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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

In The Field- Ron Hays Talks Range Roundup with Dallas Henderson of the OCA

Sun, 21 Aug 2016 21:18:13 CDT

In The Field- Ron Hays Talks Range Roundup with Dallas Henderson of the OCA In Case You Missed It- Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays has as his guest on Saturday morning Dallas Henderson with the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association. Ron and Dallas previewed the 32nd Annual Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Range Roundup. The 2016 renewal of the event happens this coming Friday and Saturday, August 26 and 27 at the Lazy E Arena outside of Guthrie.

They talk about the historic ranches that will compete for bragging rights and the desire to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network. You can watch their on camera conversation by clicking on the PLAY button in the video box below- and below the video- you can read more about the 2016 Range Roundup from an earlier news story posted on OklahomaFarmReport.Com.

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The Range Round-Up takes place at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Okla. Performances will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 26 and Saturday, Aug. 27. Tickets can be bought at the door or reserved early online at www.lazye.com. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. to allow time for attendees to visit the trade show.

"OCA Range Round-Up set out on a mission back in 1985 to provide family entertainment, promote beef and raise money for charity," said Tim Drummond, OCA Range Round-Up Chairman. "The selected charity has varied over the years, but 2015 marked the 19th year in a row that the selected charity has been the Children's Hospital Foundation. In that time, the OCA has donated more than $420,000.00 and formed a strong connection to the charity and its work."

The event will still consist of twelve ranch teams consisting of 'real ranch' cowboys that compete in 5 different events that mirror many of the activities they do on the ranch.

"The competition is fierce, but the cowboys don't take home much more than bumps and bragging rights when it's all said and done," said Drummond with a grin. "Knowing that we are raising money to for children's medical research is an incentive and makes competing worth the while."

This year's completing ranches include: Alfalfa County Land & Cattle, Cherokee, Okla.; Spur Ranch, Vinita, Okla.; Buford Ranches, LLC, Hominy, Okla.; Stuart Ranch, Waurika, Okla.; Drummond Land & Cattle Co., Pawhuska, Okla; Hall Ranch, Comanche, Okla, Daube Cattle Co., Ardmore, Okla.; McCoy Ranch, Ada, Okla.; Beebe Livestock, Ada, Okla.; Kelly Ranch, Marlow, Okla.; Lazy Rafter Slash Ranch, Lenapah, Okla.; Treadwell Land & Cattle Co., Frederick, Okla.; McPhail Land & Cattle, Snyder, Okla.; Whitemire Ranch, Delaware, Okla.; and Stierwalt Ranch & Cattle Co., Shidler, Okla.

"We like to call the event, 'Cowboys Helping Kids'," said Drummond. "We are proud of this event and we appreciate the ranches, sponsors, fans, and volunteers who help us with this important mission."

Held in conjunction with the OCA Range Round-Up, a Working Ranch Horse competition will be held on Saturday morning at 8 a.m., Aug. 27 the Lazy E Arena. Anyone who would like to watch the working ranch horse competition is welcome to attend.

In addition, the 3rd annual LONGRANGE kid's roping contest will be held Saturday, August 27th at the Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, Okla. Check-in is at 11 a.m. and the contest starts at noon. Lunch will be provided. No entry fee required. Kids can partake in a roping competition where they will rope a stationary "steer" until one final winner is announced! Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each of the three age divisions.

That afternoon a special event will be held where the participating cowboys get to meet some of the children from the Children's Hospital Foundation. The cowboys will spend time with the children and show then a few things about ranch life, caring for animals and offer horse rides.

Oklahoma Ford Dealers have been the presenting sponsor of Range Round-Up since the inception of the event back in 1985. Thirty years later, the OCA credits much of the event's success to the Oklahoma Ford Dealers. "The event grows and gains interest each year and that is largely because of television and radio advertisement provided from the Oklahoma Ford Dealers," Drummond said.

Source - Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association



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