~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Thursday August 9,
2007! A
service of Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma & Midwest Farm
-- We will send our email a little later than normal Friday
-- Add Tulsa County to the Asian Soybean Rust List
-- Good Quality Wheat Seed- if you haven't booked it- you may not
find it!
-- Eleven year highs for US Wheat Futures- Oklahoma Elevators have
bids above $6!
-- Is this the year for Winter Canola????
-- Express Ranches Big Event V Happens Labor Day!
-- Third Case of FMD Suspected as another herd being tested.
-- Southern Plains Beef Symposium This Saturday in Ardmore!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are proud to welcome Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma as a regular sponsor of our daily email update. Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma has ten branch offices to serve your farm financing needs and is dedicated to being your first choice for farm credit. Check out their website for more information by clicking here! Our email this morning is also a service of Midwest Farm Shows, featuring the springtime Southern Plains Farm Show in Oklahoma City, as well as the Tulsa Farm Show held each December. Check out details of both of these exciting shows at the official website of Midwest Farm Shows by clicking here. If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here. | |
We will send our email a little later than normal Friday morning!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will email
our daily update around 7:45 am central or so if an effort to give you a
quick and first look at the numbers that USDA will be issuing tomorrow
morning at 7:30 am central time. There are several important numbers that
USDA will issue that we want to provide for you- and then we will point
you to our web site for further analysis that will follow later in the
One of the critical numbers that we will be watching in tomorrow's report is how close to 13 billion bushels are we going to get when it comes to 2007 U.S. corn crop. Pre report guesses as compiled by Dow Jones suggest a 12.909 billion bushel crop, with a national average yield per bushel of just over 151 bushels. There are several crop watchers who think we will beat the thirteen billion bushel mountain peak, based on several factors, including the number of plants per acre in key midwest corn states. An important number for us locally will be the revisions that USDA may serve up in harvested wheat acres in Kansas and Oklahoma. USDA will be attempting to square up the number of acres actually harvested in the two states, as well as a more accurate yield per acre to come up with a best guess on the actual size of the 2007 winter wheat crop. Oklahoma watchers continue to speculate on whether or not the state harvested more or less than a 100 million bushels of wheat in 2007. We will delay our Email as a result to allow us to plug in the numbers in the first story tomorrow morning. | |
Add Tulsa County to the Asian Soybean Rust List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tulsa County
is the fifth county in Oklahoma to be confirmed with Asian Soybean Rust
and OSU Plant Pathologist Dr. John Damicone reports that while Tulsa
County has been added, he feels that the continuing hot weather weather
will slow further development of the rust here in the state.
In response to a question during the teleconference regarding when to begin treating - Dr. Damicone says we can wait until it is confirmed in the area but fungicide treatments must be applied before the infection rate reaches 10% which makes scouting critical. Early planted soybeans will likely not be impacted by the arrival of soybean rust in the state, but late planted beans are susceptible. Area Agronomist Bob Woods, based in Muskogee reminds producers "Late planted beans are susceptible so scout carefully and be ready to treat when they reach reproductive growth. A 30 to 40 bushel yield potential is needed to justify treating." | |
Good Quality Wheat Seed- if you haven't booked it- you may not find it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gene McVey of
Johnston Seed in Enid has told Dow Jones that "There is going to be a
considerable issue with finding the desirable varieties to plant. A lot of
these guys will probably need to settle for what they can get their hands
on. There's a lot of wheat that's coming in that's of poor quality."
Meanwhile, Alan Mindemann, Manager of Apache Seed, adds that "I don't have near enough seed to sell. There's not enough to go around." Indications are that the varieties that are in especially high demand in our state this year include OK Bullet, Overly and Endurance. | |
Eleven year highs for US Wheat Futures- Oklahoma Elevators have bids above $6! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The mark of
the beast is the latest eleven year high for Kansas City hard red winter
wheat futures for a front month, as the high yesterday for September wheat
was $6.66 as we settled at $6.62 on Wednesday. Tom Leffler says there was
not much fresh news in the market and it seemed that the commodity funds
were piling in, hitting buy stops and that brought in more technical
buying and higher prices.
There are some solid underpinnings to current US wheat market demand, with production problems in Europe and the Black Sea region. We also have had good demand since the US is one of the few places that currently has wheat available for export. Still, the rally for Kansas City wheat yesterday took most of the traders by surprise, as they were already starting to focus on the crop production numbers, including those HRW adjustments that will be made, that will be out on Friday morning. Only Hooker in the Panhandle had a wheat bid of under $6.00 on the Wednesday report from the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. In the major hard red winter wheat producing counties, elevator bids ranged from $6.03 to $6.15 per bushel. Those bids were up from 12 to 14 cents per bushel. | |
Is this the year for Winter Canola???? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the
problem of not having enough good quality winter wheat seed available for
planting here in the fall of 2007, will that convince farmers to think
about putting a few acres into winter canola? Well, a lot of farmers
apparently are at least thinking about it- and Monsanto and POP are
running around the winter wheat belt, mostly west of I-35 from the Red
River up into southern Kansas, telling the Winter Canola Story.
Of course in the case of Monsanto, it is a Roundup Ready story, and they say that even when you count a higher cost of getting into the game with the price of treated seed, you stand a great chance of making as much money on your canola acres as you do on your winter wheat acres. Michael Marlow, the Monsanto Rep for Oklahoma, says that producers have gotten excited about Canola this year because of the resolution of the marketing issue- that with a local market now being offered for 2008, lots of farmers have serious interest. We will tell you more about the POP story the first of the week as we will feature an interview that we did yesterday with Gene Neuens, the Executive Director of Plains Oilseed Producers Coop, but the Monsanto story is being told at local producer meetings as Marlow rushes around to pitch farmers on the idea of trying canola on a few acres here in 2007-2008. We caught up with Michael in Kingfisher at a local restaurant where a local producer meeting had been arranged with Wheeler Brothers. The meeting room was Standing Room Only for the Canola story- and we visited with Michael Marlow about that story in a conversation that is linked below. | |
Express Ranches Big Event V Happens Labor Day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bob Funk and
his Express Ranch Team led by Jarold Callahan call it the Big Event with
good reason- as one of the biggest sale events of the year from one of the
largest seedstock operations in the country will happen on Labor Day at
the Express Ranch headquarters just north of Yukon, beginning at 10 am.
The 2007 sale offering will include 100 Spring Calving Heifer Calf Pairs, 55 Spring Calving Bull Calf Pairs, 125 Spring Calving Cows and Bred Heifers, 120 Fall Calving Cows and Bred Heifers, 40 Fall Open Heifer Calves as well as flushes, Pregnancies and embryo lots. There's a couple of ways to get a complete sale book. First, you can call Express Ranches at 1-800-664- 3977. Or, you can see it right now by going online to the Express Ranches web site linked below and click on the link for the Complete Sale Book. All told, there are some 382 lots to be sold, representing some 600 Registered Angus cattle- some of the best Angus genetics in the world! | |
Third Case of FMD Suspected as another herd being tested. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ British
farmers are now being allowed to send animals straight to slaughter as a
ban on the movement of livestock has been partially lifted across most of
that country. The hope is that officials have been able to isolate and
keep FMD in only the Surrey area of southern England.
Animals from a third farm are now being tested for FMD, and results should be back almost any time- officials are fairly certain that some of this herd probably has the disease as well. Officials are also testing a drainage ditch that connects at least a couple of the farms where FMD has been found- and the Merial Animal Health Lab seems to be under continued scrutiny as a possible source of the outbreak. A British newspaper report indicates that legal action may well result from this possible spread of FMD from one of the labs that were designed to keep diseases from ever seeing the light of day. "Farmers hit by the foot and mouth outbreak were considering suing the laboratory complex at the centre of the crisis for millions of pounds if - as is most likely - the leak is found to have originated there." We have linked this full story as one of the more interesting updates in this unfolding disease outbreak. Click here for British Newspaper Coverage of the FMD Outbreak in Southern England. | |
Southern Plains Beef Symposium This Saturday in Ardmore! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just a quick
reminder about the 2007 Noble Foundation Southern Plains Beef Symposium
that happens all day Saturday at the Ardmore Convention Center. This is a
great one day beef trade show and source of information for beef cattle
producers- whether you are running just a few head or you ride herd on a
large multi-location cow calf herd.
Some of the featured speakers include Jeanne Schneider, weather researcher with the Ft. Reno USDA Ag Research Facility, Dr. Jim Mintert of Kansas State, a producer panel talking on production and marketing AND a whole lot more. Go to our link below for more information on this great event that happens this Saturday- we hope to see you there! Click here for more information on the 2007 Southern Plains Beef Symposium in Ardmore. | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farm Shows and Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked at the top of the email- check them out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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