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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Joshua Conaway of Ringwood FFA Named Oklahoma FFA Star in Agribusiness

Wed, 04 May 2011 6:10:02 CDT

Joshua Conaway of Ringwood FFA Named Oklahoma FFA Star in Agribusiness Ever since his favorite uncle taught him the basics of horticulture, Ringwood FFA member Joshua Conaway has had a deep love for plants and cultivation.

Combine this passion with his strong work ethic, entrepreneurial drive and desire to learn, and it is easy to see how Conaway developed a Supervised Agricultural Experience program successful enough to earn him the 2011 State Star in Agribusiness.

Click on the play button in the video window to see the video presentation produced by Ron Hays of the Radio Oklahoma Network about Josh and his Agribusiness enterprise. This presentation was seen by those in attendance at the Tuesday evening Stars Over Oklahoma pageant during the 2011 State FFA Convention.

The State Star in Agribusiness is one of the highest honors given by Oklahoma FFA. Conaway's SAE was rated the best agribusiness program among the 702 FFA members who received the State FFA Degree during the 85th annual State FFA Convention on May 3. In addition to the honors, Conaway took home the Governor's Trophy and a $2,000 cash award sponsored by Blue & Gold Sausage Co. of Jones, Okla.

Conaway owns his own lawn business, called JCon Landscaping. When he first started, he only had one lawn to mow: his parents'. Now his company has expanded to include landscaping and water pond services, and he raises water plants, groundcover and pond goldfish. He has earned more than $20,000 and saved $9,000 for his college education.

Conaway said he attributes much of his success to FFA, his rural upbringing, his family's support and his constant thirst for knowledge.

"Joshua is a student with a strong faith who believes in others and does all that he can to help anyone he possibly can," said Will Bunt, Conaway's agricultural education instructor and FFA advisor. "The personality and leadership traits Joshua possesses are hard to find in an individual, and he is a student who always reaches above and beyond the call of duty in anything that is asked of him. In the one year I have known him, he has impressed me and added to my confidence that agricultural students will remain the leaders of the future."

The 18-year-old Ringwood FFA member is the son of Scott and Tammie Conaway. He is a senior in high school and is ranked first in his class. After graduation, Joshua Conaway said he plans to attend Oklahoma State University to obtain a degree in agricultural education.

"It is my sincere desire to share my passion for agriculture with upcoming generations of agriculturalists," said Joshua Conaway. "FFA has taught me to make decisions, maintain accurate records, and achieve short- and long-term career goals. The work ethic, responsibilities and dedication that I learned through my Supervised Agricultural Experience program will last me a lifetime."



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