Agricultural News
New NCGA Podcast Episode, UAN Fertilizer Tariffs Rejected by the International Trade Commission: A Big Win for Growers
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 09:53:22 CDT
There is a new podcast episode out on the National Corn Growers Association's Wherever Jon May Roam Podcast with Jon Doggett, the CEO of the National Corn Growers Association. In this episode, two key players who argued their case on behalf of NCGA discuss the win and what it means for farmers.
Over the last several years, tariffs and trade have been a major pain point for growers.
But this summer, the NCGA has helped bring home a huge win for America’s farmers in a recent International Trade Commission case involving proposed tariffs on imported Urea Ammonium Nitrate fertilizers.
So in this episode, we'll talk to Andy Jobman, a Nebraskan corn farmer, and Jared R. Wessel, an attorney with Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C. These two played major roles in arguing NCGA's case at the ITC hearings.
Andy and Jared will discuss how they argued their case, why this win was so important, and what the industry needs to do next to continue to fight unnecessary trade restrictions.
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