Agricultural News
House Advances Measure to Add Meats to 'Oklahoma Certified' List
Tue, 15 Mar 2022 10:42:56 CDT
Rep. Jim Grego, R-Wilburton, today won unanimous House passage of a bill that would expand the list of meats on the "Oklahoma Certified" list.
Currently beef (bovine) is the only meat on the list. Under House Bill 2368, swine, goat, lamb, poultry and fish would be added.
"Getting meat locally from a safe and trusted source while at the same time helping our Oklahoma farmers and ranchers is vitally important," Grego said. "This is especially true in this current climate where gas prices, supply chain breakdowns and inflation are significantly raising the price of many products. The more 'Oklahoma Certified' meats we have, the better we'll be able to feed people here in the Heartland."
Grego described HB2368 as a simple bill that builds on legislation passed a few years ago that created the label of Oklahoma Certified Beef. It also expands on legislation passed over the past several years to help Oklahoma food producers to be able to get their products more quickly to tables across the state. Measures include those that helped increase the number of meat inspectors in Oklahoma and the distribution of $10 million in CARES Act relief funding to help with processing capacity.
The measure passed the House with a vote of 78-0. It now moves to the state Senate where it is authored by Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt.
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