Agricultural News
Three Years Since Its Launch, BASF's Chip Shilling Shares the Successes of the Monarch Challenge
Fri, 12 Apr 2019 10:47:01 CDT
Chip Shilling is the Sustainablity Strategy Manager of BASF. They have taken the lead on a program called the Monarch Challenge https://agriculture.basf.com/us/en/Crop-Protection/Living-Acre.html, giving away free milkweed to farmers to reestablish outside of field boundaries or educating farmers on preserving milkweed in place on their farms now. He spoke with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Associate Farm Director Carson Horn about this program and its benefits. Click or tap the LISTEN BAR below to hear their complete conversation.
"Sustainability is huge and a lot of times the conversations are reducing chemical usage, and we certainly agree with that, but it's also beyond that. So you think about efforts around biodiversity like our Monarch Challenge, it also deals with stewardship" said Chip. "At the end of the day farmers really want to hand down their farm to the next generation."
Shilling hopes that their program is helping shift the mindset toward the plant and educating farmers on its importance to the monarch lifecycle. Milkweed is critical as it is the only plant on which monarchs will lay their eggs, and it provides food for their larvae.
Hear Shilling and Horn discuss the Monarch Challenge more in depth by clicking the LISTEN BAR below.
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