Youth News
Oklahoma FFA Announces District Stars in Four Areas- All To Be Honored at 2016 Oklahoma FFA Convention
Sat, 23 Apr 2016 09:56:11 CDT
Twenty Oklahoma FFA members have made it to the finals in four different categories, all in their quest to be named a State of Oklahoma Star in that category. The twenty high school seniors have already faced the judges and will wait to see if their name is called this coming Wednesday afternoon on stage at the 2016 Oklahoma State FFA Convention. Four Stars will be named in Agriscience, Ag Placement, Agribusiness and Agricultural Production. The last of those, Agricultural Production, is the original Star award, otherwise known as the Star Farmer of Oklahoma. (Pictured here is the 2015 Oklahoma Star in Agribusiness- Megan Trantham of Boise City, who also was a National Profiency Award winner in the fall of 2015)
These awards recognizes high school seniors who have established a profitable agricultural program, demonstrated outstanding management skills and met other educational and leadership requirements. The five State Star Farmer finalists represent the best overall supervised agricultural experience programs of the 836 senior FFA members receiving the prestigious State FFA Degree, the highest degree the Oklahoma FFA Association can bestow upon its members.
Here are final twenty, who will be called to the stage, honored for their accomplishments as a District Star and then wait as the State Secretary will call the name of the Star in the four areas.
By category- here are the District Stars for 2016:
District Star- Ag Production (District Star Farmers)
Emily Boyer, Tuttle FFA, Southwest
Brock Boeckman, Kingfisher FFA, Northwest
Maddison Nation, Sapulpa FFA, Northeast
Jordan Storey, Valliant FFA, Southeast
Kailee Brunker, Perkins-Tryon FFA, Central
District Star- Agribusiness
Wyatt Anderson, Blair FFA, Southwest
Alysson Stewart, Burlington FFA, Northwest
Stetson Richards, Oktaha FFA, Northeast
Sylar Denton, Stringtown FFA, Southeast
Blake Kennedy, Tecumseh FFA, Central
District Star- Agricultural Placement
Hayden Crow, Chattanooga FFA, Southwest
Kayla Nivens, Coyle FFA, Northwest
Brent Mibb, Adair FFA, Northeast
Riley Missett, Valiant FFA, Southeast
Caroline Larson, Edmond, Central
District Star- Agriscience
Katie Sue Scifres, Chickasha FFA, Southwest
Ashley Tucker, Fairview FFA, Northwest
Braden Kellogg, Oologah FFA, Northeast
Ben Heymann, Wright City FFA, Southeast
Lauren Lacy, Edmond FFA, Central
FFA is an integral part of the Agricultural Education division in the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education system. With more than 27,000 members and 359 chapters, the Oklahoma FFA Association is the fourth-largest state FFA association. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. To learn more about the Oklahoma FFA, visit the Oklahoma FFA Web Site.
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