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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Oklahoma FFA Lands Fourteen National Proficiency Award Finalists for 2011 National Convention

Wed, 31 Aug 2011 20:59:33 CDT

Oklahoma FFA Lands Fourteen National Proficiency Award Finalists for 2011 National Convention The National FFA organization has announced the finalists in the National Proficiency Award areas- a total of 47 different awards will be presented in Indianapolis during the 2011 National FFA Convention.

To qualify for a National FFA Agricultural Proficiency Award, you must first receive a state-level proficiency award. Then the State FFA Association must submit that application to the National FFA Organization for consideration for a national level award.

At the last two national conventions, the Oklahoma FFA had the most National Proficiency awards, as well as finalists, of any state. This year, the two states that have tied with the most finalists that they will take to Indianapolis are California and Wisconsin, each with 20 proficiency award finalists. Texas stands in third place with 15 finalists and Oklahoma is tied with Georgia and Ohio for the fourth highest total with 14 finalists that will represent their Chapters and their state in October. In 2010, Oklahoma won eight national profiency awards from their 22 national finalists. Pictured here is 2010 National winner William Maltbie, Burlington FFA, who is back in 2011 competing in a different program area. Also back, hoping for a back to back national Profiency Award is Taylor Runyan of Atoka FFA.

The Mulhall- Orlando FFA Chapter has three members that are finalists in the National Profiencies, while Atoka and Lexington FFA both claim a pair of finalists going to the 2011 national convention.

Our coverage of the Oklahoma FFA members at the 2011 National FFA Convention will be a service of the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association- and the Oklahoma FFA Association. click here for details about the Alumni Association and the Oklahoma FFA Association.

Here's the full list of the fourteen Oklahoma FFA members who are in the final four in their respective award area. Each of them will travel to Indianapolis and will briefly present some of the highlights of their program, then have questions asked by a team of judges.

Joseph Beck, Mulhall-Orlando FFA, Agricultural Mechanics Repair & Maintenance- Placement

Ashlea Smith, Cushing FFA, Agricultural Sales- Entrepreneurship

Joshua Conaway, Ringwood FFA, Diversified Horticulture, Entrepreneurship/Placement

Brenna Brawner, Edmond FFA, Equine Science- Entrepreneurship

Wacy Harrell, Mulhall-Orlando FFA, Equine Science, Placement

Taylor Runyan, Atoka FFA, Food Science & Technology, Entrepreneurship/Placement (Taylor won the National Profiency Award in Emerging agricultural technology- entrepreneurship/placement)

Ethan Morris, Atoka FFA, Forest Management & Products, Entrepreneurship/Placement

William Maltbie, Burlington FFA, Landscape Management, Entrepreneurship/Placement (The picture above is of Maltbie in 2010, after winning the National Profiency Award in Turf Management.)

Carly Smith, Lexington FFA, Poultry Production, Entrepreneurship/Placement

Tanner Miller, Mulhall-Orlando FFA, Small animal Production and Care, Entrepreneurship/Placement

Kyle Renbarger, Lexington FFA, Swince Production, Placement

Reighly Blakely, Oologah FFA, Vegetable Production, Entrepreneurship/Placement

Jennifer Swart, Drummond FFA, Wildlife Production and Management, Entrepreneurship/Placement

Click here for the full list of Oklahoma Proficiency Award Candidates- and their award rating.



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