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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

The Woman Behind AgInspirations.com Wants You to 'Speak Up' For Agriculture

Mon, 08 Aug 2016 16:36:51 CDT

The Woman Behind AgInspirations.com Wants You to 'Speak Up' For Agriculture Since launching her website AgInspirations.com, it has been the mission of Kim Bremmer to inspire farmers to tell their stories and help connect people to where their food comes from and better represent the success found in agriculture today. About five years ago, Bremmer started volunteering with a group called Common Ground. She described the group as a grassroots movement of all women in agriculture in 17 states with 160 volunteers that works at different consumer events to promote and answer questions about how people's food is raised. She launched her website as a way to speak up and do her part in the telling of agriculture's story after receiving very positive responses from her work.

"The message of agriculture gets told everyday by everyone except those actually growing our food," Bremmer said. "I felt like I needed to do my part, that I needed to speak up on behalf of agriculture."

Bremmer's strategy in spreading the message of agriculture has kept very close in line to her training with Common Ground, working on the grassroots level to engage individually with concerned consumers to gain understanding and address that person's real questions. She says there are always opportunities to start a discussion like this and believes it is the responsibility of not just farmers, but everyone involved in agriculture to strike up conversations and advocate for the industry.

"There's always work to be done," Bremmer said. "Everyone needs to speak up. We need to be there to answer questions."

On average, she explained, people are at least four generations or more removed from the farm. She asserted that it is not the consumers' fault that they do not understand what the industry does or why it does it. She went on to say that consumers are getting their information from biased agendas in the media, misinformation being spread by interest groups and food companies trying to compete with each other. She says this all comes at an expense to consumers' pockets and to the reputations of farmers. She reiterated that the best way to combat this and manage the reputation of agriculture is by engaging in word of mouth and sharing stories.

"Our advantage is that; we own the message that matters," Bremmer said. "We know the story. We understand agriculture. We're the farmers, the ranchers. We have the best story to share, we just need to do it."

You can learn more about Kim and her mission to 'speak up' for agriculture by visiting her website at www.aginspirations.com

Listen to more about how Kim Bremmer is advocating on behalf of production agriculture by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.



Listen to Kim Bremmer tell her story about advocating for agriculture
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