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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agri Innovations

Alltech, The Makers of CRYSTALYX, Launches New Self-Fed Protein Supplement for Beef Cattle

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 15:37:00 CDT

Alltech, The Makers of CRYSTALYX, Launches New Self-Fed Protein Supplement for Beef Cattle With cow-calf producers across the U.S. prepare for fall and winter feeding conditions, adding supplemental protein should be considered to help improve forage utilization. CrystalBloxTM, a self-fed block supplement for cattle, is the first supplement of its kind to be brought to the market in nearly 40 years.

Developed by Ridley Block Operations, part of the Alltech feed division and the makers of CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements, CrystalBlox is a new hybrid form that combines the economical nutrient delivery and fortification of compressed blocks with the consistent and predictable intake of low moisture block technology. CrystalBlox will fit into a wide variety of feeding situations in which protein delivery is critical.

"As a beef producer, you want your cattle to maintain good body condition through the fall and winter, when forages are at their lowest quality," said Mark Robbins, director of research and nutrition services at Ridley Block Operations. "CrystalBlox provides supplemental protein so cattle can utilize those low-quality forages and maintain a good body score condition until calving."

CrystalBlox is designed and formulated to provide supplemental protein to help improve forage utilization by promoting increased forage intake and improved fiber digestibility. In situations where forage crude protein levels are low due to drought or with advanced maturity such as fall and winter forages, CrystalBlox can provide supplemental protein that will help cattle extract more energy and nutrients from forage supplies.

Robbins, along with Alltech Feed Division nutritionist Tyler Melroe, recently appeared on Rural America Live to speak about CrystalBlox. Watch the video here.

For more information and to find a dealer location, visit CrystalBlox.com.

Source - Alltech



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