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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Courtney Maye of Haworth to Lead Oklahoma FFA Officer Team in Coming Year

Thu, 05 May 2011 4:10:30 CDT

Courtney Maye of Haworth to Lead Oklahoma FFA Officer Team in Coming Year Courtney Maye, member of the Haworth FFA Chapter, will lead the more than 23,000 members of the Oklahoma FFA Association for 2011-12.

Members elected the 19-year-old during the 85th annual Oklahoma FFA Convention on May 4. She is the daughter of Terry and Michelle Maye. Maye has served over the past twelve months as the southeast District Vice President on the 2010-2011 State Officer team. In the picture here, Courtney, on the left, is in action on stage as he congratulates the State Reporter Contest Winner.

"I dreamed of the day I would have my very own blue and gold jacket," said Maye, who is a freshman agricultural communications major at Oklahoma State University. "As the daughter of an agricultural education teacher, I developed a love for this organization at a very early age, and it still hasn't left me today."

Seven additional FFA members will join Maye on the 2011-2012 Oklahoma FFA officer team: Brandon Baumgarten, Oilton FFA, secretary; Kaleigh Lynch, Owasso FFA, reporter; Hannah Nemecek, Skiatook FFA, northeast district vice president; Joshua Conaway, Ringwood FFA, northwest district vice president; Andrew Aldridge, Comanche FFA, central district vice president; Kristal Williams, Latta FFA, southeast district vice president; and Justin Turner, Cement FFA, southwest district vice president.

FFA is an integral part of the Agricultural Education Division within the Oklahoma Career Tech System. The Oklahoma FFA Association is the sixth largest state association in the nation with more than 23,000 members and is proud to be the home of the current national FFA president, Riley Pagett, from Woodward, Okla. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information about Oklahoma FFA.



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