~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Friday May 16, 2008!
service of The Oklahoma Bioenergy Center, Midwest Farm Shows and KIS
-- The Senate Vote- Mr. Inhofe AYE; Mr. Coburn NO.
-- Cattlemen, Conservation and Farm Groups Express Their Relief that
It's Just About Over.
-- AFR Pleased to have Farm Bill About Done!
-- The REAL DEAL is coming Next Weekend at the State Fairgrounds in
Oklahoma City!
-- Wanna Be A Large Animal Vet??? Have we got a deal for you!
-- Africanized honey bees in Payne County???? NO, Not Yet!
-- Today- Cattle on Feed After the Markets Close For the Week.
-- Checking the Markets...
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are proud to have KIS Futures as a regular sponsor of our daily E-Mail. KIS Futures provides Oklahoma Farmers & Ranchers with futures & options hedging services in the livestock and grain markets- Click here for their "new look" website or call them at 1-800-256-2555. Our email this morning is also a service of Midwest Farm Shows,
producer of the Tulsa Farm Show that is held each December, as well as the
just concluded Southern Plains Farm Show in Oklahoma City. Check out
details of both of these exciting shows at the official website of Midwest
Farm Shows by clicking here. If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here. | |
The Senate Vote- Mr. Inhofe AYE; Mr. Coburn NO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was another
veto busting vote on the floor of the US Senate on Thursday morning as the
Farm Bill Conference Report cruised to an 81 to 15 passing grade from a
bi-partisan group of Senators. The votes of the two Oklahoma Senators
cancelled themselves out, as Senior Senator Jim Inhofe voted to pass the
Conference Report, while Senator Tom Coburn was one of 15 that voted "no."
A bioenergy crop amendment championed by Senator Inhofe is a part of the Conference Report. The provision, which Senator Inhofe worked with Congressman Frank Lucas (R-Okla.) to develop and enact, provides transitional assistance to farmers who produce bioenergy crops, like switchgrass and sorghum. "While Oklahoma has long been a leader in oil and natural gas production, our state is quickly emerging as a leader in the field of cellulosic biofuels," Inhofe said. "Today, world-class scientists at Oklahoma State University and the Noble Foundation are working with farmers across Oklahoma to develop cellulosic bioenergy crops, like switchgrass, that don't compete with feed for livestock." Senator Inhofe has pushed to address corn-starch ethanol mandates which contribute to driving up food and fuel prices, something this provision addresses. Language similar to Senator Inhofe's amendment to the Senate passed Farm Bill giving priority consideration to grant proposals to find innovative ways to make use of animal waste, specifically that of poultry waste, was also included in the bill. In explaining his "no" vote, Dr. Tom Coburn said in a statement
released by his staff "Congress has put their elections and parochial
interests ahead of traditional farmers and middle class families."
| |
Cattlemen, Conservation and Farm Groups Express Their Relief that It's Just About Over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was mostly
a day of praising Congress for finally getting the job done- even as most
groups asked President Bush to call off the dogs and end the veto threat,
given the huge margins of victory that this Conference Committee report
gathered in both the House and the Senate. John Redding, the President of
the National Association of Conservation Districts, says "we are pleased
that Congress voted in strong support of the Farm Bill and passed the
legislation by a large margin. The bill increases spending for working
lands conservation programs and provides needed certainty for the next
five years. It also maintains a strong commitment to the locally-led
conservation delivery system." Meanwhile, the Cattlemen are also wanting
to see this farm bill become law- the National Cattlemen's Beef
Association issued a statement that said in part ""While the new Farm Bill
doesn't accomplish all of the free-market reforms that were hoped for, it
does contain some areas of improvement over the 2002 Farm Bill," said
Colin Woodall, NCBA's executive director of legislative affairs. The Farm
Bill Conference Report addresses a range of issues important to cattle
producers. It clarifies and simplifies livestock record-keeping
requirements for mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL), which is set
to take effect this fall. It also moves the grandfather date for domestic
livestock in the COOL law from January 1, 2008 to July 15, 2008."
National Cotton Council Chairman Larry McClendon says that "given the
prevailing budget and political considerations, this is the best option
available for production agriculture." He urged President Bush to
reconsider his plans for a veto. Both the American Farm Bureau and the National Farmers Union also issued strong statements of support for this soon to be 2008 Farm Law. We have links to their statements on our Farm Bill webpage- the link that is just above this story- so go there and check them out! | |
AFR Pleased to have Farm Bill About Done! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have Ray
Wulf scheduled to join us for our In the Field TV segment on Satuday
morning on KWTV News9 between 6 AM and 8 AM. Ray is the President and CEO
of the American Farmers & Ranchers, the group that has its roots in
the Oklahoma Farmers Union and is beginning to look at ways to serve
farmers and ranchers in states beyond ours- as they have acquired
insurance comapnies that serve some two dozen states across the central
and western portions of the United States.
Ray tells us that he is glad to finally have some certainty for farmers and ranchers across the country with the great votes we saw in both the House and Senate- and he adds that while we need to be vigilent in making sure that no minds are changed if the President does veto the bill- he feels good about where we stand when it comes to the likely conclusion that this bill will become law very soon. Besides our TV conversation, we also had an audio conversation that we explored a little more in depth what Wulf and his organization like about this bill- and we have that interview linked below- take a listen! Click here to listen to Ron and Ray Wulf on the endgame of the 2008 Farm Bill. | |
The REAL DEAL is coming Next Weekend at the State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the 24th
year, the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association is planning their annual Range
Roundup- a working cowboy rodeo that features some of the most historic
ranches in this state (or any state) as real cowboys from these operations
battle in a half dozen events. This year's event is set for next weekend,
May 23 and 24 at the State Fairgrounds Arena in Oklahoma City- 7:30 PM
both nights.
The ranches that will compete in 2008 include the defending champion
Drummond Land & Cattle Company of Pawhuska; We talked with Scott Dewald of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association about the event- and we have that conversation linked below- remember that you can order tickets on the phone by calling 405-948- 6807. Click to listen to Ron and Scott talk about the 24th Annual OCA Range Roundup- "The REAL DEAL" | |
Wanna Be A Large Animal Vet??? Have we got a deal for you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Oklahoma
State Senate approved a measure Thursday creating the Large Animal
Veterinarian Incentive Act which provides incentives to veterinary school
graduates to locate their practices in rural communities. Senate Bill 70,
authored by Sen. Roger Ballenger, D- Okmulgee and Rep. Jerry Shoemake,
D-Morris, now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.
The measure calls for a veterinary training program for rural Oklahoma to be administered by the Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences. The program will be developed and implemented in order to provide opportunities and incentives for students pursing a veterinary medicine degree at OSU to locate their veterinary practice in rural Oklahoma communities, and receive specialized training targeted to meet the needs of livestock producers in rural communities. "In recent years, more and more veterinarians have chosen to practice
near large cities and town," Ballenger said. "As a result, rural
communities face a harsh reality: a shortage of large and small animal
veterinarians. We have to do something to help slow or reverse this
trend." The qualifying participants will receive financial help not to exceed $20,000 per year for not more than four years for tuition, books, supplies, and other school expenses, and travel and training expenses incurred by the student in pursing a veterinary medicine degree. Participants must also engage in a full-time veterinary practice in any Oklahoma community which has a population not exceeding 25,000 for a period of at least 12 continuous months for each separate year a student receives assistance under the program, unless the obligation is otherwise satisfied. | |
Africanized honey bees in Payne County???? NO, Not Yet! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ State
entomologists have been "busy as bees" recently, after Africanized honey
bees were thought to have been discovered in Payne County. After further
testing, it appears as though Africanized honey bees may not have come as
far north as Payne County, at least, not yet. "The bees collected in
Stillwater tested positive for Africanized honey bee DNA," said Rick
Grantham, director of Oklahoma State University's Plant Disease and Insect
Diagnostic Laboratory. "Our preliminary tests came up positive."
USDA scientists perform a battery of measurements to further confirm whether or not samples are Africanized honey bees. After an extensive battery of measurements, the samples were determined to be European honey bees. The European variety is common throughout the United States, and is less aggressive than their Africanized cousins. "The USDA results lend more evidence that hybridization is occurring between these two groups," Grantham said. "Our DNA test only indicates that at some point the honey bee collected has an Africanized queen in its lineage." Phil Mulder, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service entomologist, said people who are outdoors need to be aware of their surroundings and use caution in approaching any potentially dangerous situation involving honey bees. Disturbing colonies of established bees of either variety poses the potential for a stinging attack; however, foraging honey bees are rarely a threat. "If several honey bees are actively visiting blooms for nectar or pollen, they are usually quite harmless unless somebody attempts to threaten them," Mulder said. "Even then, they will often simply retreat or fly away." For more on The developing Honey Bee population in our state- check this OSU website. | |
Today- Cattle on Feed After the Markets Close For the Week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check back on
our front page of our website- WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com and we will have
a link to analysis offered by Tom Leffler of Leffler Commodities on the
Cattle on Feed numbers that will be released at 2 PM this afternoon. We
should have Tom's thoughts on the report sometime after about 3 PM.
Fewer placements and more marketings are expected in the report, as the average pre-report guess is for the report's on feed number to stand at 98.6% of a year ago; 94.4% placements of cattle in April compared to one year ago and the number of marketings expected to hit 108.1% of a year ago. ALSO THIS MORNING- We hope to see some of you at the OSU Wheat Field Day at the Lahoma Field Station- Tours start rolling at 9 AM! | |
Our thanks to KIS Futures, the Oklahoma Bioenergy Center and Midwest Farms Shows for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked at the top of the email- check them out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Checking the Markets... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Kansas
City Wheat Futures turned 180 degrees late in the trading session on
Thursday, after being lower in the morning- traders decided that $7.98
basis the July New Crop Contract was low enough- and it bounced back to a
setttlement of $8.21 1/2- up 10 and a half cents per bushel. Corn and
Cotton also finished the day trading session higher- after being under
pressure earlier.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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