Youth News
Owasso FFA Advisor Jonathon Holloway Recognized as Outstanding Ag-Ed Teacher of the Year
Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:55:57 CDT
The Owasso FFA Chapter has had a very good year, culminating at the 2017 National FFA Convention that took place in Indianapolis this past week. Piper Merritt, former Owasso FFA member was elected to national office, current member Kyle Young was named winner of the National Championship in Extemporaneous Public Speaking and one of the chapter's advisors, Jonathon Holloway, was honored as the National Association of Agricultural Educators' 2017 Region II winner of the National Agriculture Education Teacher Award. Ron Hays, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network farm director caught up with Holloway after his acceptance of the award for his reaction and what being recognized means to him. Listen to their complete conversation, by clicking or tapping the LISTEN BAR below at the bottom of the page.
"I feel very humbled by that honor," Holloway said. "People say time flies when you're having fun and I guess that's what's happened. There are many ag teachers across the state and the nation that will maybe never be recognized, but certainly should be."
Holloway's 12-year career began in Calera, Okla. where he first started student teaching. Later he would be offered his first job there in which he remained for two years, before moving to Owasso. He says the experience and knowledge gained under the tutelage of his senior advisors and teaching partners has propelled him to where he is today in his career.
"I've been very blessed to have two great teaching partner which I would credit all of my success to," he remarked. "Gerald Parks, being one of those, who had taught for 30 plus years when I started with him. And, also Scott Nemecek, who is my current teaching partner there at Owasso. I've been able to learn from what I consider the best."
As once a student who has now become the teacher, Holloway has seen firsthand how the FFA organization has evolved through the years. As it has adapted in response to the changing needs of the ag industry and society, he says, the organization has always remained true to its original mission.
"The organization - we make sure we don't get too far from our roots, making sure we don't lose touch with our foundation in agriculture," Holloway said. "We currently face a huge information gap that exists between consumers and producers. Making a connection there and not losing sight of the fact that without the 1.2 percent of our population that's directly involved with production agriculture - we wouldn't be able to eat. We have to recognize our role in that."
Moving forward, Holloway says the FFA should encourage those with production ag backgrounds to pursue leadership roles, and to always promote the same values, characteristics and qualities in its members that growing up on a farm or ranch instills in young people's work ethic.
We are taking pictures related to our 2017 National FFA Convention- click here to check out the Convention Album on FLICKR.
Our exclusive coverage of the 2017 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis October 24-28 is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their commitment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business - click here. We also appreciate the support of the Oklahoma FFA Association and the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association. Click here for more information about one of the top states in the US in the FFA- the Oklahoma FFA Association. Oklahoma FFA impacts the lives of over 27,000 members in 359 chapters across the state.
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