Agricultural News
Hunter McConnell of Owasso FFA Wins State Exemp Speech Contest While Caleb Horne of Morrison Takes Top Honors in FFA Creed
Mon, 29 Apr 2019 04:57:40 CDT
Oklahoma State University once again hosted the State 2019 Career Developments Events of the Oklahoma FFA on Friday and Saturday in Stillwater. Six of the winners from the events in Stillwater will have one more challenge in front of them- the State Prepared Public Speech Finals held during the 2019 Oklahoma State FFA Convention. The Finals will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City.
Two State Speech winners named Friday night have already punched their ticket to represent Oklahoma FFA at the National Convention in October- State FFA Creed Winner is Caleb Horne of Morrison FFA, while the Extemp State Winner for 2019 is Hunter McConnell of the Owasso FFA.
The winners of the six speech divisions that will compete for the State Title in Prepared Public Speaking, with the overall winner earning the right to represent Oklahoma at the National contest held this coming October at the 2019 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.
The Six Finalists in that Prepared Public Speech contest include:
Agricultural Business- Marshall Clune, Edmond FFA
Agricultural Policy- Pace Mittelstaedt, Amber-Pocasset FFA
Agricultural Science- Cade Jenlink, Timberlake FFA
Animal Science- Bree Kisling, Chisholm FFA
Natural Resources- Tanner Taylor, Adair FFA
Plant Sciences- Jentry Squires, Kingfisher FFA
Two team events were also conducted on Friday night in Stillwater- and Kingfisher ran away with both titles. Kingfisher FFA placed first in both the parliamentary procedure state contest, just ahead of the Coalgate FFA while Edmond FFA placed third. Kingfisher also took top honors in the Conduct of Meeting Contest- with Owasso FFA placing second and Oklahoma Union claiming third. Kingfisher FFA has won the right to represent Oklahoma in both of these contests at the National Level later this year in Indianapolis.
The complete rundown of all of the contests held in Stillwater can be reviewed by clicking or tapping here.
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