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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

2016 National FFA Convention Update- Thursday October 20, 2016

Thu, 20 Oct 2016 06:35:51 CDT

2016 National FFA Convention Update- Thursday October 20, 2016 It's perhaps the busiest day of the convention each year- as multiple contests are layered onto the activities of the general sessions and the Expo to supercharge the experience that a FFA member gets when they attend a national convention.

Close to 65,000 are expected to be in Indianapolis by time the convention wraps up on Saturday afternoon- with thousands arriving Tuesday and Wednesday- and still many more pulling into town today ahead of the American Farmer Degree ceremony that happens Saturday morning in the Lucas Oil Stadium where the Indianapolis Colts play football.

First- let's recap Wednesday and the contests that were happening- Oklahoma had several teams and individuals involved in the Career Development Events- including Adrienne Blakey of Stillwater who advanced to the National Finals of the Extemporaneous Speech Contest that will be held later this morning. Anna Crosswhite of Kingfisher advanced out of the first round of the Prepared Public Speech contest- but did not make it to the Final Four.

The Kingfisher FFA Chapter does have a team that has advanced to Thursday competition with their Ag Issues Team advancing to the Semis that happens this morning- if they win there- they will be in the National Finals this afternoon.

The National Creed Speaking Contest begins this morning- Emily Kennedy of Edmond will be representing Oklahoma in that event.

On tap for today- Oklahoma will have 17 National Finalists competing in the Proficiency Award events- Oklahoma has the third most finalists of any state- and we will know how these young men and ladies did tomorrow afternoon.

Finally- the Stars Over America have a really full day- final judging in the four categories happens during the day then the Stars Over America Pageant will be a featured part of the Thursday evening General Session- Oklahoma has two of the sixteen national finalists- Tyler Schnaithman of Garber as a National Finalist for Star Farmer and Garrett Yerigan of Pryor as a National Finalist for Star in Agribusiness. Click on their names for our stories and interview with them ahead of the final selection.

We remind you that all of our coverage of the National FFA Convention is a service of ITC, your Energy Superhighway, the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association and the Oklahoma FFA Association.



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