Youth News
2016 Oklahoma Star in Ag Placement- Hayden Crow of Chattanooga FFA
Wed, 27 Apr 2016 21:01:43 CDT
Chattanooga FFA member Hayden Crow found a passion for production agriculture through his involvement with Phil Bohl Farms and Lewis Farms Custom Harvesting, leading him to capture one of Oklahoma FFA's highest honors: the 2016 State Star in Agricultural Placement. Crow's supervised agricultural experience was rated the best in agricultural placement among the 836 FFA members who received the State FFA Degree during the 90th annual State FFA Convention on April 27.
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays produced the video that was shown in the Wednesday General Session following the announcement of the Ag Placement Star. Click on the PLAY button in the video box below to watch and learn more about Hayden Crow.
Crow's supervised agricultural experience began six years ago when he started working for Phil Bohl Farms. He helps with Phil Bohl Farms 10 months of the year and also works with Lewis Farms Custom Harvesting during the summer months.
Throughout his employment with these businesses, Crow said he learned all aspects of sowing and harvesting wheat and cotton. He also expanded his knowledge of the beef industry and learned how to raise calves on wheat effectively, he said. "Being involved in two businesses with such diverse operations has been an incredible opportunity," Crow said. "I now have a passion for rural Oklahoma and production agriculture, and I hope to maintain a career in the industry."
Crow said learning how to harvest crops was a unique experience. Crow said he had the chance to develop his communication skills and network with producers from multiple states and enjoyed traveling and experiencing the agricultural industry in other states.
Crow received the Governor's Trophy and a $1,500 cash award, which sponsored at the state level by the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives. The national sponsors for the award are DuPont Co. and CNH Industrial Capital.
The 19-year-old Chattanooga FFA member is the son of Dena Crow. His agricultural education instructors and FFA advisers are Dexter Matlock. Following graduation, Crow plans to attend Oklahoma State University before returning home to become a crop insurance adjuster. He said he hopes to embrace his love of agriculture and continue to help out on his family's operation.
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