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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Allison Slagel of Weatherford FFA Named Oklahoma FFA Star in Ag Placement

Tue, 03 May 2011 21:55:48 CDT

Allison Slagel of Weatherford FFA Named Oklahoma FFA Star in Ag Placement After growing up and working on her family's 3,200 acre farm, Weatherford FFA member Alison Slagell knows better than most just how difficult and important agricultural production can be. "I consider myself fortunate not only to be born into a family that has agriculture at its core but also to be given the opportunity to learn and be a part of production agriculture firsthand," Slagell said. "As I grew older, the realization of the importance of production agriculture in feeding, clothing, and providing energy to the world interested me and motivated me so that I could make a difference."

Click on the play button in the Youtube video box below to see our presentation of Allison Slagel and her program that was seen on Tuesday evening at the 2011 Oklahoma FFA Convention- as she was named the 2011 Oklahoma FFA Star in Ag Placement.

Because of her dedication and love for farming, Slagell has secured one of Oklahoma FFA's highest honors: the 2011 State Star in Agricultural Placement. Slagell's Supervised Agricultural Experience program was rated the best in agricultural placement among the 702 FFA members who received the State FFA Degree during the 85th annual State FFA Convention on May 3. In addition to this honor, Slagell received the Governor's Trophy and a $2,000 cash award sponsored by the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives.

Slagell's family farm, Triple S Farms, grows a variety of vegetable, fruit and commodity crops, including cotton, peanuts and soybeans. The 17-year-old high school senior has been involved in the farm from a young age, and she has had a hand in every aspect of the farm, performing tasks as varied as leading tours of 4-H members and working as the farm's office manager. Through her SAE, Slagell said she has learned important life skills and values.

"As I grew older and understood the different practices, I was asked to help wherever I was needed," Slagell said. "I have observed and understand all the phases of production from ground preparation to harvest. Through my SAE and my experiences in FFA, I have had the chances to diversify my skills and hopefully allow myself to be more prepared for my future."

The Weatherford FFA member is the daughter of Dennis and Candace Slagell, and her FFA advisors are Justin Sam and Darren Graumann. After graduation, Allison Slagell plans to attend Oklahoma State University and obtain a degree in agriculture.



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