Agricultural News
New Blog Post up at The Southern Plains Perspective: Blow, Wind, Blow...and Then Get Hot
Wed, 27 Apr 2022 10:57:25 CDT
There is an old joke in these parts that goes "if the wind ever stops blowin' everything around here is gonna fall down." Well, I don't know if that's true (the wind always blows in Oklahoma-it is where it 'comes sweepin' down the plains after all) but these last few weeks the winds have been crazy.
Texas is also experiencing extreme wind with the average wind speed so far this month at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport clocking in at 15.4 mph. The thirty-year average wind speed for this time of year at DFW is around 12.2 mph-and this is in the Dallas Metroplex-not the middle of West Texas.
It's true that we have always had wind in Oklahoma and Texas. But this is starting to become "extreme extreme" wind since these above average wind speeds are happening at a time of the year when our AVERAGE wind speeds are supposed to be high already. What's scary is that one of the years with above average wind speeds like this was 2011 a year that went on to kick off the four-year record drought period that finally ended in May 2015.
Ahh, the spring of 2011, I remember it well-..record droughts in the western portions of the Southern Plains combined with lots of storms to the east. As the summer went on, we had record heat in Oklahoma and Texas that finally topped out in July with Oklahoma having the hottest month EVER on record for any state up to that time (at least according to the National Weather Service post here).
To read the full blog post, click here.
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