle market with OSU's Derrell Peel.

Let us hear from you!
If you have resumed cutting some wheat- we would love to hear from you. I got one email over the weekend from a farmer in the Cashion area that has cut some wheat that has sprout damage and is looking for a place to market it. We have had one location suggested to us that we are checking on at this time.

Whether you are a wheat producer, elevator manager or a crop insurance adjuster- give us your update- we will pass it along to others as we try to get this 2007 harvest season put to bed.

And- if you know of elevators, feedlot operations or others that might have interest in sprouted wheat- let us know about that as well and we will be glad to share that. We are linking our main page of our web site below- as we get updates later today- we will add to our "Latest Agricultural News" section of that front page. Check it out later in the day for possible updates.

Click here for our website front page- WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com

Our thanks to Midwest Farm Shows for their support of our daily Farm News Update. Go to their website at the link at the top of today's email and make plans to be an exhibitor at either the Tulsa Farm Show this December or the Southern Plains Farm Show next spring!

We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com

God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144

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