Agricultural News
Ken Ackerman on The Rise of Crop Insurance- and Reasons Why Farmers Don't Want to See It Fall
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 16:30:03 CDT
It doesn't matter if you talk to farmers or their lenders, if you ask them if they had to pick one program from the government that you absolutely need to keep, what would it be? Most everyone would say Crop Insurance.
We could go back to disaster programs where farmers didn't have to pay in but Congress didn't always pay out or to just the luck of the season on whether the farmer had good weather or bad to cover his costs.
Fellow Farm Broadcast Colleague Ken Root talked this past week with a man who was at the top spot in USDA when the modern crop insurance program formed and how it has evolved.- dating back to the early 1990s.
Ken Ackerman served from 1993 to 2001 as Manager of Federal Crop Insurance Administration and administrator of the Risk Management Agency of the US Department of Agriculture. Ackerman currently is a counsel for OFW Law, specializing in agriculture.
Ken Root and Ken Ackerman look back to 1993 and the impact that a historic flood of that day helped bring crop insurance into focus as a tool that could help farmers manage risk. Click on the LISTEN BAR below to hear their conversation about those early days- and how crop insurance has come to the forefront of helping farmers survive weather and economic risk- and what may happen as the next farm bill develops.
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