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Ron Hays, Director of Farm Programming Radio Oklahoma Network  |  7401 N. Kelley Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111  |  (405) 841-3675  |  Fax: (405) 841-3674


Youth News

Laila Hajii Named as Central Region National Veep of FFA

Sun, 26 Oct 2008 14:47:05 CDT

Laila Hajii Named as Central Region National Veep of FFA For the second time in three years, Oklahoma will have a representative on the National Officer team of the FFA Organization. Laila Hajii of Guthrie FFA will serve as the Central Region Vice President and will travel almost non stop for some 300 days, covering about 100,000 miles in 2009 as a part of the team that will lead the youth organization at the national level over the coming year.

She will return to Lubbock and finish up her current semester at Texas Tech University- then join the other five officers for a year of travel and service in a Blue and Gold jacket.

FFA has provided Hajji with many opportunities, including her supervised agricultural experience, which began small as an agricultural placement and agricultural communications program and grew into a sheep production entrepreneurship program, eventually earning her enough money to reach her ultimate goal –owning beef cattle. Her other FFA accomplishments include serving as the 2006-2007 Oklahoma State FFA Secretary, taking second place in the 2005 National FFA Extemporaneous Speaking FFA career development event (CDE) and placing third in the 2004 National FFA Prepared Public Speaking CDE.

The picture here is of Laila with Ron Hays on Friday at Conseco Field as she waited for the word that came in the final session on Saturday afternoon. The audio interview is Laila talking with fellow farm broadcaster Dave Russell from the Brownfield Network as she reflected on hearing her name called Saturday afternoon.


Dave Russell Visits With Laila Hajii After Being Named Central Region National Veep of FFA
right-click to download mp3


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