Agricultural News
Plains Grains Calls the 2016 Hard Red Winter Wheat Crop Harvest Done
Fri, 02 Sep 2016 03:55:12 CDT
In what is one of the final reports of the wheat harvest season for Plains Grains, the group says that the 2016 Hard Red Winter Wheat Harvest is now complete- from south to north. They wait on the final samples of wheat from northern belt fields to be tested for a complete report of this major class of US Wheat. Test Weights held above sixty pounds per bushel from start to finish- and protein stayed about one percent under the 2015 crop from start to finish. Click on the PDF file link below for the one page report compiled by Plains Grains' Executive Director Mark Hodges.
The summary paragraph of the report follows:
The 2016 HRW wheat harvest is now complete. Overall, wheat producers have reported very good yields and very good kernel characteristics in all areas. Early in the harvest season the southern states were plagued with rain delays and concerns about what continued wet conditions would do to quality. However, most issues were local in nature and contained, test weight was the most common complaint with only slight reductions being reported. The moisture causing concern for the southern states turned out to help the crop from the middle of Oklahoma northward into Nebraska. While the moisture was too late to help Texas and the southern half of Oklahoma due to plant development stage, northern Oklahoma, all of Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska experienced near perfect kernel development conditions as reflected in the kernel data that can be seen in the PDF file below.
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