~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Wednesday November 5,
2008! A
service of Johnston Enterprises, KIS Futures and American Farmers &
-- Oklahoma Becomes a Little More "Red" as the US Sings the
-- History Made with Senator Obama Easily Winning the
-- Prop 2 in California Easily Passes
-- Steve Kopperud on Prop 2 and More About Animal Activists
-- Randy Blach Talking Market Ooutlook and Strategy
-- OCA Planning Fall Cattle Drive This Friday in El Reno
-- Looking at our Agricultural Markets...
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are proud to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America! We are also pleased to have as a regular sponsor on our daily email
Johnston Enterprises- proud to have served agriculture across
Oklahoma and around the world since 1893. For more on Johnston
Enterprises- click
here for their website! If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here. | |
Oklahoma Becomes a Little More "Red" as the US Sings the "Blues" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a
historic night for the State Senate of Oklahoma as the power sharing
agreement of the last two years ends with Republicans gaining control of
the Senate for the first time since statehood. It appears that all
Republican incumbents held their seats, while the Republicans took two of
the three seats from members that had been term limited out- two of those
seats had been held by Democrats so that was a plus one for the GOP- and
finally Dan Newberry unseats Nancy Riley in Tulsa's 37th District to give
the Republicans a two seat majority come 2009.
Former OSU President Jim Halligan won 58% of the vote in the 21st District to defeat Democrat Bob Murphy in the battle for the seat vacated by Mike Morgan. Owen Laughlin was term limited out- and Republicans keep that seat as Bryce Marlatt defeated Bowdy Peach (Terry Peach's son) in the 27th Senate District. The Democrats held the 5th District seat vacated by Jeff Rabon as Jerry Ellis wins with an impressive 72% of the vote in that Senate District. In the Oklahoma State House, Republicans picked up seats, the seat held
by Democrat James Covey in the 57th District was claimed by Republican
Harold Wright who owns KWEY Radio in Weatherford- our RON Radio Affiliate-
congrats to Harold. Click here for the Election Board's Tally Sheet for the November 5 election | |
History Made with Senator Obama Easily Winning the Presidency ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Democrats
nationally win the White House, have a net gain of around 17 House seats
and at least 5 Senate seats as the general public blaming the Republicans
for the economy.
On the Agriculture Committees, we thought around 9 PM last night that Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia was safe in his bid for reelection- but that race tightened up overnight- and while Chambliss has a 100,000 vote lead- he may not have the majority he needs to avoid a runoff with Democrat Jim Martin- a Libertarian Candidate grabbed enough votes to perhaps force that runoff. Chambliss is the top Republican on the Senate Ag Committee- and many Ag groups would be dismayed if they lost his voice and expertise to work with Tom Harkin of Iowa, who was easily re-elected. The only other Senate Ag Committee member with a close race is Norm Coleman in Minnesota as he leads Al Franken by less than 800 votes out of 2.5 million cast for that Senate seat. A recount is automatic under Minnesota law for a race that close. In the House, Four Republicans currently on the House Ag Committee lost their races and another retired. Terry Everett of Alabama has been the number two Republican- now Frank Lucas takes that spot in the upcoming Congress with his easy win last night in Oklahoma's Third District. Three Democrats now seated on the Committee lost their reelection bids- including Nancy Boyda of Kansas who lost to Lynn Jenkins, the Kansas State Treasurer and self proclaimed "Kansas farm girl." | |
Prop 2 in California Easily Passes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wayne Pacelle
of the Humane Society of the US is crowing this Wednesday morning as he
celebrates a win over animal agriculture as the HSUS was the major sugar
daddy in funding the campaign to get Prop 2 passed yesterday. The
proponents of this measure that will ban laying hens in cages, veal calves
in confinement and sows in gestation crates have garnered over 62% of the
Pacelle writes in his blog "Life is going to get better for millions of farm animals" as he greets the passage of Prop 2 on Tuesday. He adds that "Prop 2 will phase out those inexcusable confinement systems and usher in a new era. No state in the U.S. and no Agribusiness titan anywhere in the nation can overlook this mandate: people do not want their farm animals treated with wanton cruelty." We have a link below of Pacelle's comments- and while he does not announce his next target within animal agriculture- this win will make HSUS and their followers even more bold in their assault on animal agriculture as found here in the United States. | |
Steve Kopperud on Prop 2 and More About Animal Activists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve Kopperud
was a speaker who looked at the Animal Activists for the Texas Cattle
Feeders Association yesterday (on Election Day) and he anticipated that
Prop Two would pass and called on cattle producers to join forces with
poultry, pork and sheep segments of animal agriculture to battle
He spoke several times about the fact that lawmakers, the media and the general public simply "don't get it." We asked him what he meant by that in a conversation with him after his presentation- and he told us that people simply do not understand where their food comes from- how technology helps in producing a safe product for Americans and people around the world. He believes that we should take checkoff dollars or other funds and stop trying to sell our product- and start selling producers and how food is produced to consumers so that when they hear "crazy stuff" from the animal activists- they will dismiss it as just that- "crazy stuff." We have more on Kopperud's speech in Grapevine yesterday- and a link to our conversation with Steve on our webstory page as well. Click below to jump to his insights on those who mean animal agriculture nothing but bad. Click here for more with Steve Kopperud on Those Enemies of Animal Agriculture | |
Randy Blach Talking Market Ooutlook and Strategy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Tuesday
morning session at the Texas Cattle Feeders Association Convention was led
off with Randy Blach, CEO of the Cattlefax organization. Blach says that
after all of the market volatility in the last few months- we seem to be
ready to start trading on the fundamentals once again- both in the cattle
markets as well as in our grain markets as well.
Blach says that the break in commodity prices has been breathtaking in 2008. For example, we have dropped 63% from the top to the bottom of the corn market here in 2008, basis the December 2008 corn futures. We spoke with Randy yesterday morning about where we are in the cattle
market- he sees finally some stability and probably some modest increases
in cash cattle prices as we go through November and end the year. And, he
believes that 2009 will be a seasonally normal year for stocker and
yearling prices- keeping in mind that the market will keep on paying for
pounds of gain on grass for the foreseeable future. Click here for more on our time with Randy Blach of Cattlefax | |
OCA Planning Fall Cattle Drive This Friday in El Reno ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's the 10th
Annual Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Fall Cattle Drive coming this
Friday, November 7, beginning at 1 PM, OKC West in El Reno. AJ Smith of
the OCA says that the offering will include over 400 Spring Calving Bred
Heifers, 135 Spring Calving Bred Cows and 25 Fall Calving Pairs.
The day will start at 10 AM with a quarterly board meeting of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, followed by a Rib-eye dinner being sold by the Oklahoma Cattle Women- and the sale following that at 1 PM. We have details of the OCA Fall Cattle Drive on our Calendar page- and the link to that is below. Click here for more on the 10th Annual OCA Fall Cattle Drive at OKC West in El Reno | |
Our thanks to KIS Futures, American Farmers & Ranchers and Johnston Enterprises for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked at the top of the email- check them out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Looking at our Agricultural Markets... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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