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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agri Innovations

Stay Ahead of Nematodes and Participate in BASF's SCN Action Month

Fri, 15 Oct 2021 21:56:44 EDT

Stay Ahead of Nematodes and Participate in BASF’s SCN Action Month With a rapidly growing human population, farmers' abilities to develop and maintain sustainable agriculture are crucial. Companies like BASF Agricultural Solutions work with farmers to help make agriculture production sustainable.

Recently, BASF partnered with the Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition to create SCN Action Month. KC Sheperd, associate farm director for Radio Ag Oklahoma Network, caught up with Jerimiah Mullock, a seed treatment product manager at BASF, to get the scoop.

"Soybean Cyst Nematode - is the number one pest for soybeans," Mullock said. "We are encouraging growers to take a proactive approach in managing this pest and 'grow in the know.'"

Mullock said a key to keeping soybean crops free of SCN is to take soil samples. SCN can be detrimental to soybean crops because they go unnoticed until after the crop has been harvested, he added.

SCN is present in nearly all soybean-growing regions and continues to spread. Damage is caused when nematodes enter plant roots and establish feeding sites that steal nutrients and water from the plant, ultimately reducing yield potential. Because the damage occurs below ground, nematodes can cause up to a 30% loss in soybean yield without any visible signs of plant damage, according to BASF.

To get farmers in gear, BASF is giving away a free-soil test kit to the first 500 growers who request one by Oct. 31. To request your kit, click or tap here.

Hit the LISTEN BAR below to hear KC Sheperd and Jeremiah Mullock as they discuss how to take a soil sample, how to manage nematodes and more.



KC Sheperd talks with Jeremiah Mullock of BASF
right-click to download mp3


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