~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Thursday March 20,
2008! A
service of Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma, American Farmers &
Ranchers and the Southern Plains Farm Show!
-- "Ozzie" the Steer Wins It All! (More Coverage from the OYE-
Courtesy of the Radio Oklahoma Network and McDonalds!)
-- Making "Good Kids" in Mass Production- The OYE Through the Eyes of
the Market Hog Judge...
-- Conservation Day Celebrated at State Capitol!!!
-- CSP Signup Coming- Upper Washita Watershed Included for the 2008
-- Beef Buzzing with Dr. Derrell Peel- we talk profitability!
-- Join Us Over in Shawnee This Easter Weekend Saturday for the Heart
of Oklahoma Cattle Conference!
-- Purvine Farms Production Sale Set for Next Saturday & Sunday-
March 29-30.
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are proud to have Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma as a regular sponsor of our daily email update. Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma has ten branch offices to serve your farm financing needs and is dedicated to being your first choice for farm credit. Check out their website for more information by clicking here! We are also proud to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual
Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click
here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to
serve rural America! If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here. | |
"Ozzie" the Steer Wins It All! (More Coverage from the OYE- Courtesy of the Radio Oklahoma Network and McDonalds!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Oklahoma
Youth Expo is down to its last day- with the Premium sale of the top
animals from the thousands that have come and mostly are now gone since
the tenth of March set for 4:00 PM this afternoon. There will be 70
Steers, 65 Market Hogs, 45 Market Lambs and 15 Meat Goats to be auctioned
The Grand Champions in the three traditional species were selected last
night- and Fifth Grader Morgan Wynn pulled her Crossbred Steer, "Ozzie",
to victory as the animal received the Grand Champion slap around 8:00 PM.
Morgan is from Pittsburg County- this is her third steer to ever show- and
she hit the jackpot as the third time proves to the charm for her. We have multiple interviews and complete listings of the top winners for each of the breeds in all species from this year's show- this on our website's Oklahoma Youth Expo page linked below. I really encourage you to jump over there- and look over the winners- and listen to several of the interviews of the top young people who showed their animals to victory as well as received scholarships last night. Speaking of Scholarships, a ton of money was handed out in the form of
scholarships last night- and we have the list of the SIXTEEN Agricultural
All Staters who were announced last night- Fourteen of them received
$5,000 scholarships- and two of them, Carly Schnaithman of Garber and
Riley Pagett of Woodward earned $10,000 Scholarships for their
achievements! Click here for the Oklahoma Youth Expo page on WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com | |
Making "Good Kids" in Mass Production- The OYE Through the Eyes of the Market Hog Judge... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While on our
Oklahoma Youth Expo page, you can also listen to the judge that had to
handle the most animals of any of the judges at this years event- Warren
Beeler- the judge of the Market Hog show- Warren is from Kentucky and
works for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. (I knew I liked him the
moment I saw his Kentucky Proud cap that he was wearing).
We talked about the hogs he saw- lots of quality here that he says would win most shows around the country- but we also talked about the kids- and he says that Oklahoma has a program second to none when it comes to showcasing our Youth through the livestock show process. We have linked direct below our conversation with Warren- you can get insights into the hog industry listening to this- but maybe more importantly, you can hear the assessment of our Youth programs here in the state from an outsider looking in who is mighty impressed! Click here to listen to Ron and Warren talk Hogs and Kids from the Oklahoma Youth expo! | |
Conservation Day Celebrated at State Capitol!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just a quick
note on Conservation Day at the Capitol- taking care of our Natural
Resources was the focus and spotlight of the 2008 Conservation Day- with
several awards handed out- we detailed those earlier in the week.
One of those honored on Wednesday was Rick Jeans of Kay County. Rick has called out for being the Outstanding District Director from the more than 400 Directors that serve across the state at this time. We talked with Rick about the honor- and some of his thoughts about conservation- and we have that linked for you below. Click and take a listen! By the way, in the next couple of days, we will share with you the update we received from Clay Pope on all things legislative that pertain to Conservation while we were at the Conservation Day festivities. | |
CSP Signup Coming- Upper Washita Watershed Included for the 2008 Signup! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agriculture
Secretary Ed Schafer has announced a sign-up for the Conservation Security
Program (CSP) that will be available starting on April 18 to approximately
64,000 potentially eligible farms and ranches in 51 watersheds covering
more than 23.7 million acres.
In Oklahoma, the Upper Washita watershed is being opened to the Green Payment program- and will mean that some 1.7 million acres of land could be impacted by the this CSP signup- and a total of 3,429 Oklahoma farmers are in that eligible category. The Oklahoma watershed involved means that the Oklahoma potential acreage is the second largest in the country- second only to the two million acres that in a South Dakota watershed that will be open to signup this spring. CSP is a voluntary conservation program that supports ongoing
stewardship of private, agricultural working lands and rewards those
producers who are meeting the highest standards of conservation and
environmental management on their operations. Payments can include three
components: 1) an annual stewardship component for the base level of
conservation treatment, 2) an annual component for maintenance of existing
conservation practices, and 3) an enhancement component for exceptional
conservation effort. Enhancement activities could include limited
pesticide applications, renewable energy generation, and widening existing
riparian forest buffers for restoring critical stream habitat. Click here for more details on the Conservation Security Program Signup Announcement made yesterday! | |
Beef Buzzing with Dr. Derrell Peel- we talk profitability! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Thursday
Beef Buzz guest on the Radio Oklahoma Network is Dr. Derrell Peel,
Extension Livestock Market Economist for OSU. Peel says the stocker cattle
run coming off wheat pasture is over, as those cattle have been pulled off
wheat pasture all over the state in hopes of harvesting as many bushels of
hard red winter wheat in 2008 as possible.
He tells us that while calf prices remain strong- possibly as strong as we saw in 2007- costs are up and that puts the squeeze on profitability. And that means controlling costs where you can is more important than ever. We also talked about concerns over beef demand with many economic observers throwing the "R" word around more and more- he says in many cases you have consumers trading down to less costly beef cuts or to other proteins, which can spell problems for beef demand as we go forward. You can listen to our Beef Buzz conversation with Dr. Peel by going to our Beef Buzz page on WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com- or you can use the link before and jump right to our Beef Buzz for today with Dr. Peel! Click here to listen to Ron and Derrell Beef Buzzing on the Radio Oklahoma Network! | |
Join Us Over in Shawnee This Easter Weekend Saturday for the Heart of Oklahoma Cattle Conference! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will be
handling the "emcee" chores at the 2008 Heart of Oklahoma Cattle
Conference at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee this Saturday.
We have worked with Joe Benton when he was the Extension agent in
Cleveland County- and now that he has moved on to Pottawatomie County- we
are pleased to be able to work with him in this venue.
Benton has put together an excellent program looking at production practices that can save you money- and that makes you money in today's high cost environment! We have details of the Conference up on our Calendar page at WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com. GO to the link below and scroll down to March 22 for that info- and check out the other events on the calendar page while you are there as well! Click here for the Calendar Page of our Website- WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com | |
Purvine Farms Production Sale Set for Next Saturday & Sunday- March 29-30. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chet and
Stephanie Purvine have a great set of cattle they will be offering next
weekend on March 29 and March 30 at their Farm in Fay, Oklahoma. This is
their fifth annual Production offering- and will be featuring their bull
offering on Saturday and then some excellent females on Sunday afternoon.
The Bull Sale begins 1:30 PM on Saturday the 29th- Selling over 70 head
of service age bulls featuring the best in Angus, SimAngus,
Maine/Mainetainer and Chiangus Composite Genetics. For more information, give Chet a call on his Cellphone at 580-623-3693. We also have their Sale Flyer on our website's Calendar page linked- and we have that link for you below- or you can jump straight to their website at WWW.purvinefar ms.com. Click here for a look at the Sale Flyer for the Purvine Farms Production Sale Coming March 29-30! | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farm Shows, American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance and Farm Credit of East Central Oklahomafor their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked at the top of the email- check them out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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