Agricultural News
OKFB Delegation Asks Congressional Leaders to Get Trade Deals Moving - Rodd Moesel Reports
Thu, 04 Apr 2019 12:07:33 CDT
A delegation of more than 60 Oklahoma Farm Bureau members are in Washington, DC this week to speak with our state's Congressional leaders and other policymakers about the pressing issues impacting Oklahoma's agriculture industry and rural communities. Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays was joined Thursday, from our nation's capital, by the president of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Rodd Moesel, for a brief update on the work that has been done on behalf of Oklahoma's farmers and ranchers by the delegation he has been leading this week. You can listen to their complete conversation by clicking or tapping the LISTEN BAR below at the bottom of the page.
According to Moesel, the delegation so far has had the opportunity to visit with all but one of Oklahoma's Congressional leaders during their visit. Moesel says each visit has yielded some quality face to face time with our Representatives and Senators and remarked on how impressed he was by their attention and concern for our farm and ranch community. In addition, the delegation has also had the chance to visit with foreign leaders at the Canadian Embassy and have interacted with the delegations of other state Farm Bureaus at multiple briefing sessions hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Among the many topics discussed, one obvious issue rose to the top, that of course being the matter of trade and the ongoing negotiations between the US and several other nations.
"By far the biggest issue has been trade and the impact trade is having on Oklahoma and our nation's farmers," Moesel reported. "We've certainly been trying to encourage and stimulate trade negotiations and deals progressing so these can get wrapped up and we can expand our agricultural markets around the world again."
Moesel reiterated the importance of these meetings with legislators and getting out in front of the issues, sharing the viewpoint of rural stakeholders and fostering a relationship among our leaders and community.
"We're blessed to have a number of Congressmen and Senators that understand the importance of agriculture," he explained. "But, there's so many people calling on them and so many issues raised to their attention - that it makes it very important for us who care about agriculture and rural Oklahoma to continue to get our message in front of them and what issues we need addressed and to offer our viewpoint on certain issues."
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