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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agri Innovations

Vive Introduces Nanochemistry Into the tank Mix to add Value and Convenience to Growers

Tue, 26 Nov 2019 13:10:01 CST

Vive Introduces Nanochemistry Into the tank Mix to add Value and Convenience to Growers Efficiency is always important when it comes to farming. Radio Oklahoma Ag Network's KC Sheperd sat down with Dan Bihlmeyer, VP of Sales and Marketing at Vive Crop Protection, to talk about what Vive is doing to help farmers be more efficient.

Bihlmeyer explains Vive to us, "What we're all about is a unique delivery system in a jug we call Allosperse. Allosperse is built on nanochemistry, so doing really small things with chemical particles. We take trusted, crop protective active ingredients, and we make them now have different properties. So the same insecticidal properties that they add, or fungicidal properties, but we give additional components to that active to make it do neat things."

So what does this mean for producers? Time savings. Bihlmeyer says, "One of the key things we talk about is fertilizer compatibility. A grower can apply his fungicide, his insecticide, and our Vive products with liquid fertilizer in a spray tank, and not have to make multiple trips across the field." Bihlmeyer goes onto say the focus at Vive is to add value and convenience to a grower. To save them trips, to make them more money and essentially increase their yields.

Bihlmeyer is excited for the Alfalfa growers because he believes Vive has a product that can help with production "Our Azteroid-FC product, which is a fungicide will provide a lot of that plant health benefit, and really that continued stamina. Depending on weather conditions for multiple cuttings of alfalfa to continue to get green, get leaf foliage, and continue to grow really well." He says another advantage is the ability for the Azteroid-FC to go through center pivots, "From a chemigation standpoint that a grower can apply our Azteroid-FC 3.3 with liquid fertilizer through a center pivot and not have to worry about any clogged lines, any issues or concerns."

Vive went from having two products in the market, Azteroid-FC and Bifender FC, to now have five. Bihlmeyer explains the new products, "Xyler FC, which is a fungicide primarily for use in potatoes. Then we have Averland FC, which is a soil nematicide that's in a jug, and we have Midac FC, which is insecticide. So now with Vive, you have five products that have that fertilizer compatibility." Bihlmeyer says anything they can do to help farmers save time is essential, "Anything we can do to save a trip across that field is going to be really key. By being able to add liquid fertilizer, all the multiple products together in a spray tank saves a grower a trip across that field."

Listen to Bihlmeyer and Shepherd by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below


KC Sheperd talks with Dan Bihlmeyer of VIVE
right-click to download mp3


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