From: Ron Hays []
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 06:27
Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update
Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Tuesday December 4, 2007!
A service of National Livestock Credit Corporation, American Farmers and Ranchers & Midwest Farm Shows
-- In Tall Cotton- the 2007 Harvest is Mighty Good
-- Oklahoma Wheat Growers to Gather This Saturday.
-- No Go on the Farm Bill- Peruvian FTA Vote Set for Today.
-- Power Up Those Mama Cows!
-- Two Types of Practices Add Up to Your Yield in a Wheat Crop.
-- OKC West to offer some 3,000 Preconditioned Calves on Wednesday.
-- In and Around the National Western in Denver- A Great Meeting Planned on International Marketing of our Beef.

Howdy Neighbors!

Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. American Farmers and Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company is a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their NEW AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America!!!

We are proud to also welcome National Livestock Credit Corporation as a regular sponsor of our daily email update. National Livestock Credit Corporation works diligently to provide unsurpassed service to their customers in the area of livestock financing. Check out the National Livestock Family of Services website by clicking here. And our email this morning is also a service of Midwest Farm Shows, producer of the Tulsa Farm Show coming up THIS WEEK- December 6-8, 2007, as well as the Southern Plains Farm Show in Oklahoma City next spring. Check out details of both of these exciting shows at the official website of Midwest Farm Shows by clicking here.

If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here.

In Tall Cotton- the 2007 Harvest is Mighty Good
Outstanding dryland yields in dryland cotton are reported by Jeannie Hileman, gin manager of the Farmers Cooperative Gin at Carnegie, Ok.: "As of Sunday, December 2, 2007, we have ginned 6,269 bales," she said. "We expect to gin around 10,000 bales this season "We are seeing good yields from the irrigated cotton in

"And not only are the yields excellent, but the quality of the cotton is good, too. I have seen some top staple length cotton ginned this season. Our excellent yields can be attributed to an open fall in the latter part of the growing season. We had clear, warm days and cool nights that gave the cotton every opportunity to grow to its full potential. Earlier in the year, although we had a lot of bad storms and flooding, our area escaped most of the worst of that weather. The rain did give us plenty of subsoil moisture that helped the cotton plants put down a good root system so they could draw up all the nutrients needed to grow well.

The Carnegie cooperative gin has been practically rebuilt in the past three years, Hileman says. "In three years, we went from ginning 1,000 bales a season to 10,000. We have completely updated the electrical system in the press and made it all automated. We installed a module feeder, new lint cleaners, a new drying system and renovated the gin stands." she said. "This has allowed us to do a better drying job on

Click here for the site!

Oklahoma Wheat Growers to Gather This Saturday.
This coming Saturday, December 8, the 2007 Oklahoma Wheat Growers annual meeting will return to the Express Events Center on State Highway 3 (Northwest Highway) in Oklahoma City- just east of the Oklahoma-Canadian County line.

We talked with J.T. Winters, the current President of the OWGA, and he is excited about the lineup of speakers that will cover a full range of topics from promotion to policy to production that impacts wheat growers here in the state. Those gathering will hear from Dr. Jeff Edwards, OSU's State Wheat Specialist, Mark Hodges, Oklahoma Wheat Commission Executive Director, Dr. Larry Sanders, Ag Policy Professor at OSU, NAWG Secretary Treasurer Jerry McReynolds and OWGA Past President Jeff Krehbiel. In addition, policy will be worked on for the coming year, lunch will be provided and lots of good networking and fellowship will round out the day.

The program is expected to start around 10 am on Saturday morning- and you can hear more details by clicking on the link below and checking out our phone conversation with J.T. Winters of the OWGA on this year's meeting.

Click here to listen to Ron and J.T. talk about the 2007 OWGA Annual Meeting.

No Go on the Farm Bill- Peruvian FTA Vote Set for Today.
Both Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky are talking about how beneficial it would be to get the farm bill on the floor, debated and passed- however, the reality is that few observers believe there is much chance to get the farm bill back up to bat this week.

As of late yesterday, Kate Cyrul with the Senate Ag Committee continues to say that work continues on which amendments are in and which are out. The amendment list is very long as officially there are some 260 amendments that have been filed- and these are of all shapes and sizes.

While the 2007 Farm Bill debate is sitting on the bench, the Senate is expected to continue debate on the Peruvian Free Trade Agreement- and a vote is planned on this measure later today- predictions are that it will pass which means a victory for President Bush and his trade negotiators, who still have several more agreements hoping for their chance to see the light of day in the US Congress. Among the deals waiting to be ratified are the FTAs with Columbia and South Korea.

Power Up Those Mama Cows!
As we hit the winter weather season and fronts march through the southern plains and we have cold weather coupled with moisture (hopefully from a crop and pasture viewpoint)- that brings with it stress on our beef cows. But Glenn Selk of OSU says if you up the energy levels of the feed rations provided to those mama cows- they can cope and even thrive in these wintry conditions.

Selk is our guest today on the Beef Buzz- and he tells us about a rancher he has known that figured out that if you up the number of pounds of supplement to your cow herd as winter wet weather approaches- you cow herd stays in better body condition and perform better.

Research at K-State and other locations prove this rancher was exactly on target- as the cow that gets more energy in her ration as wet weather arrives will have a better body condition score- will weigh more, will breed back better and have an earlier calving date. We discuss all of this with Glenn on our Tuesday Beef Buzz- and we have that linked for you below. The Beef Buzz is one of our regular radio features of the Radio Oklahoma Network.

Click here to listen to Ron and Glenn talk Cows on the Beef Buzz.

Two Types of Practices Add Up to Your Yield in a Wheat Crop.
When you are a wheat producer and you are "going for the yield" you can divide you management practices into two categories. State Wheat Specialist Dr. Jeff Edwards says that there are "Yield Building" practices and then there are "Yield Protecting" practices.

The most important of those "yield building" practices is that of fertility management- or simply put- soil testing. Edwards told the Oklahoma Ag Expo this past week that if you don't do this- don't bother with the other management practices that you can follow.

Yield Protecting practices include things like weed control, insect control and disease control. Dr. Edwards says that when it comes to watching for especially insects and diseases, coffee shop monitoring won't cut it- you need to be in your fields on a regular basis. We have an audio conversation linked below with Dr. Edwards- and this will give you an excellent preview of some of the things he will likely be sharing with members of the Oklahoma Wheat Growers as he speaks to that group on Saturday.

Click here to listen to Ron and Jeff talk about grabbing all the yield you can in your wheat crop.

OKC West to offer some 3,000 Preconditioned Calves on Wednesday.
The OKC West Livestock Auction has assembled a large group of preconditioned calves- about 3,000 being consigned at this point- for their regular Wednesday auction on December 5- that's tomorrow!!! The calf run will start to sell about 11 AM.

Bill Barnhart of OKC West in El Reno tells us these are calves that have been weaned for 45 days, have had a regimen of shots, will be sorted and are ready to dump out on your pasture! Some of these animals are coming out of the Oklahoma Quality Beef Network program.

Barnhart pointed out to me that as some of our cattle producers get a little older- the fact that these calves are a lot less likely to give you problems because of being stressed means a lot. And, it's been shown time and time again that preconditioned cattle have a much better track record in performing as they go through the stocker phase of their life into the feedlot. We have the OKC West website linked below- and you can call Bill Barnhart or Jason Cooper for more details- that number is 405-262-8800.

Click here for the OKC West Website.

In and Around the National Western in Denver- A Great Meeting Planned on International Marketing of our Beef.
Global consumer demands are placing new perspectives, requirements and procedures on U.S. beef producers. These challenges are the focus of the International Livestock Congress 2008, which is set for Jan. 15 in Denver. The event will feature eight industry leaders recognized for their knowledge, experience and vision of the global beef industry.

The Global Consumer Demand Panel moderated by Harry Knobbe, Harry Knobbe Feed Yards, West Point, Neb., will consist of: John Brook, regional director Europe, Russia and the Middle East, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF); Joel Haggard, senior vice president, Asia-Pacific, USMEF; John Lundeen, executive director market research, National Cattlemen's Beef Association; and Homero Recio, COO, Agri-West International, Inc.
The Response Panel - Producing for the Global Market, moderated by Randy Blach, executive vice president, CattleFax, will consist of: Don Mackay, CEO, Australia Agricultural Company Unlimited; Miguel de Achaval, general manager, Cactus Argentina, S.A.; Gary Smith, Ph.D., university distinguished professor, Colorado State University; and Dave Plett, president/CEO Western Feedlots, Alberta, Canada.

The ILC-USA 2008 will be held at the Renaissance Denver Hotel, 3801 Quebec Street, phone 303-399- 7500. A special room rate of $87.00 has been secured for conference attendees who specify ILC- USA. The cost of registration is $150.00 through December 14, and $175.00 thereafter. Students may attend for $100.00. Registration includes the conference, grounds admission to the National Western Stock Show, and all January 15 activities, including a beef tasting experience.
We have a link below to the website of the International Livestock Congress- which for years was held in Houston and moved last year to Denver- click and check out more on this excellent program coming up next month.

Click here for the website of the International Stockman's Foundation- the group putting on the International Livestock Congress for 2008.

Our thanks to Midwest Farm Shows, American Farmers and Ranchers Mutual Insurance and National Livestock Credit Corporationfor their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked at the top of the email- check them out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis!

We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com

God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144

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