Agricultural News
Preserving Beef Export Market is Critical to Maintaining High-End Cattle
Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:58:37 CDT
KC Sheperd, Farm Director, is visiting with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing, as he talks about the cattle markets this week and what he expects to see in the upcoming weeks.
After recent rains, Rodenberger said producer sentiment has risen significantly. At the stockyards this week, Rodenberger said runs were normal when compared to a year ago, but the calf market had a lot more interest in weaned calves.
“There are wheat prospects out there right now,” Rodenberger said.
Rodenberger said he is optimistic about the market, and there has been a lot of demand, especially for weaned calves.
Cow runs are still strong, Rodenberger said, and have yet so slow. Many producers with no water, he added, don’t have the option to keep their cattle.
Rodenberger said he has heard from a few producers that ponds are filling up slightly, but it is going to take more to make a significant difference. Rodenberger added that he expects runs next week to reflect the current week, so there are not too many changes.
“We had a little over 8,000 there Monday,” Rodenberger said. “I think we will pretty much see the same deal. It will be just 70 percent calves, 30 percent feeder cattle, and I think the market will just be steady of what we have seen Monday.”
Rodenberger said it is critical to preserve the export market to maintain high-end cattle. The premium end is what is selling, he added.
Click the LISTEN BAR below to listen to KC’s full conversation with Bob Rodenberger as he gives his weekly update of the cattle markets.
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