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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Oklahoma FFA Celebrates National FFA Week as State Officer Team Issues Hunger Challenge to Every Chapter in the State

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 04:58:08

Oklahoma FFA Celebrates National FFA Week as State Officer Team Issues Hunger Challenge to Every Chapter in the State Members of FFA Chapters across the country have been celebrating National FFA Week. FFA Week always runs Saturday to Saturday and encompasses Feb. 22, George Washington's birthday. This year, the week kicked off on February 20 and culminates on February 27.

The weeklong tradition, which began in 1948, was designated by the National FFA Board of Directors in recognition of Washington's legacy as an agriculturalist and farmer. FFA was founded by a group of young farmers back in 1928. Its mission is to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. Founding members of the organization taught generations that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting it involves science, business and more.

In Oklahoma, one of the traditions of National FFA Week is for the State Officers of Oklahoma FFA to travel across the state and make visits to local chapters, as well as "thank you" stops at many of the sponsors who help make statewide programs possible through their contributions to the Oklahoma FFA Foundation. In and around those visits, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays caught up with the President of the Oklahoma FFA, Drake Boyce from Cheyenne, Oklahoma.

Boyce is serving his second year as a state officer, and is a student at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. He and his fellow officers are very busy at this time of year, as they juggle school with preparation for the 2016 State Convention of the Oklahoma FFA that happens this year April 25-27 at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City.

Hays and Boyce talked about the Drake's year as State President, FFA Week and a statewide challenge that the 2015-2016 State Officer Team has made to every chapter in the state of Oklahoma. The Hunger Challenge is a continuation of efforts from the last couple of years, which has seen Oklahoma FFA become the top state FFA in the country in serving their state in generating food donations.

At the 2015 Oklahoma FFA State Convention, it was announced that Oklahoma FFA members donated 351 animals between May 1, 2014, and April 1, 2015, to benefit the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma.

Members of 176 FFA chapters donated the animals as part of the FFA Hunger Challenge presented by the state FFA officer team. The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma was able to make 517,020 protein sticks from the animals donated. Click here for our story from last spring found in the Blue Green Gazette on our website.

Drake Boyce says that the state officers believe that Oklahoma FFA can do more in 2016. Their goal is to have enough animals donated this spring to produce a million protein sticks for the Backpacks for Kids Programs for the Food Banks in Oklahoma- and to help raise funds to provide for the processing for those animals.

He adds that they will recognize those Chapters participating in the Hunger Challenge at the 2016 State Convention at the end of April.

You can hear Drake and Ron talk about these efforts by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below. And, Drake Boyce will be Ron's special guest on the KWTV News9 In the Field segment that will be seen on Saturday morning, February 27th during the morning news block at approximately 6:40 AM.


Ron Hays talks with Oklahoma FFA State President Drake Boyce about the 2016 Hunger Challenge
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