Agricultural News
Great Plains Kubota to Feature 'Ask a Tech' at 2022 Oklahoma City Farm Show
Tue, 05 Apr 2022 06:22:32 CDT
The 2022 Oklahoma City Farm Show will kickoff first thing Thursday morning at the Bennett Event Center on the OKC Fairgrounds- and one of the "don't miss" stops inside the huge building is the Great Plains Kubota exhibit. There's several reasons why- and Oklahoma Farm Report's Ron Hays talked with Reed Boettcher of Great Plains to learn why.
For Farm Show attendees- the Great Plains Kubota booth is where you can sign up for the daily drawing of $1000 in show bucks- which will be drawn for at 1 PM all three days of the show. You can register from the time the show opens at 9 AM until the 1 PM drawing. The winner of the show bucks will be able to use their prize with any exhibitor at the 2022 Oklahoma City Farm Show.
Boettcher tells Hays that folks "will see a variety of our Kubota equipment- they are going to see the big M8 Kubota tractor and the Kubota M7- both really large ag tractors- Kunota has been focusing on the large ag market lately." He says they also have several package deals that are always popular- and "I'm excited about the "Ask a Tech" section of our booth where we will have some of our field service technicians with their field trucks there and answering folks questions about any type of maintenance and service for equipment- not just ours, Kubota, but for anybody who has any questions that come to our booth."
The Great Plains Kubota booth is 6083 in the Bennett Event Center- click here for the Oklahoma City Farm Show interactive map to check out all the exhibits for the 2022 Show.
To learn more about Great Plains Kubota and all of their locations- click here.
Listen to Ron and Reed talk about Great Plains Kubota's plans for the 2022 Oklahoma City Farm Show by clicking on the LISTEN Bar below.
The Oklahoma City Farm Show runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7-9, 2022. Show hours are 9 AM to 5 AM on Thursday and Friday- and 9 AM to 4 PM on Saturday. Admission and parking are free.
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